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[SOLVED] php variable into <a href> link

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I'm having difficulty turning a php variable into an a href link. 


I am trying to place it here ... above the echo <hr/>:



echo '<h1><a href="http://www.maine.info/festivals.php">Maine Events</a> - ' . $month . ' ' . $display_cat . ' </h1>';

echo '<hr />';


The variable is $display_cat  (where it could equal "festivals" "music" "theater" etc.)


I would like to make the following links (I will list 12 of them for all months):


$display_cat in <a href="http://www.maine.info/events/$display_cat/january.php">Jan</a>

etc for additional months


Thanks in advance!








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Thanks Mike and BadBad ... almost there ...


BadBad code is working ... but .. need to lower case the month invoked by display_cat ... for it improperly shows as:




Thoughts?  Thanks in advance.  You folks are great.



OK!  Fixed it with $display_cat=strtolower($display_cat);  Could not have done it without you guys.  See below ... (more months to add)



$display_cat = strtolower($display_cat);

echo '<p><font face="arial" size="1"><a href="http://www.maine.info/events/' . $display_cat . '/january.php">Jan</a> | ';

echo '<a href="http://www.maine.info/events/' . $display_cat . '/february.php">Feb</a></font>';



Good. Let me show you a way to loop through the months, getting rid of the repetitive code:


$display_cat = strtolower($display_cat);
$months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
$links = array();
foreach ($months as $month) {
   $links[] = '<a href="http://www.maine.info/events/' . $display_cat . '/' . strtolower($month) . '.php">' . substr($month, 0, 3) . '</a>';
echo '<p><font face="arial" size="1">' . implode(' | ', $links) . '</font></p>';

I will try that looping code. Thank you.


My next issue is this:  The following code works, but when inserted where I want it breaks the php code below it:


I.e., code that works:


// $month = date("F") ;

$month = strtolower($month);


$month1 = ucfirst($month);

$janlinkclass = ($month1 == "January") ? "current" : "";

$feblinkclass = ($month1 == "February") ? "current" : "";

$marlinkclass = ($month1 == "March") ? "current" : "";

$aprlinkclass = ($month1 == "April") ? "current" : "";

$maylinkclass = ($month1 == "May") ? "current" : "";

$junlinkclass = ($month1 == "June") ? "current" : "";

$jullinkclass = ($month1 == "July") ? "current" : "";

$auglinkclass = ($month1 == "August") ? "current" : "";

$seplinkclass = ($month1 == "September") ? "current" : "";

$octlinkclass = ($month1 == "October") ? "current" : "";

$novlinkclass = ($month1 == "November") ? "current" : "";

$declinkclass = ($month1 == "December") ? "current" : "";




<strong class ="head selected" >Event Control Panel</strong>


<li>Events in:

<select id="scity" name="scity">

<option value="-1">Select City...</option>


$query = "select distinct(city) from maine_festivals where  city <> ''  and state = 'Maine' and (datediff(enddate, current_date) >= 0 or category = 'Festivals') order by city ";


$result = mysql_query($query, $link);

if (isset($month)) {

$cat1 = strtolower($cat);

} else {

$cat1 = "festivals";


while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {


echo "<option value = '$city'";

if ($city == $gcity) echo " selected ";

echo ">$city</option>\n" ;









echo '<hr />';


//$startcat = "";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {



$startdate1_part = substr($startdate1, 0, strlen($startdate1) - 6);

$date = ($startdate1 == $enddate1)? $startdate1: $startdate1_part . "  thru " . $enddate1;   


if ($expireddays >= 0) {

$mapurl = '   <a href = "http://www.maine.info/sandbox/maps/map2.php?type=000000001&zoom=13&city=' . $city . '"> Map + Directions</a>    ';

$parastyle = "";

} else {

$mapurl = "" ;

$parastyle = "expired";



if ($city == "") {

$city = "Multiple Locations";

$mapurl = "" ;



if ($username == ADMIN || $username == $author) {

$editlink = "  |  <a href = 'http://www.maine.info/users/editevent.php?id=$id'>Edit</a>";

} else {

$editlink = "";



$no_title = str_replace(" ", "", $title);

$no_title = str_replace("'", "", $no_title);

echo "<a name = '$no_title' ></a>";

if (strlen($linkurl) > 5) {

echo "<h2  class = '$parastyle'><a href = '$linkurl' class = '$parastyle' >$title</a> ";

} else {

echo "<h2 class = '$parastyle'>" . $title;



echo <<<ENT


<p class = "$parastyle"><font face="arial" size="2">

<strong>$date. $city.</strong>

$description $mapurl



<a href = "http://www.maine.info/users/reporterror.php?id=$id&type=event">Report  Update</a>











Any Thoughts?



Firstly - the month array works great.  (Now I've got to figure out how it does it :)


Next, in terms of the breakage.  Yes, when I insert the noted code, it displays the intended function (drop down list of cities), but then the stuff below it no longer displays.  Just blank.


For what it should look when working, see www.maine.info/cities/freeport/events.php


To view it broken (temporarily), see http://www.maine.info/events/festivals/april.php



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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