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[SOLVED] File upload not uploading


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this probably a simple issue but what the code is supposed to do is a) check if the user has a table if he doesn't it creates one then b) it creates a new directory for the file c) moves the temporary file there then finally inserts all the information about the file in the database but the problem is all of it works but the file doesn't exists afterwards


function upload($maxsize, $upload){

if((($upload['type'] == "image/jpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/pjpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/gif") || ($upload['type'] == "image/png")) && ($upload['size'] < "104857600")){

	if($upload['error'] == 0){

			$newSrc = $username . "/" . $upload['name'];		


			$nameFill = $upload['name'];

			$artistFill = $_SESSION['username'];

			$sizeFill = (int)$upload['size'];

			$check = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$artistFill." LIMIT 0,1"); 

			echo $upload['tmp_name'];
			$thisdir = getcwd(); 
			mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill);
			move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $username . "/" . $upload['name']);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());
			//move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/users" . $upload['name']);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());
			echo "file uploaded";

			//if table doesnt exsist
			$thisdir = getcwd(); 
			mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill, 777);
			move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/" . $artistFill. "/" . $upload['name']) or die("cant copy file");
			mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$artistFill."(id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT(10) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die(mysql_error()); 

			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES ('$nameFill', 'photo', 'sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());

			echo "added";






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For debugging purposes (remove them when you are done) add the following two lines of code immediately after your first opening <?php tag -


ini_set("display_errors", "1");


Your code is blindly executing the queries and echoing success messages without even testing if the move_uploaded_file() statements worked or not.

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heres the error i got


Warning: move_uploaded_file(/Copy of Cross3Trans.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/vol4/summerhost.info/sum_2677639/htdocs/test/functions.php on line 339


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpOwiLML' to '/Copy of Cross3Trans.jpg' in /home/vol4/summerhost.info/sum_2677639/htdocs/test/functions.php on line 339

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I'm going to guess you got a lot more relevant error messages, such as one about $username being undefined?


Where is the code setting $username to a value? Without a value, the code is attempting to move the uploaded file into the root of the hard disk, which you probably don't have permission to do, like the error you did post is stating.

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that is actually a variable from a different part of the script it is fixed now but still wont work


function upload($maxsize, $upload){

if((($upload['type'] == "image/jpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/pjpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/gif") || ($upload['type'] == "image/png")) && ($upload['size'] < "104857600")){

	if($upload['error'] == 0){

			$newSrc = $username . "/" . $upload['name'];		


			$nameFill = $upload['name'];

			$artistFill = $_SESSION['username'];

			$sizeFill = (int)$upload['size'];

			$check = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$artistFill." LIMIT 0,1"); 

			echo $upload['tmp_name'];
			$thisdir = getcwd(); 
			mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill);
			move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $artistFill . "/" . $upload['name']);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());
			//move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/users" . $upload['name']);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());
			echo "file uploaded";

			//if table doesnt exsist
			$thisdir = getcwd(); 
			mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill, 777);
			move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/" . $artistFill. "/" . $upload['name']) or die("cant copy file");
			mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$artistFill."(id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT(10) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die(mysql_error()); 

			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES ('$nameFill', 'photo', 'sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error());

			echo "added";






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