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Duplicate entry ' ' for key 'username'

Comes up when i try and register the same username.

How can I make it say "Sorry this username has already been taken" rather than "Duplicate entry ' ' for key 'username'"


Before executing the INSERT query in the table, do a check on the existence of the username (SELECT query) supplied through the form and if does not exist, then do the insert, otherwise, show the error message.


Does it help?


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Before You do the insert into database do a check if the username already exists, something like:


"SELECT table_id FROM users WHERE username = '$your_input_var'"


If this statement returns number of rows > 0 then print out "Sorry this username has already been taken"


Hope this helps

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you can have a custom error message... but it will show up if any sql errors occur, not just username duplicates.

$ok = @mysql_query("INSERT rara mysql command") or die("This username has been taken");


otherwise you'd have to use an sql query to see if that username is taken and then use an if command in the php..


$username = $_POST['username'];

$sql = @mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = $username");


if (mysql_num_rows($sql)) {

exit("Username has been taken");

} else {

$ok = @mysql_query("INSERT rara mysql command");



you may want to have something like $errorMessage = "Username has been taken" and call that variable in the page rather than using exit... its pretty ugly

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if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST[user];
$pass = $_POST[pass];
$cash = $_POST[cash];
$Zquestion = $_POST[question];
$Zanswer = $_POST[answer];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(id, username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('', '$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

echo "User Created!";


Could you help me more please, i keep getting errors.

Thats the registration area.

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if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST[user];
$pass = $_POST[pass];
$cash = $_POST[cash];
$Zquestion = $_POST[question];
$Zanswer = $_POST[answer];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(id, username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('', '$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

echo "User Created!";


Could you help me more please, i keep getting errors.

Thats the registration area.


If "id" is an auto incremented field, remove '' from the VALUES in the SQL. Your SQL will look like:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  


Does this help?


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if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST[user];
$pass = $_POST[pass];
$cash = $_POST[cash];
$Zquestion = $_POST[question];
$Zanswer = $_POST[answer];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(id, username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('', '$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

echo "User Created!";


Could you help me more please, i keep getting errors.

Thats the registration area.


If "id" is an auto incremented field, remove '' from the VALUES in the SQL. Your SQL will look like:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  


Does this help?


It works fine this part how it is.

I need help in changing the outcome of duplicate users.

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It works fine this part how it is.

I need help in changing the outcome of duplicate users.


Try this


if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$Zquestion = $_POST['question'];
$Zanswer = $_POST['answer'];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

// Check whether $user exists or not
$sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `username` = '$user'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

// If number of rows returned is more than 1, it means username is duplicated
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) > 1 ) {
echo "Duplicate username";
else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

echo "User Created!";



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It works fine this part how it is.

I need help in changing the outcome of duplicate users.


Try this


if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$Zquestion = $_POST['question'];
$Zanswer = $_POST['answer'];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

// Check whether $user exists or not
$sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `username` = '$user'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

// If number of rows returned is more than 1, it means username is duplicated
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) > 1 ) {
echo "Duplicate username";
else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
(username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
or die(mysql_error());  

echo "User Created!";



Still says

Duplicate entry '(INPUT TEXT)' for key 'username'

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Any more help?


Please provide your HTML / Form part that is posted to the problematic script.


include ("include/config.php");
echo "<font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>
<style type='text/css'>
Body { Background: transparent; }
if ( $_GET['view'] == create )
echo "
<form action='register.php?view=process' method='post'>
<table border='0'>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Registration</font></b> 
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Username:</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=user size=20 maxlength=12></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Password:</font></td>
<td><input type=password name=pass size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>GP (millions)</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=cash size=20 maxlength=4></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Question</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=question size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Answer</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=answer size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><input type=submit value=Proceed></b> 

if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$Zquestion = $_POST['question'];
$Zanswer = $_POST['answer'];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

// Check whether $user exists or not
$sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$user'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

// If number of rows returned is more than 1, it means username is duplicated
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) > 1 ) {
   echo "Duplicate username";
else {
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
   (username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
   or die(mysql_error());  
   echo "User Created!";


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Any more help?


Please provide your HTML / Form part that is posted to the problematic script.


include ("include/config.php");
echo "<font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>
<style type='text/css'>
Body { Background: transparent; }
if ( $_GET['view'] == create )
echo "
<form action='register.php?view=process' method='post'>
<table border='0'>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Registration</font></b> 
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Username:</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=user size=20 maxlength=12></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Password:</font></td>
<td><input type=password name=pass size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>GP (millions)</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=cash size=20 maxlength=4></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Question</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=question size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Answer</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=answer size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><input type=submit value=Proceed></b> 

if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$Zquestion = $_POST['question'];
$Zanswer = $_POST['answer'];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

// Check whether $user exists or not
$sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$user'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

// If number of rows returned is more than 1, it means username is duplicated
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) > 1 ) {
   echo "Duplicate username";
else {
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
   (username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
   or die(mysql_error());  
   echo "User Created!";



I have already quoted this.


First change this:

if ( $_GET['view'] == process )



if ( $_GET['view'] == 'process' )




if ( $_GET['view'] == 'create' )


All those lines will produce Notice internally, if the error messages are turned off. Always do this while you develop a script:


ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('log_errors', '0');


in top of your every script.


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Any more help?


Please provide your HTML / Form part that is posted to the problematic script.


include ("include/config.php");
echo "<font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>
<style type='text/css'>
Body { Background: transparent; }
if ( $_GET['view'] == create )
echo "
<form action='register.php?view=process' method='post'>
<table border='0'>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Registration</font></b> 
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Username:</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=user size=20 maxlength=12></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Password:</font></td>
<td><input type=password name=pass size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>GP (millions)</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=cash size=20 maxlength=4></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Question</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=question size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td><font face='verdana' color='#D2D2D2'>Secret Answer</font></td>
<td><input type=text name=answer size=20 maxlength=20></td>
<td colspan='2' align='center'> 
<b><input type=submit value=Proceed></b> 

if ( $_GET['view'] == process )
// Gathered Information
$Zuser = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$Zquestion = $_POST['question'];
$Zanswer = $_POST['answer'];

// Lowercase gathered information
$user = strtolower($Zuser);
$question = strtolower($Zquestion);
$answer = strtolower($Zanswer);

// Check whether $user exists or not
$sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$user'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

// If number of rows returned is more than 1, it means username is duplicated
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) > 1 ) {
   echo "Duplicate username";
else {
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO users 
   (username, password, money, current, rank, secretquestion, secretanswer) VALUES('$user', '$pass', '$cash', '0', 'noob', '$question','$answer' ) ") 
   or die(mysql_error());  
   echo "User Created!";



I have already quoted this.


First change this:

if ( $_GET['view'] == process )



if ( $_GET['view'] == 'process' )


Done.. but it really doesnt help this situation and the problems im having one bit.. ;/

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Also change:

if ( $_GET['view'] == create )



if ( $_GET['view'] == 'create' )


All those lines will produce Notice internally and bypasses few lines. Always do this while you develop a script:


ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('log_errors', '0');


in top of your every script.


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