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Hi guys I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to calculate a percent chance of something happening. I am wondering if someone would help me figure out how to get this little script to display something on a percent chance.


All i want this to do is display $action1 based on the percentage in $percentage, otherwise $action2. In this example i would like it to display "Battle" 100% of the time, but i need this number to be able to change to any percent between 0 and 100. Like if i change it to 35, i would like there to be a 35% chance "Battle" will pop up and a 65% chance that "Nothing" will pop up. Thanks to anyone who can help me with this. ???



$action1 = "Battle";
$action2 = "Nothing";
$percentage = 100;  //this should be able to be changed between zero and one hundred percent chance of, for test purpose i want $action1 to show 100% of the time, otherwise show $action2

$loop = 1;

while ($loop <= 100){

echo "looping $loop <br>" ;






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no i mean i know how to make a random number, for now i just want that number to be 100 percent. What i'm trying to do is simply have this script display results based on a percent chance. In this new one i have it displaying 25, but the end result is not 25 battles and 75 nothings.



$action1 = "Battle";
$action2 = "Nothing";
$percentage = 25;  //this should be able to be changed between zero and one hundred percent chance of, for test purpose i want $action1 to show 100% of the time, otherwise show $action2

$loop = 1;
$act1c = 0;
$act2c = 0;

while ($loop <= 100){

//pick a random number
$randomnumber = rand(0, 100);

if($randomnumber <= $percentage){

$action = $action1;

} else {

$action = $action2;


echo "looping $loop - $action <br>" ;



echo "total battles = $act1c | total nothing = $act2c";




here are some of the results:


Battles, Nothings

35, 65

28, 72

21, 79

29, 71

30, 70

26, 74




Hmm If i get You right


$percentage = 25;  // Put here the random number for dynamic percentage
$act1c = 0;
$act2c = 0;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $percentage; $i++){
$action = $action1;

for ($j = $percentage; $j <= 100; $j++){
$action = $action2;


Is this better or I am still missing the point :S


honestly, because i'm using random numbers, i don't think it's possible to get the results that i originally intended, even though it doesnt even out correctly out of the 100 echo's, it's still only doing 25%? i dunno, this is what i ended up going with.



$loop2 = 1;
$act3c = 0;
$act4c = 0;
$randompercent = rand(12, 49); //chance of battle
while($loop2 <= 100){

if(rand(1, 100) <= $randompercent){

echo "looping $loop2 - Battle <br>";

echo "looping $loop2 - Nothing <br>";

echo "total battles = $act3c | total nothing = $act4c | true battle percent $randompercent <p>";

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