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I have a textarea that has no editor attached so just a simple textarea.

If a user makes a line break i can't get rid of the \n from my code output from the database.

I have tried nl2br() but it still doesn't work

The content of the textarea goes into mysql and out before being echoed out.

I also tried htmlentities()



For more info this is being sent into a google maps marker

Firebug says:

unterminated string literal

[break on this error] var marker = createMarker(point,'<...:450px">My sale<br>this and this <br />\n


How did that"\n" get inthere when i ran it through nl2br()??


Any ideas??




var marker = createMarker(point,'<div style="width:400px height:450px"><?php echo $loc; ?><br><?php echo nl2br($description); ?><br><?php echo $street; ?><br><?php echo $city; ?><br><?php echo $state; ?>  <?php echo $zip; ?><br><?php echo $phone; ?><br><b>Start: </b><?php echo $start; ?><br><b>End: </b><?php echo $end; ?><br></div>');


It just breaks in this line for the google maps.

If i echo nl2br($description);  further down the page no problem.

Yes it went through codeigniter's xss_clean and into a mysql database. It does no alteration to the text unless there is something like <script> or any other potentially bad input.

What we are working with is the output of the query.

This is what goes in

$this->form_validation->set_rules('description', ' Description', 'required|xss_clean');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
$inputs = array(

				'title' => $_POST['title'],
				'description' => $_POST['description'],
				'phone' => $phone,
				'email' => $_POST['email'],
				'street' => $_POST['street'],
				'city' => $_POST['city'],
				'state' => $_POST['state'],
				'zip' => $_POST['zip'],
				//get the right format here
				'start' => $start,
				'end' => $end,
				'date_added' => time()

		$this->db->insert('sales', $inputs);


if that helps and then just a normal query to get the data out.


The \n is a visual representation of a newline. nl2br converts these characters into line break tags ( <br /> ). However nl2br will not remove these characters.


The true problem actually lies within your JavaScript. Escape characters such as \n only work within double quotes, not single quotes. You should use the following instead when defining your maker variable


var marker = createMarker(point,"<div style=\"width:400px height:450px\"><?php echo $loc; ?><br><?php echo nl2br($description); ?><br><?php echo $street; ?><br><?php echo $city; ?><br><?php echo $state; ?>  <?php echo $zip; ?><br><?php echo $phone; ?><br><b>Start: </b><?php echo $start; ?><br><b>End: </b><?php echo $end; ?><br></div>");


That didn't work but maybe there is a way i can get rid of the \n and replace them with<br> myself. The problem is that they don't seen to be in the string so can't be manipulated. Odd as they obviously are in the string

I may have to use a text editor like tinymce or fckeditor which I was hoping to avoid

i just tested it bypassing all the validation and the same result.

In case it is relevant:


$inputs = array(

				'title' => $_POST['title'],
				'description' => $_POST['description'],
				'phone' => $phone,
				'email' => $_POST['email'],
				'street' => $_POST['street'],
				'city' => $_POST['city'],
				'state' => $_POST['state'],
				'zip' => $_POST['zip'],
				//get the right format here
				'start' => $start,
				'end' => $end,
				'date_added' => time(),
				'paid' => 'n'
		$this->db->insert('sales', $inputs);


everything is cleaned of course normally but it happened even without cleaning


something like this?

function removeLineBreaks($input)
$input  	= preg_replace('/(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)/', "<br />", $input);
$output  	= str_replace("\r", "", $input);

return $output;



var marker = createMarker(point,"<div style=\"width:400px height:450px\"><?php echo $loc; ?><br><?php echo removeLineBreaks($description); ?><br><?php echo $street; ?><br><?php echo $city; ?><br><?php echo $state; ?>  <?php echo $zip; ?><br><?php echo $phone; ?><br><b>Start: </b><?php echo $start; ?><br><b>End: </b><?php echo $end; ?><br></div>");

I've had to write my own newline to br code - this last post should work.  The issue is you have to replace both "\n" and "\r" characters.  str_replace should work for both.  Just replace one of the two with <br> and the other with an empty string.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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