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Undefined variable complicated :-(


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Hi everyone I have been trying to get a calendar entry system to work with error reporting on but to no avail, the problem lies in the part of highlighted below. And for some reason it tells me that it is undefined and no matter what ive tried i cannot get it to be define. anyway here is a the code below and here is a link to the effect script www.deskfun.co.nr/1123 hooton park squadron/calendar/ you will need to use the username: Testing and password: squadron. Its line 226 which brings the error message up


Sorry about the large amount of code but i dont know which part of it is affecting it :-(

and thanks before hand :-)


class myEventsCalendar 
  var $month = 0; 
  var $day = 0; 
  var $year = 0; 
  var $Months = Array("January", "February",  
  "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",  
  "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");  
  var $overlibPath = "";
  var $eventsId = array();
  var $eventsData = array();
  var $eventsCount = 0;
  var $formDetailsAction = "";
  function myEventsCalendar($thisFormDetailsAction) 
      //set the destination to view event details
      $this->formDetailsAction = $thisFormDetailsAction;
      //set additional parameters if necessary
      //need to set month, day, and year
      //before generating HTML
      $this->eventsData = array();
      $this->eventsCount = count($this->eventsData);
    /**Append the parameter element to the vector*/
  function addEvent($thisDate,$thisEventTitle, $thisEventTime, $thisEventDescription)
             $dateArr = explode("-",$thisDate);
             $mIndex = intVal($dateArr[0]);
             $dIndex = intVal($dateArr[1]);
             $yIndex = intVal($dateArr[2]);
             $dateIndex = $mIndex . "-" . $dIndex . "-" . $yIndex;
             if(!$this->eventsId[$dateIndex]) {
                  $this->eventsId[$dateIndex] = 1;
             else {
                $numOfEvents = intVal($this->eventsId[$dateIndex]);
                $numOfEvents = $numOfEvents + 1;
                $this->eventsId[$dateIndex] = $numOfEvents;
             $titleIdx = "title" . $this->eventsId[$dateIndex];
             $timeIdx = "time" . $this->eventsId[$dateIndex];
             $descrIdx = "description" . $this->eventsId[$dateIndex];
            $this->eventsData[$dateIndex][$titleIdx] = $thisEventTitle;
            $this->eventsData[$dateIndex][$timeIdx] = $thisEventTime;
            $this->eventsData[$dateIndex][$descrIdx] = $thisEventDescription;
            $this->eventsCount = count($this->eventsData);
            return true;
            return false;
  function setMonth($thisMonth)
    $this->month = $thisMonth; 
  function setYear($thisYear)
    $this->year = $thisYear;
  function setDay($thisDay)
     $this->day = $thisDay;
  function setOverlibPath($thisPath)
     $this->overlibPath = $thisPath;
  function getDayOfMonth($month, $day, $year) 
    $myresult = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); 
    return $myresult; 
  function getMonthName($month, $day, $year) 
    $myresult = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); 
    return $myresult; 
  function getWeekDay($day) 
      $myresult = 0;    
    switch ($day) { 
    case "Monday": 
      $myresult = 1;  
    case "Tuesday": 
      $myresult = 2;  
    case "Wednesday": 
      $myresult = 3;  
    case "Thursday": 
      $myresult = 4;  
    case "Friday": 
       $myresult =  5;  
    case "Saturday": 
      $myresult = 6;  
    case "Sunday": 
      $myresult = 7;  
    return $myresult; 
  function getNumDaysOfMonth($month, $year) 
    // non-leap year          
    $nonleap = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);   
    // leap year  
    $leap = Array(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);   
    $isLeap = false ; 
    if (($year % 4) == 0) {  
      if (($year % 100) == 0 && ($year % 400) != 0) {  
        $isLeap = false; 
      else {  
        $isLeap = true; 
    else {  
      $isLeap = false; 
    if($isLeap == true) {  
      return $leap[$month - 1]; 
    else {  
      return $nonleap[$month - 1];  

  function isToday($month,$day,$year)  
     if( ($month == intval(date("m"))) && ( $day == intval(date("d"))) 
      && ($year == intval(date("Y")))){ 
       return true;   
     } else { 
      return false; 
  function getDetails($thisDate, $allDetails)
   $counter = 1;
   $titleIdx = "title" . $counter;
   $timeIdx = "time" . $counter;
   $descrIdx = "description" . $counter;
   $result = "";
   //prepare overlib data
   while($this->eventsData[$thisDate][$titleIdx] != "") {
      if($counter > 1){ $result .= "<br><br>"; }
      $result .= "<b>Event:</b> " . $this->eventsData[$thisDate][$titleIdx];
      $result .= "<br><b>Time:</b> " . $this->eventsData[$thisDate][$timeIdx];
      if($allDetails) {
      $result .= "<br><b>Description:</b> " . $this->eventsData[$thisDate][$descrIdx];
      $counter = $counter + 1;
      $titleIdx = "title" . $counter;
      $timeIdx = "time" . $counter;
      $descrIdx = "description" . $counter;
     return $result;
  function outputDay($thisMonth,$thisDay,$thisYear)
  $thisDate = "";
    $thisDate = $thisMonth . "-" . $thisDay . "-" . $thisYear;
    $ch = "eventsId[$thisDate]";
        if($this->eventsId[$thisDate]) {
           $overlib = $this->getDetails($thisDate, false);
           $details = $this->getDetails($thisDate, true);      
          echo "<a href=\"javascript:goToDetails('" . urlencode($details) . "')";
          echo ";\" ";
          echo "onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $overlib . "',";
          echo "CAPTION,";
          echo "'" . $thisDate . "');\" ";
          echo "onmouseout=\"return nd();\">". $thisDay ."</a>\n";

