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[SOLVED] help with a mysql query


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i have a mysql query that is meant to insert an md5().

but when i look at the page i get this Unknown column 'e983f8ac2081bcce91dee92517c83b4c' in 'field list'.

so i added a '' in the query but then it doesnt insert the md5.


Here is the query:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO richspri_social.invite (userid, useremail, inviteemail, hash, date) VALUES ($userid,'$useremail','$fromemail',$hash,NOW())") or exit( mysql_error() );


What am i missing?



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I'd try enclosing your fields in backticks like such:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO `richspri_social`.`invite` (`userid`, `useremail`, `inviteemail`, `hash`, `date`) VALUES ('$userid','$useremail','$fromemail','$hash',NOW())") or exit( mysql_error() );


I also enclosed some of your values in single-quotes. See how that does.

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Well, when I get in a pickle like that, I'll replace "mysql_query" with "echo" and see what it's actually sending to mysql. That's usually enough for me to say "ohhh!!!" and get it fixed.


Another possible issue. I usually validate or escape all my mysql queries. It's probably the long way around, but this is how I do it:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO `richspri_social`.`invite` (`userid`, `useremail`, `inviteemail`, `hash`, `date`) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($userid)."','".mysql_real_escape_string($useremail)."','".mysql_real_escape_string($fromemail)."','".mysql_real_escape_string($hash)."',NOW())") or exit( mysql_error() );


That should keep people from injecting malicious code into your mysql query, and clean up anything (like apostrophes) that can crater your query.

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Hey, thanks for the help.


i have managed to get it working now, i used your code and just played about with it abit and it inserted the numbers from the hash but that was it so i looked at the DB and turns i had the table set wrong, i changed it from varchar to int and forgot to change it back again.


I changed it to varchar and it works fine now,


thanks for the help


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