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[SOLVED] Calling PHP variables from MYSQL data?


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This could be an easy one.. or just not possible:)


I'm trying to write a commentary engine for a game idea that I'm doing. I'm declaring standard variables at the start of the page, then what I want to do is call a commentary bit of text from MySQL. The commentary itself contains references to PHP variables declared earlier in the page.


However, when I call the text from the DB, the variable is printed in plain text on the page - it doesn't refer to the variable declared earlier in the page.





$sex_possessive_single = "his";

$query = "
FROM commentary 
WHERE ball_start = '$starter' 
$run_query = mysql_query($query);
$display_query = mysql_fetch_assoc($run_query);

... as a result of the above query, the output is

$commentary = "The keeper falls backwards, and somehow the ball hits the base of $sex_possessive_single feet, preventing catastrophe. The right defender takes the ball under control, and moves off.";



The commentary being printed is:

The keeper falls backwards, and somehow the ball hits the base of $sex_possessive_single feet, preventing catastrophe. The right defender takes the ball under control, and moves off.


I was expecting it to say:

The keeper falls backwards, and somehow the ball hits the base of his feet, preventing catastrophe. The right defender takes the ball under control, and moves off.


- I want the output to say HIS where it says $sex_possessive_single.


Is there a way to place a PHP variable in the form of $variable into a mysql table (varchar field) and have the variable populate properly upon recall?


I hope this is clear enough to understand.


Cheers all,



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I don't know how to do exactly what you asked.


One thing you could do is write:


The keeper falls backwards, and somehow the ball hits the base of %s feet, preventing catastrophe. The right defender takes the ball under control, and moves off.


And then


$commentary = sprintf($commentary, $sex_possessive_single);


You can have as many %s (strings) or other things like %d for when an integer is expected, then just list them afterwards as parameters to sprintf() or printf(). So long as they are in the same order.


Or you can do a str_replace()


$commentary = str_replace("\$sex_possessive_single", $sex_possessive_single, $commentary);


Trouble with that is you have to write it for every different variable.

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Hey Carth,


Thanks for the answer. I've had a brainstorm and decided to do a simple str_replace(). If I drop the dollar sign from the start of the sex_posssessive_single variable within the DB, and do the following:



$sex_possessive_single = "his";

$commentary_ttr = ("sex_possessive_single"); 
$commentary_rt = ($sex_possessive_single);

$commentary1 = $display_query['commentary'];
$commentary = str_replace($commentary_ttr, $commentary_rt, $commentary1);



Once I change the entry within the db for the commentary to:

The keeper falls backwards, and somehow the ball hits the base of sex_possessive_single feet, preventing catastrophe. The right defender takes the ball under control, and moves off.


.. the str_replace changes:








.. and it prints beautifully.



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