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[SOLVED] while(array) cross-querying problem


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My problem is that my script, now undergoing editing to support 3 different 'bets' (its for a slot machine) simply will not return the number of $coin a player has from the database.


At the end of the script, I used a foreach to display the $_SESSION values, but $money always comes up blank.


The entire script as follows, and below it, my original which works fine. (Orginal has only 1 $bet of 5)



include '../style.php';
include "../ip.php";

mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpass")
or die("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>Error connecting to mysql.</font><br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

or die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>Error connecting to Database.</font><br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["name"]);
$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["pass"]);
$spass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["pass"]);

$coin = 57; // item to use
$beta = 25; // wager 1
$betb = 50; // wager 2
$betc = 100; // wager 3

$idq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '$user'");
$idr = mysql_num_rows($idq);

if($idr == '0') {
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>Account does not exist.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

while ($ida = mysql_fetch_array($idq))

$spass = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($pass)));
if($ida[password] != $spass) {
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>Login/password combination does not match.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT `account_name`,`char_name`,`online`,`sex` FROM `characters` WHERE `account_name` = '$user' ORDER BY `account_name` ASC");
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($row == 0) {
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>No characters exist on this account.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$oresult = mysql_query("SELECT `online` FROM `characters` WHERE `online` = '0' AND `account_name` = '$user'");
$orow = mysql_num_rows($oresult);

if($orow == 0) {
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>In order to use this function, your characters cannot be playing on the server.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$resultid = mysql_query("SELECT `account_name`,`char_name`,`charId`,`online`,`accesslevel` FROM `characters` WHERE `account_name` = '$user' AND `online` = '0' AND `accesslevel` = '0' ORDER BY `account_name` ASC, `char_name` ASC");
$idrow = mysql_num_rows($resultid);

if($idrow == 0) {
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>GM characters cannot use this.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$coins = @mysql_query("SELECT `count` FROM `items` WHERE `item_id` = '$coin' AND `owner_id` = '$rowid[2]'");
$coinrow = @mysql_num_rows($coins);

echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' align=center>Character</th>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' align=center>Coins</th>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' colspan=3 align=center>Cost</th>";
echo "</tr>";

while ($rowid = mysql_fetch_array($resultid))

$ownername = $rowid[1];
$ownerid = $rowid[2];

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='Stil5' align=center>$rowid[1]</td>";

if($coinrow == 0) {
$coina[3] = 0;
$neg = ' style=background-color:red';

while ($coina = @mysql_fetch_row($coins))
$money = $coina;

$cashc = number_format($money, 0, ".", ",");

echo "<td class='Stil5' align=center$neg>$cashc</td>";

if($money < $beta) {
$play1 = "<button hidefocus disabled style=background-color:FF0000>$beta</button>";
} else {
$play1 = "<input type=submit value=\"$beta\" hidefocus style=background-color:00FF00><input type=hidden value=$beta name=bet>";

if($money < $betb) {
$play2 = "<button hidefocus disabled style=background-color:FF0000>$betb</button>";
} else {
$play2 = "<input type=submit value=\"$betb\" hidefocus style=background-color:00FF00><input type=hidden value=$betb name=bet>";

if($money < $betc) {
$play3 = "<button hidefocus disabled style=background-color:FF0000>$betc</button>";
} else {
$play3 = "<input type=submit value=\"$betc\" hidefocus style=background-color:00FF00><input type=hidden value=$betc name=bet>";

echo "<td align=center><form style=margin-bottom:0 action=game.php method=post name=$rowid[1]>$play1</td>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$money name=money>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$coin name=coin>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[1] name=ownername>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[2] name=ownerid>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$user name=name>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$pass name=pass>";
echo "</form>";

echo "<td align=center><form style=margin-bottom:0 action=game.php method=post name=$rowid[1]>$play2</td>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$money name=money>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$coin name=coin>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[1] name=ownername>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[2] name=ownerid>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$user name=name>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$pass name=pass>";
echo "</form>";

echo "<td align=center><form style=margin-bottom:0 action=game.php method=post name=$rowid[1]>$play3</td>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$money name=money>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$coin name=coin>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[1] name=ownername>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[2] name=ownerid>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$user name=name>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$pass name=pass>";
echo "</form>";


echo "</tr>";


echo "</table>";

