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""/'' or regex bug


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i have a bug in my code (below) and i cannot work out how to get rid of it.

when i test the code (by uncommenting one of '$sentence = ...') every word that begins with a '$' disappears and 'ay' gets added to where the word is supposed to be. when i change "" to '' all the problems go away. could someone explain to me why this is the case and what is causing it?



thank you very much



//echo "Word provided by the user is: ".$_POST['word']."<br>";


$sentence = $_POST['word'];

/*$sentence = "@#%^##Hello World ?##World ?earner earner earner,? learner $$$learner";*/


$sentence = "@#%^##Hello World $world ?##World ?earner earner earner,? world $world";*/

$sentence = strtolower($sentence);



//echo "converted to lower case: ".$sentence."<br>";


$cleaned_sentence = clean_string($sentence);


echo $cleaned_sentence."<br>";


$translated = translate($cleaned_sentence);


echo "The translated word/sentence into Pig Latin is: ".$translated."<br>";


/************************************************** **************************/


function clean_string($sentence_to_be_cleaned) {

$bad_characters = "[^a-zA-Z]";

$new_sentence = ereg_replace($bad_characters, ' ', $sentence_to_be_cleaned);

return $new_sentence;



function translate($string_to_translate)


// separating a sentence passed into individual words to translate into Pig Latin

// echo "string passed to translate() is: ".$string_to_translate."<br>";


$string = explode(' ', $string_to_translate);


// this regex will be used to check if the first letter is vowel or not

$reg_expression = '(a|e|i|o|u)';


// go through the string passed by INPUT word by WORD

foreach($string as $key=>$word)


//if 1st letter of a word is a vowel

if(check_regex($reg_expression, substr($word,0,1)) == TRUE)


// concatenate pig latin suffix and a given word to a total string which is going to be returned by the func. in the end

$total_string = $total_string.$word.'\'yay ';


// if a character is a ' ' (space) which occurs when any of the @#$? were replaced clean_string() then get rid of it

else if($word == ' ')


$word = '';


// else - 1st letter is a consonant



// find, replace the 1st consonant and then concatenate to a string which is going to be returned by

// the function

$consonant = substr($word,0,1);

$temp_string = substr_replace($word, "", 0, 1);

echo $temp_string."---- ";

// concatenate pig latin suffix and a given word to a total string which is going to be returned by the func. in the end

$total_string = $total_string.$temp_string.$consonant."ay"." ";





return $total_string;



function check_regex($myregex, $mystring) {

if (ereg($myregex, $mystring)) {

return TRUE;


else {

return FALSE;




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below are the lines where the bug is likely to be:


when uncommented:

/*$sentence = "@#%^##Hello World ?##World ?earner earner earner,? learner $$$learner";*/


$sentence = "@#%^##Hello World $world ?##World ?earner earner earner,? world $world";*/


function clean_string($sentence_to_be_cleaned) {

$bad_characters = "[^a-zA-Z]";

$new_sentence = ereg_replace($bad_characters, ' ', $sentence_to_be_cleaned);

return $new_sentence;


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