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Using the pChart library with Safari and IE6


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I have been playing with pChart library and have been having issues getting it to work with both IE6 and Safari. It appears to work fine with IE7 and above and Firefox, but I would really like to get it to work with IE6 and Safari (iPhone browser).


I am not getting any errors when it renders the chart, but am getting a blank image. Does anyone have any experience with this utility?

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Thise sample is designed to pass a few arrays via session variables to the litmChart.php page (pChart rendering processes). You will need to have the pChart classes in order for this to work (notice the include path), and the images will not show up, but everything else should be good.

Here is the main page:

        include ('config.inc');
        header("Cache-control: private"); // IE 6 Fix.
        echo $hosturl."<br>";
            echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2">';
            $litm='Part Number';
            $aitm='Part Description';
            // build working arrays
            $arr = array(736000,248400,1628400,55200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            $arr1 = array(386400,156400,303600,165600,193200,616400,414000,257600,276000,349600,101200,82800);
            $arr2 = array(358800,220800,303600,174800,828000,119600, 92000,542800,717600,303600,257600, 478400);
            $months = array();
            $_SESSION['arr']    =$arr;
            $_SESSION['arr1']   =$arr1;
            $_SESSION['arr2']   =$arr2;
            $_SESSION['year']   =$year;
            $_SESSION['year1']  =$year1;
            $_SESSION['year2']  =$year2;
            $_SESSION['months'] =$months;
            $_SESSION['maxval'] =$maxval;
            $_SESSION['litm']   =$litm;
            //create the grid data strings
            $rowHead    ="<table width=\"100\" border=\"1px\" align=\"center\"><caption>Item Grid data for $litm, based on Transaction Date</caption>";
            $rowMonth   ="<tr><th scope=\"col\"> </th>";
            $rowDetail ="<tr><th scope=\"row\">".$year."</th>";
            $row1Detail ="<tr><th scope=\"row\">".$year1."</th>";
            $row2Detail ="<tr><th scope=\"row\">".$year2."</th>";
                $rowMonth   .="<th scope=\"col\">".$months[$i]."</th>";
                $rowDetail .="<td>".number_format($arr[$i], 0, '.', ',')."</td>";
                $row1Detail .="<td>".number_format($arr1[$i], 0, '.', ',')."</td>";
                $row2Detail .="<td>".number_format($arr2[$i], 0, '.', ',')."</td>";
            $rowMonth   .="<th scope=\"col\">Total</tr>";
            $rowDetail .="<td>".number_format($Year_ttl, 0, '.', ',')."</td></tr>";
            $row1Detail .="<td>".number_format($Year1_ttl, 0, '.', ',')."</td></tr>";
            $row2Detail .="<td>".number_format($Year2_ttl, 0, '.', ',')."</td></tr>";
            $rowFooter  ="</table>";
        if($dodebug > 0){
            echo "<pre>";
                echo "--> Form data (POST) <-- <br>";
                print_r ($_POST);
                echo "--> Form data (SESSION) <-- <br>";
                print_r ($_SESSION);
                echo "--> Form data (SERVER) <-- <br>";
                print_r ($_SERVER);
                echo "--> PHP Info <-- <br>";
            echo "</pre>";
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    <table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <h2 align="center"><strong><font size="+1" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
                    Manufacturing Price/Cost Analysis Item Charting Utility</font></strong></h2>
                <form action= <?php echo $_SESSION['http'].$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>>
                    <h2 align="center"><strong><font size="+1" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
                            if($valid==1) print "2 year Analysis of '".$aitm."' (".$litm.") for Branch: ".$branch;
                    <DIV STYLE='background-color: #FAFAFA; '>
                        <DIV ID='Rendered' STYLE='width: 650px; height: 600px;' ALIGN=Left>
                        <DIV STYLE='font-family: tahoma; color: #808080; font-size: 12px; padding: 15px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px' ALIGN=justify>
                                    if($valid==1) echo $litm."'s sales history chart";
                                    else echo " ";
                                ?> </B>
                            <DIV STYLE='border-top: 1px dotted #CCCCCC; height: 16px;'></DIV>
                                <?php if($valid==1){?>
                                To view all sales (SO/ST) of the item from <?php echo "1/1/".$year2 ?> to present, click on -->: 
                                     <A HREF='javascript:render(<?php echo "\"".$litm."\",\"".$branch."\",\"".$hosturl."\"" ?>);' CLASS=InnerFunctionLink>CHART IT!</A>.
                                     <?php //print $render ?>
                                <?php }
                                    elseif ($valid==99) echo "<IMG SRC='images/lightning.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16> Processing data request, be patient";
                                    else echo "No valid item passed to form, press the back button and try again";
                                <DIV ID='Rendered' STYLE='width: 650px; height: 600px;' ALIGN=Left>
                                    <DIV ID=Render_1>
                                        <TABLE NOBORDER CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 STYLE='margin: 5px;'>
                                            <TR VALIGN=Bottom>
                                                    if($valid==99){ print "<TD> </TD>";}
                                                    else { print "<TD WIDTH=20><IMG SRC='images/chart_bar.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></TD>";} 
                                                <TD><?php if($valid==1) echo "To view chart, click on the 'CHART IT!' link above.";?></TD>
                                    <DIV ID='Render_2' STYLE='background-color: #DBFFCF; padding: 4px; display: none;'>
                                        <TABLE NOBORDER CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>
                                            <TR VALING=Bottom>
                                                <TD><IMG SRC='images/lightning.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></TD>
                                                <TD> The server is processing your request...</TD>
                                    <DIV ID='Render_3' STYLE='display: none;' ALIGN='center'>
                                    <DIV ID=Render_4 STYLE='background-color: #FFCCCC; padding: 4px; display: none;'>
                                        <TABLE NOBORDER CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>
                                            <TR VALING=Middle>
                                                <TD><IMG SRC='images/exclamation.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></TD>
                                                <TD> The request is taking too much time, remote peer not responding. Try again later.</TD>
                                    <DIV ID='Render_5' STYLE='padding: 4px; display: none;' ALIGN='center'>
                                        <TABLE NOBORDER CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=center bgcolor="ffcccc">
                                                    print $rowHead;
                                                    print $rowMonth;
                                                    print $rowDetail;
                                                    print $row1Detail;
                                                    print $row2Detail;
                                                    print $rowFooter;
                                                    //print "<br><strong><font size=+1>Use the Back Button to return to the item Cost Page</font></strong>";
                            print $footer;
/* Some global vars definition */
var LoadTries      = 0;
var MaxLoadTries   = 40;
var Preloader      = new Image();
var LoadPic        = new Image();
var URL;

