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This is a re-occuring problem for me, I have managed to get around it before but I actually accidentilly removed the file that had the solution, at least I think it had a solution.


Basically when I use a require_once() function in a php file that I use with my ajax function to create text nodes, elements etc, I get a /n (new line) occur when I produce an output. When I remove the require_once() function the problem goes away.


Now I *can* get around this but its really ugly and a pain in the ass.


Here is the basics of my ajax function:


  this.process = function()
    self.ajax.doGet('my_php_handler_file.php', self.handler_function);

  this.handler_function = function(str)


Here is the basic php file:


<?php require_once('file.php');  //THIS IS THE PROBLEM

    $bool = false;

    header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    print $bool;


Basically it is returning this:  '/n false'


when i remove the require_once() it returns this:  'false'


which is what i need, and it does it for every single value I return for other things.

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yes I have done this, it seems to be the common problem when using an include in the php handler file, from other searches I have done.


I have even created a blank <?php ?> file for the require_once('blank.php') file so there is nothing in it and it does the same thing.


I have also tried this in the php handler file:


<?php require_once('blank.php');
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
print $var;?>


and chopped and changed things around to try and remove what could be causing the new line, but the only thing that works is removing the require function. I think there must be somthing which is causing this if other people are able to get a require function working, but I cant find it.

thanks for the suggestion.

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