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[SOLVED] Count rows


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I put into database:

$Query = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `request` (

	"'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'",



But! Before put the data into database I want to check is there in database same phonenumber 3 times (`request_tel`)?


How can I check this?


(if in database same phonenumber more than 3 times the data can't be put into dbase)



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Probably a better way to do this, but just do:


$count = mysql_query("SELECT `request_tel` FROM `request` WHERE `request_tel`='".$_POST['request_tel']."' ");
if (mysql_num_rows($count) <= 3)
$Query = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `request` (
   ) VALUES (
      "'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'",

  if ($Query)
     //inserted correctly
     //issue inserting

//3 or more with the same tel in db

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I put into database:

$Query = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `request` (

	"'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'",



But! Before put the data into database I want to check is there in database same phonenumber 3 times (`request_tel`)?


How can I check this?


(if in database same phonenumber more than 3 times the data can't be put into dbase)




Try this:

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `phone_count` FROM `request` WHERE `request_tel` = '" . $_POST['request_tel'] . "'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
if ( $row['phone_count'] >= 3 ) {
   echo 'Phone number <strong>' . $_POST['request_tel'] . '</strong> entered more then 3 times.';


Put this code above the INSERT SQL statement and do the required checks in it.


Hope this will help.


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For starters I would suggest removing $_POST vars and $_GET vars from your SQL entry, thats just askin for issues later in a number of ways.. take all your POST and GET vars and change them into normal vars..


$tele = $_POST['request_tel'];

for example. The one reason I say this is cause you can start filtering everything that's being posted through your form and make sure its not malicious coding that's attempting to be passed through, make sure its not something that's going to break your script like a double quote and so on.


Mostly the malicious code i would worry about more then anything. As anyone with a little knolledge whos bored enough or doesnt like you can just wipe out your database as if it were never there.. google "mysql injection" youll see what I mean..


as for your original question how do you check to see if its in there already..


Check your database.. do a row count looking specificly for that value if it comes up one or more times its already in there. if it comes up null or 0 then insert.. Ill be happy to help you a little more should you need it.

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Try this:

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `phone_count` FROM `request` WHERE `request_tel` = '" . $_POST['request_tel'] . "'";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
if ( $row['phone_count'] >= 3 ) {
   echo 'Phone number <strong>' . $_POST['request_tel'] . '</strong> entered more then 3 times.';


Put this code above the INSERT SQL statement and do the required checks in it.


Hope this will help.




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