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Hiya guys, I'm really quite new to PHP so don't come down too heavy on the simplicity of my question please!


I've created a php search page for a website I'm building, with an SQL back-end. The search page needs to pull an image URL from the database and then display it with each search result, similar to any E-commerce site. This is the code im using to try and display the image but I don't know where I'm going wrong! Any help would be appreciated!


$search = $_GET['search'];


$sql = "SELECT * FROM Prints WHERE name ='$search' ";




while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($rs))









echo<img src='URL'>);




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1) use the proper code tags when posting code

2) Read up on SQL Injection as you are vulnerable :)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection


$search = htmlentities($_GET['search']);

$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM prints WHERE id = '%s' OR name LIKE '%%%s%%' OR manufacturer LIKE '%%%s%%'", $search, $search, $search);

$queryResult = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResult)) {
    echo searchResult($row);

function searchResult($row) {
    ..html markup code for a search result..

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Hey, thankyou for the advice, I'll give that a read :)


I've given the code you suggested a try, but I get nothing but a blank page :S

I'm a bit lost with what you've written so I haven't been able to modify it. All the search needs to do is accept a search term from 'search' and find the name in table 'Prints' and display the relevant data with an image stored in that table using it's URL.

Thankyou for the help!

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Then only use the


name LIKE '%%%s%%'




htmlentities is a security measure against sql injection mysql_real_escape_string() is even better but i don't use mysql as a database, the next line in the code is a formatted string or if you use mysqli a prepared statement the double %% represent a % and %s represents a string which means that whatever is passed is converted to a string read up on sprintf() on php.net http://be.php.net/sprintf


The function searchResult() is only to make your code more clearer and more easy to read it does this by encapsulating your html code inside a function which gets the required information passed along. This way you can more easily use it again somewhere else in your application.

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This is the code I'm using, but I'm still getting the same result?


$search = htmlentities($_GET['search']);

$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM prints WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%'", $search, $search, $search);

$queryResult = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResult)) {
    echo searchResult($row);

function searchResult($row) {
<img src='URL'>;

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