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[SOLVED] Not writing to table?


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Hi everyone, just as I thought I was getting the hang of this something has baffled me :S


I have an Access database, with several tables in it. Some of these are tblAddress and tblCard.


Now, I copied and pasted the code from tblAddress 's php file to tblCard 's... obviously I changed all the names and double checked etc...


These are the 2 files for tblCard:



<form action="addcard.php" method="POST">
			<table border = 0>

<td>Name on Card :</td> <td> <input type='text' name='name' /></td> 
<td>Number: </td> <td> <input type='text' name='num' /></td>

<tr><td>Type: </td> <td> <input type='text' name='type' /></td> 

<tr><td>Expiry Date: </td> <td> <input type='text' name='ex' /></td> <td>Please enter in the form of MM/YY</td></tr>

<tr><td>Security number: </td> <td> <input type='text' name='sec' /></td> <td>This is the 3 digit code on the signature strip</td>
<tr><td> <input type='submit' value='Add Card'></td> <td>  </td></tr>



and addcard.php



$name= $_POST['name'];
$num= $_POST['num'];
$type= $_POST['type'];
$ex= $_POST['ex'];
$sec= $_POST['sec'];


$sql="INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')";

if (odbc_exec($conn,$sql)) 
echo "Thank you for registering a Card!";
echo "Unfortunately there has been a problem - please <a href='card.php'>Try again</a>";
echo $name;
echo $num;
echo $type;
echo $ex;
echo $sec;
echo $username;




I just dont see when I can possibly be going wrong, but it must be something simple :S I have checked and checked and checked to make sure my field names are right both from the form and from the database...


Also $username is stored in a cookie and works completely in all of my other pages..


Arggghhh, help me !!


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try this


$name= $_POST['name'];
$num= $_POST['num'];
$type= $_POST['type'];
$ex= $_POST['ex'];
$sec= $_POST['sec'];

if ( !( $conn = odbc_connect( "db09", "",""))) die( "Could not connect to database" ); 

$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')" );

/* check for errors */
if (!odbc_execute($sql))
echo "Thank you for registering a Card!";
}else {
// you must set the connection first
if (odbc_error())
	echo odbc_errormsg($conn);
echo "Unfortunately there has been a problem - please <a href='card.php'>Try again</a>";
echo $name;
echo $num;
echo $type;
echo $ex;
echo $sec;
echo $username;



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thanks again dude, I really appreciate your efforts :)


I did what you said, and it was promising as it came up with "thank you for registering a card" ..




it didn't actually write anything into the database :S


I'm sooo stuck with this ... as I said before, my way worked in other tables in the same database... I'm confuzzled :(


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Erm... (just double checked)

odbc_execute — Execute a prepared statement

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Can you double check that..!


it can't be true and false!


also can you ADD

echo odbc_errormsg($conn);

just above the


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more specifically...


[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.Unfortunately there has been a problem - please Try againabcdeCharles1[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.


does this help??




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okay, thats atleast something

lets try something simpler


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')" );


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username) VALUES ('$username')" );

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okay now repeat, add another field


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name) VALUES ('$username', '$name')" );


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type')" );


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num')" );


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex')" );


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')" );


when it fails remove that field and continue onto the next one until all but 1 or 2 fields are in, then we're try to fix those

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Ok, been through all the options, turns out its the '$num' field that is breaking everything :s and that field is called "number" in the tblCard table and its just saved as a text field.


Also, this is an amazing lesson in bug finding ! You've been amazing ! :) so thank you :)

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okay cool,

well num is probably not a reserved word but in your database it is likely a number, so that doesn't "need" quotes so lets try removing them first

$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, number, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', $num, '$ex', '$sec')" );


EDIT: bug find is basically checking your input then output, then the middle parts, the output we wanted was either an error or a storage, we could of tried this sooner but i wanted the error incase the error said  something like database locked etc

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I tried that, but it didn't work :(


It still does the same thing :S also the "number" field in the table is just a normal text field as if you store it as a number a card starting in 0 would be shortened and the 0 removed...


Your help is amazing :)


PS. Sorry about the slow reply, I'm pretty new here and didn't realise it went onto page 2... :S plonker I am :P


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lol, thats okay,


okay lets try (don't hate me) rename the field in the database let call it mynum

and try

$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, mynum, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')" );


if it fails try (note the quote)

$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, mynum, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', $num, '$ex', '$sec')" );


I know what its like to be stuck, i don't use ODBC much and this helps me resolve problems if i do them at a later stage.

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Thank you lots :)


This worked :


$sql = odbc_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO tblCard (username, name, type, mynum, exp, sec) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$type', '$num', '$ex', '$sec')" );


Seems like number is a reserved word or something else is playing up ... :S anyway, thank you so so much :) you've been really patient and spent lots of time helping me :)


It makes learning this all the more easier with people around like you to help :)


Thanks a million :)


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Suppose you don't get a PHP Recommended badge for nothing eh :P


Thank you again :)


Also, I had a google too, and found this : http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.com/what-are-reserved-access-odbc-and-sql-server-keywords.html


It suggests that with Access number is reserved and as thats what my database is in (probably should have mentioned that if I didn't...:P), that would be why...

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You did,

I have an Access database, with several tables in it.


Well we both know now :P


Yeah went from Standard User to GURU to PHP Recommended, i find it helps me to help others,


rememeber "smart people learn from their mistakes, really smart people learn from other peoples mistakes" ;)

i choose to help others and i learn from it and its nice to help :)

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