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Help extracting something.


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I have a page that the source code looks similar to this.


<div class="middle">				
	<div id="displayimage">
		<a href="http://aserver.com/347398r"><img src="http://aserver.com/images/no_pic.gif" alt="" /></a>


Now of course this is within a page that is actually around 110 kb and is crammed with image liks, javascript, etc.  What I want to do is load the page remotely and extract that image link. 


I tried fopen and several other but if the file does not exist they throw an error.  I then tried preg_match_quote to extract this info but that did not work.  while the div is always the same that image will change every page.


What this is for is a script where someone can add their myspace ID and it will get their profile image and show it on my page for them.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Regular expressions:


//ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; da; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10');
//$url = 'http://example.com/';
//$html = file_get_contents($url);
$html = '   <div class="middle">            
      <div id="displayimage">
         <a href="http://aserver.com/347398r"><img src="http://aserver.com/images/no_pic.gif" alt="" /></a>
preg_match('~<div id="displayimage">\s*<a[^>]+><img src="([^"]+)~i', $html, $matches);
$link = $matches[1];

Just uncomment the first three lines, insert the real URL and remove the other $html. Then you should be good.


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Didn't work. This is what I got.


function add($a)
ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; da; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10');
$html = file_get_contents($a);
preg_match('~<div id="displayimage">\s*<a[^>]+><img src="([^"]+)~i', $html, $matches);
$link = $matches[1];
echo "$link";

All it returns is an empty page.

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preg_match('~<div id="displayimage">.*?<img src="([^"]*)~is',$html,$matches);


If that doesn't work, try:




2nd is not as efficient but gives a bit of breathing room for variation of coding.

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  • 2 months later...





~              start of pattern delimiter

<div          literal match

[^>]*          match 0 or more of anything that is not a >

id            literal match

\s?            match 0 or 1 space or tab

=              literal match

\s?            match 0 or 1 space or tab

["\']          match a single or double quote (single quote escaped since it is used to wrap the pattern)

displayimage  literal match

["\']          match a single or double quote (single quote escaped since it is used to wrap the pattern)

[^>]*          match 0 or more of anything that is not a >

>              literal match

.*?            non-greedy match of 0 or more of anything

<img          literal match

[^>]*          match 0 or more of anything that is not a >

src            literal match

\s?            match 0 or 1 space or tab

=              literal match

\s?            match 0 or 1 space or tab

["\']          match a single or double quote (single quote escaped since it is used to wrap the pattern)

(              start of a group/match capture

[^"\']*        match 0 or more of anything that is not a single or double quote

)              end of a group/match capture

~              end of pattern delimiter

i              modifier to make matching case-insensitive

s              modifier to make quantifiers ignore newline character while matching


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