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[SOLVED] Setting and getting cookies?


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Hi All,


I am 72 and just trying to learn php, it wasn't around when I was programming 20 years ago.  I got this code off of the web and I don't quite understand what is happening!  I do know that the $_GET statement returns the reefer's username from the affiliate link but that is about all.


  if($cookieExpiration != 0)
    $cookieLifetime = time() + $cookieExpiration*86400;
    $cookieLifetime =  time() + 3650*86400;
  SetCookie ("ref",$_GET['ref'], $cookieLifetime, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain);
  SetCookie ("ref",$_GET['ref'], $cookieLifetime, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain);
  SetCookie ("ref",$_GET['ref'], $cookieLifetime, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain);
  SetCookie ("ref",$_GET['ref'], $cookieLifetime, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain);
  SetCookie ("ref",$_GET['ref'], $cookieLifetime, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain);


as you can see there are 4 Set "SetCookie" statements in a row that look identical to me.  Is there a difference in what each statement does?


In a different php file I want to use the following code...


$myFile = 'testFile.txt';
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");

$ref = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["ref"];
fwrite($fh, "WHAT GOES HERE");


to read the cookie I just set with the previous statements and write them out to a file so I can see what is returned.


Is "$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS" a good statement?  I read some where that it was depreciated and replaced with a new statement.


Since I don't know what or how many variables are being returned what goes where I have written "WHAT GOES HERE", AND HERE, AND HERE" in the code above? There were 2 variables in the list or orginally.





PS What is wrong with this text editor?  I cannot see the bottom of the page after a few lines.  Why doesn't someone fix it?


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//set a cookie

//get said cookie
$name = $_COOKIE['name'];

//print $name
echo $name; //Will be Wayne


You're right. $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS is pretty outdated.





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They look look identical to me as well so will all do the same thing..


well technically if you used all of them then only the first one will create a cookie if it doesn't exist, the rest would update it ;)..

but if only one of those existed it wouldn't matter which one

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