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[SOLVED] Inserting invisible user


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Hey there guys,

I am currently working on a project for someone, and I have run into a little spot, nothing that will destroy the project but something annoying nonetheless.

So what happens is I wipe my table to test that everything is working and continually when I sign up the first user it inserts an empty row looking like this:

id 	u_id 	stat_id 	value
1 	0 	5 	0

And I can't seem to see where in my code this is happening:


if($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 'yes')
echo'<body bgcolor="#000000"><script>location.replace("members.php");</script>';

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mainborder">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">

<td class="title"></td>

<td class="navigation">
<? include("includes/navigation.php"); ?>

<td class="content"><center>

<form method="POST" action="register.php">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">

<td colspan="3" class="registerheader">Registration Form</td>

</tr><tr class="light">

<td colspan="3" class="registerinfo">



$isplayer="SELECT * from users where username='$player'";
$isplayer2=mysql_query($isplayer) or die("");

$isemail="SELECT * from users where email='$email'";
$isemail2=mysql_query($isemail) or die("not able to query for email");

if($fullname == '' && $age == '' && $player == '')
    echo 'Please enter your details correctly below to register.';
// Check to see if they have left the username field blank /////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($player)<1)
    echo 'Please enter a username.<br />';
// Check to see if they have entered a username less than 4 characters ////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($player)<4)
    echo 'Your username must be longer than 4 characters.<br />';
// Check to see if the username given is already being used ////////////////////////////////////////////
else if($isplayer3)
    echo 'Somebody already has that username.<br />';
////////////////////////////////// Check For Fullname Field ////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check to see if they have left the fullname field blank /////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($fullname)<1)
    echo 'Please enter your fullname.<br />';
// Check to see if there full name is less than 5 letters long /////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($fullname)<5)
    echo 'If you fullname is less than 5 letters long, please contact an Admin.<br />';
////////////////////////////////// Check For Age Field /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check to see if they have left the age field blank //////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($age)<1)
    echo 'Please enter your age.<br />';
// Check to see if they have left the age field blank //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check to see if they are 8 years old or over ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if($age < '8')
    echo 'You must be at least 8 years old to play.<br />';
////////////////////////////////// Check For Email Field ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check to see if they have left the email field blank ////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($email)<1)
    echo 'Please enter your e-mail address.<br />';
// Check to see if they have enter a valid length email ////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($email)<5)
    echo 'Please enter a valid e-mail address.<br />';
else if($isemail3)
    echo 'That e-mail address is already in use.';
////////////////////////////////// Check For Password Field ////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check to see if they have left the password field blank /////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($password)<1)
    echo 'Please enter a password.<br />';
// Check to see if they have entered a sercure password longer than 4 characters ///////////////////////
else if(strlen($password)<4)
    echo 'Your password must be longer than 4 characters for sercurity reasons.<br />';
// Check to see if they have left the re-type password field blank /////////////////////////////////////
else if(strlen($password2)<1)
    echo 'Please re-type your password.<br />';
// Check to see if they have entered a sercure re-typed password longer than 4 characters //////////////
else if(strlen($password2)<4)
    echo 'Please re-type your password correctly.<br />';
// Check to see if they have entered a sercure re-typed password longer than 4 characters //////////////
else if($password != $password2)
    echo 'Please re-type your password correctly.<br />';
// All input is valid so register the user so they can login ///////////////////////////////////////////
   //Set the stats:
   	$password = sha1($password);
$SQL = "INSERT into users(fullname, age, email, username, password, ip, regdate) VALUES ('$fullname', '$age', '$email', '$player', '$password', '$ip', '$regdate')"; 
mysql_query($SQL) or die("could not register");
$userID = mysql_insert_id();
setStat('Health Points',$userID,100);
setStat('Current Level',$userID,100);
$message="Hey ".$player.",<br>Just to say a quick hello to you.<br>Hello! <br><br>If you need any help or get stuck post on the forums or send me a message and you will be replied to as soon as possible.<br><br>Thanks for reading and joining,<br><br>Storm Trooper";

$date=date("M jS, Y");
$time=date("g:i:s a");

$SQL2 = "INSERT into messages(recipient, sender, subject, message, date_sent, time_sent) VALUES ('$player', 'Soulstealer', 'Welcome to New Core', '$message', '$date', '$time')"; 
mysql_query($SQL2) or die("could not register");
Registration successful, you may now login.
<? }


</tr><tr class="dark">

<td class="registertype">Fullname</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="text" name="fullname" size="25" value="<?=$fullname?>"></td>

</tr><tr class="light">

<td class="registertype">Age</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="text" name="age" size="25" value="<?=$age?>" onkeyup="valid(this,'notnumbers')" onblur="valid(this,'notnumbers')"></td>

</tr><tr class="dark">

<td class="registertype">E-mail</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="text" name="email" size="25" value="<?=$email?>"></td>

</tr><tr class="light">

<td class="registertype">Username</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="text" name="username" size="25" value="<?=$_POST['username'];?>" onkeyup="valid(this,'special')" onblur="valid(this,'special')"></td>

</tr><tr class="dark">

<td class="registertype">Password</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="password" name="password" size="25" mask="x" onkeyup="valid(this,'quotes')" onblur="valid(this,'quotes')"></td>

</tr><tr class="light">

<td class="registertype">Re-type Password</td>
<td class="registerspacer">:</td>
<td class="registerinput"><input class="input" type="password" name="password2" size="25" mask="x" onkeyup="valid(this,'quotes')" onblur="valid(this,'quotes')"></td>

<input type="hidden" name="regdate" size="25" value="<?=date('M d, Y')?>">


<td colspan="3" class="registerbutton"><input class="input" type="submit" value="Register" name="submit"></td>




<br /><br/></center></td></form>

<td class="otherlinks">
<? include("includes/otherlinks.php") ?>

<td class="footer">
<? include("includes/footer.php") ?>


<? } ?>


function getStat($statName,$userID) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT value FROM user_stats WHERE stat_id = (SELECT id FROM stats WHERE display_name = '%s' OR short_name = '%s') AND u_id = '%s'",
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($value) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $value;		
function setStat($statName,$userID,$value) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE user_stats SET value = '%s' WHERE stat_id = (SELECT id FROM stats WHERE display_name = '%s' OR short_name = '%s') AND u_id = '%s'",
$result = mysql_query($query);

function createIfNotExists($statName,$userID) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT count(value) FROM user_stats WHERE stat_id = (SELECT id FROM stats WHERE display_name = '%s' OR short_name = '%s') AND u_id = '%s'",
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($count) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if($count == 0) {
	// the stat doesn't exist; insert it into the database
	$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO user_stats(stat_id,u_id,value) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM stats WHERE display_name = '%s' OR short_name = '%s'),'%s','%s')",

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