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does anyone know how I can make a drop down where the value is the year depending on the chosen age.

For instance if I select 18 in the drop down the value would be 1988...

Because the only thing I have in my database is the date of birth and I would like to search the database by selecting from age something to age something.

Or would it be better to calculate the year after the form has been submitted?
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well that's what I have in my db, date_birth is in this format 2006-07-31 and I already have a function to calculate the age but I really don't know how to calculate the exact year depending on the current date.

I have 2 drop downs, something like Select age between 1st drop down and 2nd drop down
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function test($day, $month, $year) {
if (($day + $month + $year) < date('Ymd'))
echo "less";
echo "more";
echo test("20060731");

Sorry for this newbe code.. but it was the first thing I could get. If you could improve it I would reply this post again.
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thanks guys

ryanlwh that worked perfectly with a few tweaks, was just wondering if you could explain it to me.

I don't understand why you did -$age year


just noticed your edit, I'm guessing that query is much faster right? And I need to search between 2 dates, so if I select between the ages of 18 and 35 the query has to look for everything >= 18 and <= 35
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the -$age was for strtotime to deduct $age years from now, but then i remembered it won't work for dates before 1970, so i switched to mysql, which supports every date values (well, technically, until year 9999).

since you marked it as solved, i assume you figured it out??
[code]$query = "SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE dob BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL $age_from YEAR) AND (NOW() - INTERVAL $age_to YEAR) ";
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hey ryanlwh I don't think it's working properly (unless I'm doing something wrong)

here's what I have (used your old code but I'll try again with MySQL)

<select name="from" style="width:60px; height:17px; font-family:tahoma; font-size:10px; color:#9A400C ">
for ($i=18;$i <= 100;$i++) {
   $bDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("-$i year"));
   echo '<option value="'.$bDate.'">'.$i.'</option>';
<select name="to" style="width:60px; height:17px; font-family:tahoma; font-size:10px; color:#9A400C ">
for ($i=18;$i <= 100;$i++) {
   $bDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("-$i year"));
    echo '<option value="'.$bDate.'"';
    if ($i==35) { echo " selected"; }
echo '>'.$i.'</option>';

and the processing part
// If I chose between the ages of 22 and 22 I get
$qtmp = array();
                   foreach($_POST as $k => $v)
                   switch ($k) {
                    case 'from':
echo $v; //returns 1984-07-31  which is not right
$qtmp[] = "date_birth <='" . $v . "' AND ";
case 'to':
echo $v; //returns 1984-07-31 which is not right
$qtmp[] = "date_birth >='" . $v . "' AND ";
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ok tha didn't work either, change my code to try your MySQL query but now it won't show me ny results

<select name="from" style="width:60px; height:17px; font-family:tahoma; font-size:10px; color:#9A400C ">
for ($i=18;$i <= 100;$i++) {
   echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';
<select name="to" style="width:60px; height:17px; font-family:tahoma; font-size:10px; color:#9A400C ">
for ($i=18;$i <= 100;$i++) {
    echo '<option value="'.$i.'"';
    if ($i==35) { echo " selected"; }
echo '>'.$i.'</option>';


foreach($_POST as $k => $v)
switch ($k) {
      case 'from':
$qtmp[] = "date_birth BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL " . $v . " YEAR) AND";
      case 'to':
$qtmp[] = "(NOW() - INTERVAL " . $v . " YEAR) AND ";
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "users " . implode(' ', $qtmp) . "level='2' ORDER by id DESC";
$_SESSION['custom_browse'] = mysql_query($query) or die("Problem with the query: $query<br>" . mysql_error());

but you can be 22 and born in 1983 so it won't display you :P
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must be the heat ;) don't know about you but I'm cooking over here hehe

hmm I don't get what you mean

I switched it to this and I'm getting an error

case 'from':
$qtmp[] = "date_birth <= (NOW() - INTERVAL " . $v . " YEAR) AND";
case 'to':
$qtmp[] = "> (NOW() - INTERVAL " . $v . " YEAR) AND ";
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sure this is what I got when I select between 18 and 22

SELECT * FROM users WHERE date_birth <= (NOW() - INTERVAL 18 YEAR) AND date_birth >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 21 YEAR) AND level='2' ORDER by id DESC

so I'm guessing I should take off the -1 but then we'll back to the same old problem again...
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