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I was wondering if there was a way to tell the last result from an sql statement. Or maybe there is an easier way all together. Basically i have categories being outputted based on the sql statement. However after each one I wanted a comma....the problem with the code I have now (see below)...is that it also adds a comma to the very last one...that looks odd. I know mysql_num_rows tells you the total number of results....so i figured you could use that along with a counter....but i can't seem to work out the right code...either the comma remains or a i get weird results.... Any advice? Thanks



$sql2="SELECT * FROM category WHERE cat_name = '$curr_cat'";

			$qry3 = mysql_query($sql2);
			$total = mysql_num_rows($qry3);					

			if (mysql_num_rows($qry3) > 0) {
				while ($rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry3)) {

					$category= $rs['area'];
					print $category;

						if($total >1){
                                                             print ',  ';




the output right now for one results is 





for more than one result


Chocolate, Candy, Chips, Pop,



for more than one result I would like it to be:


Chocolate, Candy, Chips, Pop


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You don't have to. Let MySQL do it. It'll be easier on your part too!

$sql2 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(area) AS listings FROM category WHERE cat_name = '$curr_cat' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or die(mysql_error());
echo $result['listings'];


Like it? :)


Well I guess it's not exactly like yours. MySQL doesn't add the space after the comma.


But you can use substr if you really want to use your method.

You can also do the following:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE cat_name = '$curr_cat'") or die(mysql_error());

for($i=0;$i < mysql_num_rows($result);$i++)
    echo mysql_result($result, $i, "area").($i + 1 < mysql_num_rows($result) ? ", " : "");


If I did it right, it should give you each area followed by a comma until it reaches the last one, where it will not.

Ken2k7's option is probably the most efficient, but just for the sake of learning here's another approach



$query = "SELECT * FROM category WHERE cat_name = '$curr_cat'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

while($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $catNames = $record['area'];
echo implode(', ', $catNames);


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