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[SOLVED] I'm so unclean. Please help me to sanitize...


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I have been using a login script, which works, but not when I attempt to sanitize it. I don't know why. I have tried some functions from searches here, but nothing works so far.


Here is the the code with the gaping wide sql injection hole:



 $username = $_POST['username']);
 $password = md5($_POST['password']);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'")or die(mysql_error());

    if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
      $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;

  if(!isset($_SESSION['is_logged_in'])) {
  } else {
  The following code converts $SESSION['username'] to the variable $_POST['username']
  which is used to fill out the username value on the tipping form.
  if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
      $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;

      $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];



Now that code will log me in, and a bad username/password redirects back to the login screen.


If I use mysql_real_escape_string() around the $_POST variables, the result is that with the correct username and password, I am redirected back to the login page as if the login details were wrong. Why?


$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string(md5($_POST['password']));


I'd rather use a function, in a functions.php file which I'd include at the top of the page. I have been looking for something good, but whether good or bad, none of them worked. $_POST['username'] and $_POST['password'] don't like being wrapped in a function.


Can anyone please suggest how I can modify this code so that it is sanitized AND works? :)



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The login works with the functions, but it seems the functions don't work. I am testing with Firefox's sql inject me plug in and have just as many errors as without the function. Here is my functions.php:


function clean($str) {
      $str = trim($str);
      if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
      return mysql_real_escape_string($str);



And my updated login:




 $username = clean($_POST['username']);
 $password = clean(md5($_POST['password']));
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'")or die(mysql_error());

    if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
      $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;

  if(!isset($_SESSION['is_logged_in'])) {
  } else {
  The following code converts $SESSION['username'] to the variable $_POST['username']
  which is used to fill out the username value on the tipping form.
  if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
      $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;

      $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];




Is my login secure and the Firefox plugin is not right? Or does my script have problems?



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how about this:

function cleanInput($input){
$db_user = "USERNAME";
$db_pass = "PASSWORD";
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_name = "DATABASE";
/* END EDIT           */
$link2a3878sfw = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
mysql_select_db($db_name, $link2a3878sfw);
if (is_array($input)){
	foreach ($input as $key=>$value){
		$output[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
	$output = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
return $output;

$post = cleanInput($_POST);
$username = $post['username'];
$password = md5($post['password']);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'")or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
	$_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;
if(!isset($_SESSION['is_logged_in'])) {
} else {

The following code converts $SESSION['username'] to the variable $_POST['username']
which is used to fill out the username value on the tipping form.
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1;

$_SESSION['username'] = $post['username'];


it's not glamorous, but it does the job.

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Hi theonlydrayk, the login screen is a stand alone screen, there are no other forms.


Here are the failures, which is code that the plugin injected into the login form:


SQL Injection String Test Results


Submitted Form State:


    * password:

    * login: Submit



Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND ASCII(LOWER(SUBSTRING((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'), 1, 1))) > 116

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#x31;&#x27;&#x20;&#x4F;&#x52;&#x20;&#x27;&#x31;&#x27;&#x3D;&#x27;&#x31;

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: %31%27%20%4F%52%20%27%31%27%3D%27%31

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,name FROM sysObjects WHERE xtype = 'U' --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#49&#39&#32&#79&#82&#32&#39&#49&#39&#61&#39&#49

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily


Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: ' OR username IS NOT NULL OR username = '

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND non_existant_table = '1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: '; DESC users; --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND USER_NAME() = 'dbo'

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablenames); --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND 1=1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 EXEC XP_

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' OR '1'='1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 OR 1=1

This field passed 14603 tests. To see all the passed results, go to Tools->SQL Inject Me->Options and click 'Show passed results in final report' and rerun this test.


Submitted Form State:


    * username:

    * login: Submit



Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#49&#39&#32&#79&#82&#32&#39&#49&#39&#61&#39&#49

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#x31;&#x27;&#x20;&#x4F;&#x52;&#x20;&#x27;&#x31;&#x27;&#x3D;&#x27;&#x31;

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: %31%27%20%4F%52%20%27%31%27%3D%27%31

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily


Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,name FROM sysObjects WHERE xtype = 'U' --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND ASCII(LOWER(SUBSTRING((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'), 1, 1))) > 116

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: ' OR username IS NOT NULL OR username = '

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND non_existant_table = '1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: '; DESC users; --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND USER_NAME() = 'dbo'

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablenames); --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND 1=1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 EXEC XP_

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' OR '1'='1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 OR 1=1

This field passed 14603 tests. To see all the passed results, go to Tools->SQL Inject Me->Options and click 'Show passed results in final report' and rerun this test.


Submitted Form State:


    * username:

    * password:



Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#49&#39&#32&#79&#82&#32&#39&#49&#39&#61&#39&#49

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: &#x31;&#x27;&#x20;&#x4F;&#x52;&#x20;&#x27;&#x31;&#x27;&#x3D;&#x27;&#x31;

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: %31%27%20%4F%52%20%27%31%27%3D%27%31

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily


Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,name FROM sysObjects WHERE xtype = 'U' --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND ASCII(LOWER(SUBSTRING((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'), 1, 1))) > 116

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: ' OR username IS NOT NULL OR username = '

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND non_existant_table = '1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: '; DESC users; --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND USER_NAME() = 'dbo'

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablenames); --

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 AND 1=1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 EXEC XP_

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1'1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1' OR '1'='1

Server Status Code: 302 Moved Temporarily

Tested value: 1 OR 1=1

This field passed 14603 tests. To see all the passed results, go to Tools->SQL Inject Me->Options and click 'Show passed results in final report' and rerun this test.



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Moved Temporarily just means that the server told it that the page had moved.  Nothing to do with SQL injections.


Actually it might. The plugin assume the script work that way :



-> if the login is unsuccessfull don't redirect but show the same page with a login/password error message.

-> if the login is successfull redirect the user to a profil/admin page.


So when the plugin receive a redirect message it assume the SQL Injection work and the login is successfull.


if(!isset($_SESSION['is_logged_in'])) {
} else {


Your code redirect the user if you are sucessfull or not without display any login error message, so the plugin cannot determine if it's actually a security issue or not and he right to display you a error or at least a warning that your site might be vulnerable to SQL Injection.


The last script from jonsjava is safe from SQL Injection even if it's not glamorous ;)



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Moved Temporarily just means that the server told it that the page had moved.  Nothing to do with SQL injections.


Actually it might. The plugin assume the script work that way :



-> if the login is unsuccessfull don't redirect but show the same page with a login/password error message.

-> if the login is successfull redirect the user to a profil/admin page.


So when the plugin receive a redirect message it assume the SQL Injection work and the login is successfull.


if(!isset($_SESSION['is_logged_in'])) {
} else {


Your code redirect the user if you are sucessfull or not without display any login error message, so the plugin cannot determine if it's actually a security issue or not and he right to display you a error or at least a warning that your site might be vulnerable to SQL Injection.


The last script from jonsjava is safe from SQL Injection even if it's not glamorous ;)


Hi, thanks for the reply! I did investigate this further after jonsjava's last post.


It was simply the redirect that was causing the 302 failures. I proved this by simply changing each one to Exit;  to see which line caused the 302 failures. It was the unsuccessful login attempt. So changing the line that redirects back to the login page to "Exit;" the Firefox plugin finds no failures, and the page passes with flying green colours. :)


Of course I want to keep the redirect back to the login page, and have to just accept that the plugin is reporting false positives.


As for the code, I do have a functions.php file for the function, and an include, it is looking much neater now. :)

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