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Hey guys im having trouble getting the data i need out of my mysql table and i was hoping someone could help :)

Its an assignment for uni so im using some of the lecturers code, and just modifying it(so i apologize in advance for it being terribly messy). Anyway, the site is an online auction site. I have 4 rows for the images(the last 4 in the table) in my mysql table: imagedata(BLOB), imagename(Varchar(40)), imagesize(Varchar(40)), imagetype(Varchar(40)). All of which seem to receive the appropriate data when the file is submitted from the form. The problem is with viewing them, Here is the code i am using:

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE description LIKE '%$_POST[keywords]%' AND categoryid = $_POST[categories] OR name LIKE '%$_POST[keywords]%' AND categoryid = $_POST[categories]");	//Search database for keywords
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_NUM)) {
			$min = $row[4] + 1;

			$output .= ("<hr><p> Item: <a href='item.php?uniqueid=$row[5]'>$row[0]</a> <br> Seller: $row[3] <br> Price: $$row[4]
					<br>Image: <img src='getImage.php?id=$row[5]' $row[8] alt='$row[7]'></p>");
		$end = ("</div>");


Here is getImage.php:


$id = $_GET['id'];

  $query = "select imagedata, imagename, imagetype, imagesize " .
           "from items2 where uniqueid = $id";
  $result = @ mysql_query($query) or showerror();
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $image = $row;

$data = $image['imagedata'];
$name = $image['imagename'];
$type = $image['imagetype'];
$size = strlen($data);

header("Content-length: $size");
header("Content-type: $type");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");



The Data that is stored in the table is as follows:


imagedata: blob 21.5kb

imagename: cap1.jpg

imagesize: width="200" height="194"

imagetype: image/jpeg


The Code results in an empty white box the size of the image i'm attempting to display. Ive got absolutely no idea whats wrong with it :-[


Anyway its about 2Am here in Australia So im going to bed, hopefully ill have some good ideas by the morning :)


Cheers, Daniel

Assuming that the image is being stored in the same folder as the file getImage.php, this is what you need I think...

$id = intval($_GET['id']);//added intval() to prevent SQL injections... 

  $query = "select imagedata, imagename, imagetype, imagesize " .
           "from items2 where uniqueid = $id";
  $result = @ mysql_query($query) or showerror();
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $image = $row;

$data = $image['imagedata'];
$name = $image['imagename'];
$type = $image['imagetype'];
$size = strlen($data);//This is getting the count of characters in the name of the file, not the file...
$size = filesize($data);//this gets the file size

header("Content-length: $size");
header("Content-type: $type");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");

echo file_get_contents($data);//get the image's code and print it out

Ok well i tried that and it hasn't solved the problem yet... Im still presented with a white Box with the dimensions of the correct picture. When You right click and select properties this is what it gives me(incase it helps):


Image Properties:

Location: Http://myhost.com/mypicture

Type: JPEG image

Image Dimensions: 0px × 0px (scaled to 200px × 194px)

Size of file: 0 KB (3 bytes)

Alternative Text: cap1.jpg


It wouldn't Actually be putting the image into the database wrong would it? As in somehow corrupting the data?


I'm not sure what you meant by "assuming its stored in the same folder"

either, as i thought it was stored in the database? If you can clarify that would be great :)


Cheers, Daniel


Ok well after more playing with it i've got it displaying the right image size too ie:

Size of file: 21.5 KB


But the confusing thing is it still says Image Dimensions: 0px x 0px...

I showed it too my lecturer today and he looked at it for and hour and a half and couldn't work it out.

Please help, its Due on monday :(

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