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[SOLVED] Lowercase with preg_replace


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I have a *.txt file that looks like:





echo "TEST";



Okay, it doesn't look like that, but it's has the same concept (uppercase letters in variable names). Also, don't be confused: the above is a txt file, not a .php file.


I need a way to use preg_replace/preg_replace_callback (whatever is best) in order to make all variable names only be consistent of lowercase letters, so the above would be:





echo "TEST";



Is there a way to do this?


Note: I only need the code to replace the uppercase letters in the variables. I don't need the code to write to a file, open it, or anything else. Just pretend the above was a string, and not a file.

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Something like this should work,


$text = '<?php
echo "TEST";
$text = preg_replace_callback('/(\$.*?;)/s',"toLower",$text);

echo $text;

function toLower($matches)
return strtolower($matches[1]);



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Your example's above didn't show that, however try this


$text = '<?php
echo "TEST";
$Query = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE u_userid=\'$vp_userid\' limit 1"
$text = preg_replace_callback('/(\$.*?)[=\'"}{]/s',"toLower",$text);

echo $text;

function toLower($matches)
   return strtolower($matches[1]);


EDIT: Add }{



EDIT: #2  Read it this time!

Why should limit be LIMIT ?

that has nothing to do with the first post!

in addition I'm not writing an whole clean up parse!

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Huh? o.o I meant like, in some of my files, it has:


SELECT * FROM table WHERE t_row='$Variable' LIMIT 1


and when I use the preg_replace you guys suggested, it changes it to:


SELECT * FROM table WHERE t_row='$variable' limit 1


The $variable part is good, but I don't want it to change to "limit 1": I want it to stay as "LIMIT 1". XD




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Well, it doesn't change LIMIT, but now is changes it to:


SELECT * FROM table WHERE t_row='$variable LIMIT 1


(removes the ' after $variable).


It even changes:


<script type='text/javascript'>




<script type'text/javascript'>




Sorry to be a nuisance.

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Heres the full code i am using

$text = '<?php
$Hello = "moo";
echo "TEST";
$Query = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE u_userid=\'$VP_userid\' limit 1"


function toLower($matches)
return strtolower($matches[1]);
echo preg_replace_callback('/(\$.*?[=\'"}{])/s',"toLower",$text);




heres my output


$hello = "moo";


echo "TEST";

$query = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE u_userid='$vp_userid' limit 1"



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Thank you so much for your help! It turns out I was accidentally using


instead of the new one.


Just one more thing: is it possible to make it only change variables that aren't like "$_POST"? Like, if the variable name has a _ in front of it, it will not execute.


For example, these would not be changed: $_POST, $_GET, $_SERVER, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, etc.


These WOULD be changed though: $Hi, $BlaH, $ThIsIsmESseDUp, $Moo, $hI, etc.

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would change

$Hello = "moo";
echo "TEST";
$Query = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE u_userid='$vp_userid' limit 1"
$HelloPOst = $_POST['Test'].$Hello;
<script type='text/javascript'>



$hello = "moo";
echo "TEST";
$query = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE u_userid='$vp_userid' limit 1"
$hellopost = $_POST['Test'].$hello;
<script type='text/javascript'>


EDIT: corrected (didn't copy the results correctly)

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Um, now it's messing around with things that have _ in it (other than variables), like ENT_NOQUOTES in htmlentities. o.o Not a big problem, I found a way around that (more or less o.o).


Anyway, now, for echos, if you have:


echo "HI, $Moo COWS!!";


it changes to


echo "HI, $moo cows!!";

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