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[SOLVED] Help with simple preg_replace quoting system


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Quoting feature of my shoutbox... I still don't understand preg_replace for the life of me, and I can't get this one to work.


All shouts are marked with <a name="id"> where id is the post number of the particular shout. To quote or reference someone, I want the person to be able to type "@22" for example, and it would link to shoutbox.php#22 and show the 22nd post.


This is what I have:

$bbcodes[] = array("#\@(.*?)#i", "<a href=\"#$1\">@$1</a>");

Only the "@" is being anchored in the href tags, and it's just linking to "#" which is, as we all know, the top of the page. How do I fix this?

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$string = preg_replace('~@\d+~',"<a href='#$1'>@$1</a>",$string);


Although, if I remember correct, starting an id with a number is not allowed or else not conforming to the standards. You might want to prefix your anchor id's. Maybe something like this:


<a name='post_xx'>...


and then


$string = preg_replace('~@\d+~',"<a href='#post_$1'>@$1</a>",$string);


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$string = preg_replace('~@\d+~',"<a href='#$1'>@$1</a>",$string);


Although, if I remember correct, starting an id with a number is not allowed or else not conforming to the standards. You might want to prefix your anchor id's. Maybe something like this:


<a name='post_xx'>...


and then


$string = preg_replace('~@\d+~',"<a href='#post_$1'>@$1</a>",$string);

I meant the id of the name="" value was the post number, not that it was using the actual id="" tag. But thanks, I'll try this


Edit: Same thing is happening. It's only anchoring the # symbol in the actual href="" portion, but instead of displaying a linkable @ symbol as well as the originally posted number after it in-between the <a> and </a> tags, the numbers have vanished. Still kind of at square one.

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// BBCode function
function BBCode($post){
$post = htmlentities($post);   

$bbcodes = array();
$bbcodes[] = array("~@\d+~", "<a href=\"#post_$1\">@$1</a>");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#is", "<b>$1</b>");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#is", "<i>$1</i>");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/url\]#i", "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$2</a>");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\[url\](.*?)\[/url\]#i", "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\:as\:#i", "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/as.png\">");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\:a-boo\:#i", "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/boo_as.png\">");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\:a-link\:#i", "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/link_as.png\">");
$bbcodes[] = array("#\:a-snake\:#i", "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/snake_as.png\">");

foreach($bbcodes as $replace){
	$post = preg_replace($replace[0], $replace[1], $post);
return $post;

// And when the posts are called
$post[$i][3] = BBCode($post[$i][3]);


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To be honest you'd be better with something like:


function BBCode($post){
   $post = htmlentities($post);   

   $bbcodes = array();
   $bbcodes[] = "/@(\d+?)/";
   $bbnext[] =  "<a href=\"#post_$1\">@$1</a>";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#is";
   $bbnext[] =  "<b>$1</b>";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#is";
   $bbnext[] =  "<i>$1</i>";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/url\]#i";
   $bbnext[] =  "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$2</a>";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\[url\](.*?)\[/url\]#i";
   $bbnext[] =  "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\:as\:#i";
   $bbnext[] =  "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/as.png\">";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\:a-boo\:#i";
   $bbnext[] = "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/boo_as.png\">";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\:a-link\:#i";
   $bbnext[] =  "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/link_as.png\">";
   $bbcodes[] = "#\:a-snake\:#i";
   $bbnext[] = "<img src=\"http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb303/img0t/snake_as.png\">";
   return $post;

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@ Crayon

You forgot to capture the digit. And in regard to the naming, it's okay to start names with digits.


Edit: But in XHTML the name attribute is 'formally deprecated', and id is used instead. And when styling elements via the id attribute, it has to start with a letter. So you were on to something :)



When you run htmlentities() on $post, aren't @s converted? If yes, that's where your problem lies.

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