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[SOLVED] Generating and using random numbers


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I have two images I want to load from a folder of images, these images must match. The syntax of the image files names is headerpX.png and footerpX.png where X is a number. I'd like a random set of these images to load every page load. Here's how I think might be a good way to do it in very pseudo-code


$1 get number of files in './images/' folder
$2 get the integer of ($1/2)
$3 get random number between 1 and $2


And then in my HTML code, I'd have the code


<img src="images/headerp$3.png"></img>
<img src="images/footerp$3.png"></img>


(or however I'd embed that random number in to the src field)


Is this do-able and easy code? Will the $3 number be the same if I call it twice in the HTML, or will it run the PHP script again and return a different random number?

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$f=glob('images/*');#grabs all the filepaths in the images folder, sets into an array
$i=$f[array_rand($f)]; #sets a random imagepath from the prior array into $i
<img src="<?=$i?>"> #shows the image prior set


and presto! random image from the images/ on each load...

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Will that not load any image from the images folder though?


I have a folder with header and footer images which are numbered. I need the script to essentially give me a number based on the number of images (files really, as it's only the header and footer images in the folder) that I can then use to load the header and footer image file relating to that number.

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you can simply $c=count($f); which will give you the number of files in the specified folder...


and with the glob... it can search for specific content if that helps too...




the * is just a wildcard... it'd grab header-1.jpg, header-2.jpg while leaving out header1.jpg... for example...

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Aha! So what I could do is this..


some how return that random header image


and then in my HTML , just have something like


<img src="randomheaderimage.php"></img>
<img src="randomfooterimage.php"></img>


where randomfooterimage.php is just the other PHP script but with header changed to footer. Does that sound about right? If so, how could I go about having the script return the random image? (so I can use a the .php file as the img src)


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OK. I've got something preliminary but I;m having hiccups. here's my PHP script:

$f = glob('photos/*');
$i = $f[array_rand($f)];
$h = "<img src=\"$i/header.png\" alt=\"Header\"></img>";
$f = "<img src=\"$i/footer.png\" alt=\"Footer\"></img>";

I've changed the structure of my photos folder so that now it contains multiple folders, '1' '2' '3' '4' etc. Inside every one of these is two files; header.png and footer.png. The script generates a random folder number, and then picks out the header and footer files out of these. My HTML code is as follows (bit long)

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
<?php require("random.php"); ?>
<title>PHP Include Test</title>
<?php echo "$h"; ?>

I've got a .htaccess in the same folder as the index.html file that makes the server parse it as PHP.


The trouble is, when I go to php all I see is a missing picture file icon, and for some reason it's trying to load a header.png from the root of my web space. Why is this?

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well... firstly you want a / at the end of your glob()

$f = glob('photos/*/');

that way it will ONLY grab folders... (errors cause me headaches... best to think ahead of them :D)


secondly... you dont need </img> tags...


and thirdly... what tags are being output?

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It lives!  ;D


$f = glob('scripts/photos/*/');
$i = $f[array_rand($f)];
//$h = "<img src=\"$i/header.png\" alt=\"Header\"></img>";
//$f = "<img src=\"$i/footer.png\" alt=\"Footer\"></img>";
And the HTML
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
<? require_once("scripts/random.php"); ?>
<div id="header"><img alt="Header" src="<?="$i";?>header.png"></img></div>
<div id="footerbg"><img alt="Footer" src="<?="$i";?>footer.png" /></div>


Taith, what I was trying to do with create a string so that I didn't need to add header/footer.png in to my img tags in the HTML. I would would still love to know how to do it for cleaner code though.


Thanks for the amazing help so far though, you've been brilliant.

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as far as clean code... thats completly subjective... i would say, having it directly into the html means that the php parser doesnt have to touch it...


as far as your prior setup... i'd say...


echo '<img src="'.$h[$i].'">';
echo '<img src="'.$f[$i].'">';


that may be simpler in fashion, yet more complex in function...(more chance of variables being overwritten between parsing, and outputting)

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Yeah I was able to get quite a few random image PHP scripts, but I had to have the two images match. Taith's solution worked out best for me; get the script to randomly select from one of many folders (each with a separate header and footer image inside) and then use that selected folder in an img tag. Very happy it finally works!

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