function render(litm,branch,urlhost)
   URL = urlhost+"/litmChart.php";
   //alert('URL: '+URL);
   Preloader.src = URL;
   document.getElementById("Render_1").style.display = "none";
   document.getElementById("Render_3").style.display = "none";
   document.getElementById("Render_4").style.display = "none";
   document.getElementById("Render_5").style.display = "none";
   document.getElementById("Render_2").style.display = "inline";
   LoadTries     = 0;
   setTimeout ("CheckLoadingStatus()", 500);

function CheckLoadingStatus()
   if ( !Preloader.complete )
     if ( LoadTries >= MaxLoadTries )
       document.getElementById("Render_2").style.display = "none";
       document.getElementById("Render_4").style.display = "inline";
      setTimeout ("CheckLoadingStatus()", 500);
     document.getElementById("Render_2").style.display = "none";
     document.getElementById("Render_3").innerHTML="<IMG SRC='"+URL+"' WIDTH=650 HEIGHT=350>";
     document.getElementById("Render_3").style.display = "inline";
     document.getElementById("Render_5").style.display = "inline";
<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

Here is the litmChart.php page:

    // Standard inclusions   
    $arr = $_SESSION['arr'];//array_fill(1,12,0);
    $arr1 = $_SESSION['arr1'];//array_fill(1,12,0);
    $arr2 = $_SESSION['arr2'];//array_fill(1,12,0);
    $year   = $_SESSION['year'];//date('Y');
    $year1  = $_SESSION['year1'];//$year-1;
    $year2  = $_SESSION['year2'];//$year-2;
    $startjul   =100365+(1000*($year2-2001));
    $endjul = 100365 +(1000*($year1-2000));
    $months = $_SESSION['months'];
    $maxval =$_SESSION['maxval'];
    $litm   =$_SESSION['litm'];
    // pChart dataset definitions and assignments
    $DataSet = new pData;
    $DataSet->SetSerieName("Year: ".$year,"Year");
    $DataSet->SetSerieName("Year: ".$year1,"Year1");
    $DataSet->SetSerieName("Year: ".$year2,"Year2");

    // Initialise the graph
    $Test = new pChart(660,350);

    // Prepare the graph area

    // Initialise graph area
    // Draw the Item History graph
    // Clear the scale
    // Write the legend (box less)

    // Write the title
    $Test->drawTitle(0,0,"Item Sales History (SO/ST)",255,255,255,660,30,TRUE);

    // Render the picture

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