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Switched to WamperServer 2 And generator errors


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it ignored some errors
No it did not. The errors were simply not being displayed. Each line of your code that generates a error, even if the error is not displayed, takes at least 10 times longer to execute because php must still figure out what to do and to recover from the error.


Fix your code so that does not normally generate any errors during its normal execution. Your code will run faster and you won't be filling up your server's error log file.


Short open tags should also not be used because they result in code that won't work on some servers (which you just found out) and you won't always have the ability to change the setting that would allow them to work. php.net is also taking steps in php6 to generate error messages concerning using short open tags (i.e. second step toward eliminating them, the first step as you just found is for them to be off by default in current versions of php.)

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