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I need your brains, guys.


I have a script on my site which expands and collapses div elements. This first part goes in the head element:


			function ToggleVis(elem, tohide) {
    			if (typeof(elem) != "object") {
        			elem = document.getElementById(elem);
    			if (typeof(tohide) != "object") {
       				tohide = document.getElementById(tohide);
    			if (tohide == null || tohide.style == null) {
        		return false;
    			if (tohide.style.display != 'none') {
        		tohide.style.display = 'none';
        		elem.innerHTML = 'Show store info +';
        		elem.value = 'Show store info +';
    			else {
        		tohide.style.display = '';
        		//(elem.innerHTML != null) ? elem.innerHTML = 'Hide store info -' : elem.value = 'Hide store info -';
        		elem.innerHTML = 'Hide store info -';
        		elem.value = 'Hide store info -';


And this other part goes in the body element:


<a  href="#" onclick="ToggleVis(this, 'div_id'); return false;">Show store info +</a>

<div id="div_id" style="display: none">Content to be expanded and collapsed.</div>


When the anchor is clicked, the content in the div is expanded/collapsed.


I also have another script in my site's body element which copies text to clipboard:


			<script type="text/JavaScript">
			var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
			clip.addEventListener('mouseOver', function(client) {
			document.getElementById("hoverpopup").style.visibility = "visible";
			} );
			clip.addEventListener( 'mouseOut', function(client) { 
			document.getElementById("hoverpopup").style.visibility = "hidden";
			} );
			clip.addEventListener( 'complete', function(client, text) {
			document.getElementById("hoverpopup").style.visibility = "hidden";
			} );
			window.onresize = resize;
			function resize() {


Is there a way of making the resize() function of the second script fire whenever a div is expanded or collapsed?

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First, you will need to put your second script (the one with clip) above ToggleVis function. As a general rule, I like to have JavaScript run at the bottom of the page, not in the head tag. So you should do that. Then in toggleVis function, call clip.reposition() or resize()

First, you will need to put your second script (the one with clip) above ToggleVis function. As a general rule, I like to have JavaScript run at the bottom of the page, not in the head tag. So you should do that. Then in toggleVis function, call clip.reposition() or resize()


If I put the head part of the first script at the bottom of the page, beneath its body part, will it still work?


And how exactly do I call resize()? That was my question.

Yes, it'll still work. It's just a function.


And you call it just like that - resize(). Don't know JavaScript?


Thanks, Ken, but I don't think you understand me. I need it to be called only when someone expands or collapses a div. In other words, I need resize() to be called every time this is clicked:


<a  href="#" onclick="ToggleVis(this, 'div_id'); return false;">Show store info +</a>


Do you know how I can do this?

Yes, read -


First, you will need to put your second script (the one with clip) above ToggleVis function. As a general rule, I like to have JavaScript run at the bottom of the page, not in the head tag. So you should do that. Then in toggleVis function, call clip.reposition() or resize()

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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