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Array probems...


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I have an dynamic row,that can be duplicated as many times as i want :

                                  <tr >
			        <td class="txt_rapport" ><input  name="pos[]" type="text"   size=5 /></td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" >' ;?> <? echo menu_select();?>  <? echo'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" >' ;?> <? echo bon_select();?>  <? echo'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" ><input  name="nrl[]" type="text"   size=5 /></td>

			  </tr> ';
<p><div align="left">
<a href="javascript://" onClick="new_row()"><input type="button" value="Add Article"></a><div> <div align="right"><a href="javascript://" onClick="delete_row()"><input type="button" value="Delete Article"></a><div></p>
                                       <div align="center"><input name="submit" type="submit" value=" Next " /><div>
                          </form> ';

if(!isset($_POST['pos'])) $_SESSION['pos'] = '';
else $_SESSION['pos'] = $_POST['pos'];

if(!isset($_POST['bon'])) $_SESSION['bon'] = '';
else $_SESSION['bon'] = $_POST['bon'];

if(!isset($_POST['aticles'])) $_SESSION['aticles'] = '';
else $_SESSION['aticles'] = $_POST['aticles'];

if(!isset($_POST['nr'])) $_SESSION['nr'] = '';
else $_SESSION['nr'] = $_POST['nr'];


And here is my problem, I don't know how to arrange those arrays in such a way that each value to be correct arranged...


I've tried something like this but it doesn't arrange correctly :




foreach($_SESSION['bon'] as $key=>$value) 
$query_art="SELECT * FROM articles WHERE ArtID='".$_SESSION['articles'][$key]."'";
$Row_art = mysql_fetch_array ($result_art);

if ($check != $_SESSION['bon'][$key]) {

$query_bon="SELECT * FROM bon WHERE ID='".$_SESSION['bon'][$key]."'";
$Row_bon = mysql_fetch_array ($result_bon);

		echo' <tr >
				<td class="txt_rapport" colspan=4><b>bon:</b>'.$Row_bon['BonNumer'].' ( '.$Row_bon['BonDatum'].')</td>				
				<td class="txt_rapport" align="right">'.$_SESSION['pos'][$key].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" align="left">   '.$Row_art['Teilnumer'].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" align="left">   '.$Row_art['Art_Description'].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport">'.$_SESSION['nr'][$key].'</td>';
	         echo' </tr>';
}else {

echo' 			<tr>
                <td class="txt_rapport" align="right">'.$_SESSION['pos'][$key].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" align="left">   '.$Row_art['Teilnummer'].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport" align="left">   '.$Row_art['Art_Description'].'</td>
				<td class="txt_rapport">'.$_SESSION['nr'][$key].'</td>';
		 echo' </tr>';



Please some one to help me pls...




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No, it's the other way around. I don't understand you. Could you explain what you mean by arrange correctly?


If I have numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and I ask you to arrange them correctly, that wouldn't make sense unless I tell you how I want them to be arranged. Now, it's your turn. Please explain arrange correctly.

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Here is my dynamic row:

<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>
<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>
<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>

And after i press NEXT these arrays are goind to under case'rapport':

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<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>
<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>
<td>$valueX[]</td> <td>$valueY[]</td> <td>$valueZ[]</td> <td>$valueW[]</td>


And I want to arrange in such way : for example all values from the 3rd row then values from then 1st row the value from then 2nd row, and each time it can be different, so , to arrange them also dynamicaly, but values to corespond from their original row...

Now i hope that you understand me....


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