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For each loop from mysql


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I dont understand the problem as it is a loop. I have two sets of image information so thats two images. I have set up a for each loop so that I can display these images as a thumbnail


here is the loop statement


<?php foreach($gallery as  $image) : ?>                      

<a class="thumb" href="<?=$imageloc?>" title="Title #0">
<img src="<?=$imagethumb?>" alt="Title #0" /></a>

						<div id="clear"></div>
                                <div class="caption">

							<div class="image-title"><?=$imagename?></div>

							<div class="image-desc">see larger</div>

<?php  endforeach ; ?>


now it does display but as I said I have only two images to show but it returns 8 loops of the same first image.


Here is the code php mysql code that i include


$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'dbuser';
$dbpass = 'dbpass';
$dbname = 'dbname';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery");
$gallery = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$imageloc = $gallery['image_loc'];
$imagename = $gallery['image_name'];
$imagethumb = $gallery['thumnail_loc'];


There is no errors outputting so I am at a loss can any of you help?

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Try this:

<?php foreach ($gallery as $image) { ?>                      

<a class="thumb" href="<?php echo $imageloc; ?>" title="Title #0">
<img src="<?php echo $imagethumb; ?>" alt="Title #0" /></a>

						<div id="clear"></div>
                                <div class="caption">

							<div class="image-title"><?php echo $imagename; ?></div>

							<div class="image-desc">see larger</div>

<?php } ?>


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The following line of code -


$gallery = mysql_fetch_array($query);


Fetches ONE row from the result set. From the php manual -

Returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows


Looping over $gallery is just looping over all the columns in that row. You must use the mysql_fetch_array in a while() loop to fetch all the rows.

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What about using while

<?php  while ($gallery = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { ?>                      

<a class="thumb" href="<?php echo $imageloc; ?>" title="Title #0">
<img src="<?php echo $imagethumb; ?>" alt="Title #0" /></a>

						<div id="clear"></div>
                                <div class="caption">

							<div class="image-title"><?php echo $imagename; ?></div>

							<div class="image-desc">see larger</div>

<?php } ?>


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$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'dbuser';
$dbpass = 'dbpass';
$dbname = 'dbname';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery");
while ($gallery = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$imageloc = $gallery['image_loc'];
$imagename = $gallery['image_name'];
$imagethumb = $gallery['thumnail_loc'];?>                      

<a class="thumb" href="<?=$imageloc?>" title="Title #0">
<img src="<?=$imagethumb?>" alt="Title #0" /></a>

						<div id="clear"></div>
                                <div class="caption">

							<div class="image-title"><?=$imagename?></div>

							<div class="image-desc">see larger</div>
					<?php } ?>


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hi thanks,


there wasnt a problem with the vars it does display correctly but instead of the 2 test images there is only one image being shown in the look. Saying that I did try your code but unfortunately it has the same result as before only showing one image



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This works it displays the content BUT it will not show the last entry

here is the DB code

$internal = $_GET['more'];
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'bates';
$dbpass = 'pass';
$dbname = 'bates';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contact WHERE internal= '$internal'");
$more = mysql_fetch_array($query);


here is my page display code

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ ;
foreach ($row as $onbox)?>        
<div class="id_box"><?=$row['internal']?></div>
<div class="from_box"><?=$row['name']?></div>
<div class="from_email_box"><?=$row['email']?></div>
<div class="msg_status_box"><?=$row['status']?></div>
<div class="reply_status_box">
<a href="?more=<?=$row['internal']?>">more</a>
<div class="updated_box">
<? if(empty($row['reply_time'])){
print "".$row['time']." on ".$row['date']."";
print "";


what could be the reason that it wont show the latest entry?

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Because you are fetching a row into $more before your while loop and then not using it -

$more = mysql_fetch_array($query);
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ ;


Why do you have this - $more = mysql_fetch_array($query); in your code at all?

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http://www.barrybatemanphotography.co.uk/?id=155 now Im not the php programmer for the group im just a designer lol he is on holiday and this project has to be handed in like tommorow.


as you will see from the above it displays 2 images but they are the same there are two images in the database and they are different but its looping with the while statement at the top of the page

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$images = mysql_query("SELECT stuff FROM gallery");

while ($image = mysql_fetch_array($images))
  echo $image['column1']; // column 1 in the database
  echo $image['column2']; // column 2 in the database
  //... and so on

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Working from your display code, you have a semi-colon after the while and you do not need the foreach:


while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
<div class="id_box"><?=$row['internal']?></div>
<div class="from_box"><?=$row['name']?></div>
<div class="from_email_box"><?=$row['email']?></div>
<div class="msg_status_box"><?=$row['status']?></div>
<div class="reply_status_box">
<a href="?more=<?=$row['internal']?>">more</a>
<div class="updated_box">
<? if(empty($row['reply_time'])){
        print "".$row['time']." on ".$row['date']."";
        print "";


Also, before the while loop, you can echo out the number of rows to make sure there are two rows returned:


echo mysql_num_rows($query);

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