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[SOLVED] Carry PHP Code Over to an Extra Page?

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Hi, PHP Freaks!


I have a question for you regarding the ability for PHP to carry information over to another page.


To explain:


This is for a wedding registry website I am constructing. 


On page one, I have a search field.  If you search for Joe Smith, you will then be taken to a dynamically generated PHP & HTML page that displays any Joe Smiths in the database.


From there, you could click on the name of the wedding party you wanted and a page would load that would have a photo of the bride and groom couple.


Finally, from the photo page, you could click a button again that would load a wedding registry for the couple.



I have not pasted the search page, but I am pasting the code for the PHP page that generates the listings of the couples.  How can I have it bridge (and remember) the information so that I can add a photo page that then carries the data to the registry page?


I have pasted the code here:  http://pastie.org/private/iw0obthro1l716uqtppqfa


But as the code is, it only will take you to the listing of the people -- I basically need the PHP code to be carried through to subsequent pages, how can I do this?


I know this is hard to follow so please ask if you have any questions!




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something like this....



$_SESSION['name'] = "whatever info, field, or varibable you want to pass";


then on every page you do a session_start(), you can call the field by doing something like....



$name = $_SESSION['name'];
//then do a query

$example = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = '$name'")or die(mysql_error());

//pull all  the data you need again and display


then you can remove all the session varibales by using session_unset();


hope that helps a little.

But passing a common field from a table via a hidden field in a table using get or post works as well like ...


<input type="hidden" name="clientid" value="<?php echo $ID ?>">


then just get it on the page you post to.

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