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[SOLVED] Putting Dynamic Arrays into array_intersect


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Hello fellow freaks... ;D


I'm hoping someone can help me.  I've created some code that takes an unknown number or arrays and creates a string (ugh) that can be placed into the array_intersect variable for comparison.




foreach ($ship_methods_allowed as $module) {

$newArray .= '$ship_methods_allowed['.$c.'] , ';



$newArray = rtrim($newArray,' , ');


eval("\$newArray = $newArray;");

$result = array_intersect($newArray);



If I put in more than one array I get the error that an unexpected , (comma) has been seen in the code.  I need the comma there and I need each variable to be seen as an array to get the results.


The $newArray variable comes out as a string "$ship_methods_allowed[0],$ship_methods_allowed[1]"


How do I get the array_intersect to see there correctly?


Any help would be appriciated.  I've been banging my head against a wall for a week now.

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$ship_methods_allowed contains an array of modules based on the id of the product. 


For example the first array $ship_methods_allowed[0]= array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order","In Store Pickup");

Second Array would contain $ship_methods_allowed[1]= array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order","Freight");

Third - $ship_methods_allowed[2]= array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order");


So by comparing these I want to get back $result = array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order");


I can then use the result to turn on those 2 modules so they show on the shipping page.


var_dump($ship_methods_allowed) returns


array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(15) "In Store Pickup" [1]=> string(0) "" [2]=> string(3) "UPS" [3]=> string(0) "" } }



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1) I don't have a php environment handy, so this is completely untested.


2) Assuming the number of element in $ship_methods_allowed is unpredictable, I would try something like this:


$eval_string = "$result = array_intersect(";

for( $i = 0; $i < count( $ship_methods_allowed ); $i++ )
$eval_string .= "$ship_methods_allowed[" . $i . "], ";	

//trim off last ", "
$eval_string = substr($eval_string, 0, -2);

$eval_string .= ");";


//now you should have a $result variable containing the intersection


3) Your var_dump() contradicted your explanation of what $shipping_methods_allowed contains. You should see everything in var_dump() that you expect to be in the array.

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1) I don't have a php environment handy, so this is completely untested.


2) Assuming the number of element in $ship_methods_allowed is unpredictable, I would try something like this:


$eval_string = "$result = array_intersect(";

for( $i = 0; $i < count( $ship_methods_allowed ); $i++ )
$eval_string .= "$ship_methods_allowed[" . $i . "], ";	

//trim off last ", "
$eval_string = substr($eval_string, 0, -2);

$eval_string .= ");";


//now you should have a $result variable containing the intersection


3) Your var_dump() contradicted your explanation of what $shipping_methods_allowed contains. You should see everything in var_dump() that you expect to be in the array.


I'm getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING  using the above code.


My statement was off as I only had one array.

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When I modified the code slightly


$eval_string = "$result = array_intersect(";

for( $c = 0; $c < count( $ship_methods_allowed )+1; $c++ )
	$eval_string .= "$ship_methods_allowed[$c], ";	

//trim off last ", "
$eval_string = substr($eval_string, 0, -4);

$eval_string .= ");";



I get = array_intersect(Array, Array);

as the result.


If I leave the eval the way it was in your code same I get an error on the equal sign.  I'm not sure why $result doesn't flow through to make the result show-up.



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i get no errors in PHP 5 can you paste the specific error you are getting ???


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /home/myprinti/public_html/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/checkout/list_shipping_methods.tpl.php(96) : eval()'d code on line 1


PHP Version 5.2.9

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please paste the full code so we can determine where the error is.


i have tested your above code in PHP 4 and 5 and i get no errors


             $db = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT DISTINCT custom_shipping_carrier FROM jos_vm_category WHERE category_id='". $searchShippersFinal[$i] ."'";

$ship_methods_allowed[$i] = explode( "|", $db->f('custom_shipping_carrier'));
		//echo $ship_methods_allowed[$i][$j] . "<br>";
echo "<br>";
//Now that all the array have been created I need to take an put them all into one statement and compare ALL the ARRAYS at the same time to come up with final list.
$ship_methods_allowed[1] = array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order","In Store Pickup");
//$ship_methods_allowed[2] = array("UPS","Shipping Based on Total Order","In Store Pickup");
//$result = array_intersect($newArray,$ship_methods_allowed[1],$ship_methods_allowed[2]);

$eval_string = "$result = array_intersect(";

for( $c = 0; $c < count( $ship_methods_allowed )+1; $c++ )
	$eval_string .= "$ship_methods_allowed[$c], ";	

//trim off last ", "
$eval_string = substr($eval_string, 0, -4);

$eval_string .= ");";

//$result = $eval_string;
echo "HERE:" . $result . "-" . $eval_string . "<br>";

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if you uncomment my code and comment his out it works :P


Are you refering to these two lines?





When I switch those I get no error but I also don't get an clean answer


I receive this:  HERE:- = array_intersect(Array, Array);


For the line


echo "HERE:" . $result . "-" . $eval_string . "<br>";



I get nothing for print_r ($result);


I need an array of the results from the array_intersect.

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Solved.... Ever have one of those walk away and then it will make sense moments?


The problem was I was using " double quotes in the creation instead of single quotes.  Here's the solution...


$eval_string = '$result = array_intersect(';

for($c=0; $c < count( $ship_methods_allowed ); $c++)
	$eval_string .= '$ship_methods_allowed[' . $c . '], ';	

//trim off last ", "
$eval_string = substr($eval_string, 0, -2);

$eval_string .= ');';


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