$_SESSION['coin'] = $coin;
$_SESSION['money'] = $money;
$_SESSION['ownername'] = $ownername;
$_SESSION['ownerid'] = $ownerid;
$_SESSION['beta'] = $beta;
$_SESSION['betb'] = $betb;
$_SESSION['betc'] = $betc;
$_SESSION['name'] = $user;
$_SESSION['pass'] = $pass;

foreach($_SESSION as $item => $val)
print "<font color=white>Item: ".$item." => ".$val."<br>";








And my original:



include '../style.php';
include "../ip.php";

mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpass")
or die("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>Error connecting to mysql.</font><br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

or die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>Error connecting to Database.</font><br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["name"]);
$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["pass"]);
$spass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["pass"]);

$coin = 57; // item to use
$bet = 5; // wager

$idq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '$user'");
$idr = mysql_num_rows($idq);

if($idr == '0')
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>Account does not exist.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

while ($ida = mysql_fetch_array($idq))

$spass = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($pass)));
if($ida[password] != $spass)
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>Login/password combination does not match.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT `account_name`,`char_name`,`online` FROM `characters` WHERE `account_name` = '$user' ORDER BY `account_name` ASC");
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($row == 0)
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>No characters exist on this account.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$oresult = mysql_query("SELECT `online` FROM `characters` WHERE `online` = '0' AND `account_name` = '$user'");
$orow = mysql_num_rows($oresult);

if($orow == 0)
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>In order to use this function, your characters cannot be playing on the server.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

$resultid = mysql_query("SELECT `account_name`,`char_name`,`charId`,`online`,`accesslevel` FROM `characters` WHERE `account_name` = '$user' AND `online` = '0' AND `accesslevel` = '0' ORDER BY `account_name` ASC, `char_name` ASC");
$idrow = mysql_num_rows($resultid);

if($idrow == 0)
die ("<body scroll=no><font color=red><center>ERROR!<br>GM characters cannot use this.<br><button onclick=top.location='http://www.l2-x.co.nr/game'>OK</button>");

echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' align=center>Character</th>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' align=center>Coins</th>";
echo "<th class='Stil5' align=center>Cost</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";

while ($rowid = mysql_fetch_array($resultid))

$ownername = $rowid[1];
$ownerid = $rowid[2];

echo "<td class='Stil5' align=center>$rowid[1]</td>";

$coins = @mysql_query("SELECT `count` FROM `items` WHERE `item_id` = $coin AND `owner_id` = '$rowid[2]'");
$coinrow = @mysql_num_rows($coins);

while ($coina = @mysql_fetch_array($coins))

$money = $coina[0];

$cashc = number_format($coina[0], 0, ".", ",");

if($money < $bet)
$play = "<button hidefocus disabled style=background-color:FF0000>$bet Coins</button>";
} else {
$play = "<input type=submit value=\"$bet Coins\" hidefocus style=background-color:00FF00>";


echo "<td class='Stil5' align=center>$cashc</td><td align=center><form style=margin-bottom:0 action=play.php method=post name=$rowid[1]>$play</td></tr>";

echo "<input type=hidden value=$money name=money>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$coin name=coin>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[1] name=ownername>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$rowid[2] name=ownerid>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$bet name=bet>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$user name=name>";
echo "<input type=hidden value=$pass name=pass>";

echo "</form>";


echo "</table>";


$_SESSION['coin'] = $coin;
$_SESSION['money'] = $money;
$_SESSION['ownername'] = $ownername;
$_SESSION['ownerid'] = $ownerid;
$_SESSION['bet'] = $bet;
$_SESSION['name'] = $user;
$_SESSION['pass'] = $pass;

foreach($_SESSION as $item => $val)
print "Item: ".$item." => ".$val." ";








I suspect it is the order of the cascading while(array) loops, which I've used many times before. I tried using just $value = mysql_fetch_array($query), then simply assigning a $value[index], but I'm still new to php, believe it or not, and I'm not quite sure what the difference is, or if it will even process correctly.


Thanks for the help.

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For those interested in helping, I have solved this problem myself after much pondering and scrolling up and down the document.


The problem was on line 92, rowid[2] was referenced in a query before the while(array) for that query { rowid[...] } was processed. (Down near line 97 I think.)


Thanks for your time though!


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