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progress/status bar


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I have a PHP script with HTML embedded in it.


The PHP script takes time to run, so I want to add an intermediate page which would should show a progress bar and a message of my choice. Can someone tell how I can do this ?

Will it be done by Javascript or PHP and where to add the code for the progress bar.



Here is my PHP code:

<head><link href="lipo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"><script type="text/javascript" src="selctall.jsp">

<table align="center" bgcolor="skyblue" width="60%"><tr>
                <th align="left">    <img src="calycin2.gif" height="130"></img>       &nbsp&nbsp   &nbsp&nbsp    &nbsp&nbsp    &nbsp&nbsp <img src="banner.jpg" height="130"></img>       &nbsp&nbsp    &nbsp&nbsp    &nbsp&nbsp   <img src="icgeb_logo1.jpg" height="130"></img></th></tr></table><table align="left" height="50%"><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td>
<div id="main">
      <div class="leftnav">

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<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; left:330px; width:200px; height:25px">

<!-----------------------------PHP script --------------------!>

echo "<table align='left' width=650 frame='void' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 border=0>";
echo "<tr><td height =20></td></tr>";
########################### Setting Veriables ##############################
$randi=rand(0, 1111111);


$seqfile= $randi;

########################### Writing Input Seq into file #########################

$pattern = '/>/';

  if (preg_match($pattern,$seq))
      $somecontent = ">sequence\n".$seq;

// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (!is_writable("$seqfile"))
  if (!$handle = fopen("./junkbin/$seqfile", 'w'))
      echo "Cannot open file ($seqfile)";
  // Write $somecontent to our opened file.
  if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE)
      //echo "Cannot write to file ($seqfile)";
  //echo "Success, wrote ($somecontent) to file ($seqfile)";

######################## get_svm_results() function call in IF-ESLE #################################

if($seq == '' && $userfile == ''){
  echo "<TR><TD><font color='#d11010' size=5><br><p align='center'><blink><b>Warning !</b> </blink><br> Please type/paste either sequence/sequences or upload a sequence file from the browser!!</font></p></TD></TR> ";

}elseif($seq == ''){
  $file_data= implode("",file($userfile));
  echo "<TR><TD bgcolor='skyblue' width='100%' Align=middle colspan='3'><font size =5.5 color ='AF250A'><b>PREDICTION RESULT<TD></TR><TR><TD><BR></TD></TR>";
  echo "<TR><TD width=30%><font size=4><b>Your Job ID is </TD><TD width=5%>:</TD><TD>$randi</TD></TR>";

}elseif($userfile == ''){
    $sqfile= "junkbin/"."$seqfile";
    echo "<TR ><TD bgcolor='skyblue' width='100%' Align=middle colspan='3'><font size =5.5 color='AF250A'><b>PREDICTION RESULT<TD></TR><TR><TD><BR></TD></TR>";    echo "<TR ><TD width=30%><font size=4><b>Your Job ID is </TD><TD width=5%>:</TD><TD>$randi</TD></TR>";

          echo "<TR><TD><font color='#d11010' size=4><br><br><br><img src='e001.gif'> <blink><br><br><font color='#d11010' size=5>Error !!</blink> either upload file from browser or type/paste your sequence in Text area !</font></TD></TR>";


########################  FUNCTION get_svm_result()  #################################

function get_svm_result($randi,$sqfile,$sscthresh,$hybthresh,$pthresh,$hybpred,$sscpred){

#====================== Executing system commands ======================#


  $modelfile = "finl_models/".'ssc-model';
  $outfile2= 'allseqssc_'.$randi;
  system("cat prefile $seqfile endfile > $yrfile");
  echo "<TR><TD width=30%><font size=4><b>Your input seq(s)  </TD><TD width=5%>:</TD><TD><a href='$sqfile'>Input file</a></TD>";
  system("cp $sqfile /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/lipocalinpred/$myinput");

  if(!empty($hybpred) || (!empty($sscpred))){
  system("sh fasta.sh $myinput");
  system("perl lipopred.pl $myinput $randi");

    system("perl ssc-normon.pl $outfile2 $randi");
    system("paste -d '' $outfile4 $outfilea > $outfile5");

    system("./svm_classify $outfile5 $hybmodelfile $scorefile >> $testDetails_out");
    system("perl threshold_check.pl $scorefile $hybthresh > outputs/$outfilecp");
    system("perl ssc-norm.pl $outfile2 $randi");
    system("./svm_classify $outfile3 $modelfile $sscscore >> $testDetails1_out");
    system("perl threshold_check.pl $sscscore $sscthresh > outputs/$outfilecp1");


  system("cat $sqfile |grep '>' |nl> outputs/$seqid");
  `perl -pi -e "s/\>//g" outputs/$seqid`;
  `perl -pi -e "s/^ +//" outputs/$seqid`;
  `perl -pi -e "s/ /\t/" outputs/$seqid`;
  `cut -f 1 outputs/$seqid >outputs/$sno`;
  `cut -f 2 outputs/$seqid >outputs/$tmpid`;
  `perl -pi -e "s/\cM//g" outputs/$seqid`;
#  `paste outputs/$seqid outfile outputs/$outfilecp > outputs/$download`;

  echo "<TR><TD colspan=3><font size=3 color='red'><b><i>Note: </font><font size=3>Higher the SVM score, better is the confidence level of prediction. The confidence can also be taken care by using a high value of 'threshold' at submission page.</b></i></font><br><br></TD>";
#    echo "<TR><TD align=center colspan=3><a href=outputs/$download><p align='right'>Download result</a></p>";
      echo "<TABLE width='80%' bgcolor='pink' border='1' text='F5F4B1'></tr>";

      echo "<tr bgcolor='B70B4D'><td width=20% align=middle><font color ='F6F8CC'><b>S.No.</td><td width=50% align=middle><font color ='F6F8CC'><b>Sequence IDs</td><td width=40% align=middle><font color ='F5F4B1'><b>SVM Score</td><td width=60% align=middle><font color ='F5F4B1'><b>Decision</td></font></tr>";

      echo"<tr><td width='50%'><font size=4 color=blue>PSSM+SSC model</font></td></tr>";
      echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' onMouseOver=\"bgr_color(this,'lightyellow')\" onMouseOut=\"bgr_color(this,'#FFFFFF')\">";
      echo "<td width=20% align=left>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$sno endfile");
      echo "</td><td width=50% align=left>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$tmpid endfile");
      echo "</td><td width=40% align=middle>";
      system("cat prefile $scorefile endfile");

      echo "</td><td width=40% align=middle>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$outfilecp endfile");
      echo"<tr><td width='50%'><font size=4 color=blue>SSC model</font></td></tr>";
      echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' onMouseOver=\"bgr_color(this,'lightyellow')\" onMouseOut=\"bgr_color(this,'#FFFFFF')\">";
      echo "<td width=20% align=left>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$sno endfile");
      echo "</td><td width=50% align=left>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$tmpid endfile");
      echo "</td><td width=40% align=middle>";
      system("cat prefile $sscscore endfile");

      echo "</td><td width=40% align=middle>";
      system("cat prefile outputs/$outfilecp1 endfile");

      echo "<tr><td width=40% align=middle>";
      echo "</td></tr></TABLE>";

  echo "</DIV></html>";





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