        } else {
           echo $thisDay;
  function generateHTML($toUrl)  
      //configure top navigation 
      $nextMonth = $this->month + 1; 
      $nextYear  = $this->year; 
      if($nextMonth == 13) { 
        $nextMonth = 1;   
        $nextYear = $this->year + 1; 
      $prevMonth = $this->month - 1; 
      $prevYear = $this->year; 
    if($prevMonth == 0) { 
        $prevMonth = 12;   
        $prevYear = $this->year - 1; 
      //output overlib js path
      echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $this->overlibPath . "\"></script>";
      //output overlib div
      echo "<div id=\"overDiv\" style=\"position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;\"></div>";
      //output detail form
      echo "<form name=\"jump_to_details\" action=\"" . $this->formDetailsAction  . "\" ";
      echo "method=\"POST\">\n";
      echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"event\" value=\"\">\n";
      echo "</form>";
      //output javascript submit form (handler) method
      echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">\n";
      echo "\n";
      echo "function goToDetails(thisEvent) {\n";
      echo "document.jump_to_details.event.value=thisEvent\n";
      echo "document.jump_to_details.submit()\n";
      echo "}\n";
      echo "</script>\n";
      //configure bottom navigation 

      $gobackwards = $toUrl . "&m=" . $prevMonth . "&y=" . $prevYear; 
      $goforward = $toUrl . "&m=" . $nextMonth . "&y=" . $nextYear; 
      echo "<small>"; 
      echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; 
      echo "<tr>\n"; 
      echo "   <td colspan=\"7\">"; 
      echo "      <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"; 
      echo "      <tr>\n"; 
      echo "           <td width=\"5%\"><a href=\"" . $gobackwards .  
      echo "          <td width=\"90%\" align=\"center\"><b>" .  
      $this->getMonthName($this->month , 1 , $this->year) .  
      " " . $this->year . "</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "         <td width=\"5%\"><a href=\"" . $goforward . 
      echo "      </tr>\n"; 
      echo "      </table>\n"; 
      echo "   </td>"; 
      echo "</tr>\n";       
      echo "<tr>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Sun</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Mon</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Tue</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Wed</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Thur</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Fri</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "   <td><b>Sat</b></td>\n"; 
      echo "</tr>\n"; 
      $newrow = 1; 
      $monLoop = $this->getNumDaysOfMonth($this->month, $this->year); 
      $startDay = intval($this->getWeekDay($this->getDayOfMonth( 
                                               $this->month, 1, $this->year))); 
      $begin = false; 

      for($i=1; $i <= $monLoop; $i++) { 
         if($startDay == 7) { 
        $begin = true;   
         if($newrow == 8 || $newrow == 1) { 
           echo "<tr>"; 
           $newrow = 1;   
         if($begin == true) { 
          if( $this->isToday($this->month, $i, $this->year)) { 
            echo "   <td><font color=\"red\">";
            $this->outputDay(intVal($this->month), intVal($i), intVal($this->year));
            echo "</font></td>";  
          } else { 
            echo "   <td>";
            $this->outputDay(intVal($this->month), intVal($i), intVal($this->year));
            echo "</td>";    
         if($i <= $startDay && $begin == false ) { 
           echo "   <td> </td>"; 
           if($i == $startDay) { 
             $begin = true;   
             $i = 0; 
     if($newrow == { 
           echo "</tr>"; 
      echo "</table>\n"; 
      echo "</small>"; 



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224     $thisDate = $thisMonth . "-" . $thisDay . "-" . $thisYear;
226     if($this->eventsId[$thisDate]) {


Those are 2 lines I copy and pasted. I assume the array eventsId does NOT have an index at $thisDate.


Here's something you can do to debug - after line 224, put this


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Ok now im getting this

string( "5-1-2009" array(1) { ["5-20-2009"]=>  int(2) }
Notice: Undefined index: 5-1-2009 in C:\Deskfun\1123 Hooton park website\calendar\myEventsCalendar.php on line 227 

absolutly no idea at this lol oh and that dump changes for each day but you can see that if you go on the page

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Im not sure :s i realy do not know what to do with this i dont understand the way in which the


bit works with teh -> so ive got no hope at figuring out how that output from the var dump is going to help me lol

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