accesspwd1 Posted June 19, 2009 Share Posted June 19, 2009 Hi, First post so please go easy on me. Im doing a competition and trying to get the answers from the code. Anyhelp from this would be great guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Famous Fathers Photo Quiz</title> <style type="text/css"> body{ font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif; /* Font to use */ background-color:#000; background-image: url(images/sunflowersQuiz.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top; } #footer form{ margin:0px; margin-top:2px; } #mainContainer { width: 100%; text-align: center; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer{ /* Main container for this script */ width:900px; -moz-user-select:none; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer ul{ /* General rules for all <ul> */ margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-bottom:0px; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer li,#dragContent li,li#indicateDestination{ /* Movable items, i.e. <LI> */ list-style-type:none; height:125px; cursor:pointer; font-size:13px; } li#indicateDestination{ /* Box indicating where content will be dropped - i.e. the one you use if you don't use arrow */ background-color:#FFCE19; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer ul li.correctAnswer{ /* Correctly moved item */ text-align: center; padding: 5px; background-color:#000000; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer ul li.wrongAnswer{ /* Item moved to wrong box */ text-align: center; padding: 5px; background-color:#000000; } /* LEFT COLUMN CSS */ div#dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems{ /* Left column */ float:left; background-color:#FFCE19; /* CSS HACK */ width: 458px; /* IE 5.x */ } #dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems ul{ /* Left(Sources) column <ul> */ height:100px; } div#dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems div{ } div#dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems div ul{ /* Left column <ul> */ margin-left:10px; /* Space at the left of list - the arrow will be positioned there */ } #dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems div p{ /* Heading above left column */ margin:0px; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; background-color:#2ABFF7; color:#FFF; } #allItems li{ /* Heading above left column */ margin:0px; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; color:#FFF; float: left; } /* END LEFT COLUMN CSS */ #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer .mouseover{ /* Mouse over effect DIV box in right column */ background-color:#FFCE19; border:1px solid #317082; } /* Start main container CSS */ div#dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer{ /* Right column DIV */ width:545px; float:left; height: 300px; background-color:#000; border-bottom:1px solid #FFCE19; border-left:1px solid #FFCE19; border-right:1px solid #FFCE19; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; } #dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer div{ /* Parent <div> of small boxes */ float:left; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:5px; border:2px solid #FFCE19; width: 119px; height: 280px; } #dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer div ul{ margin:0px; width: 120px; height: 300px; background-image: url(images/drag.gif); background-position: left top; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer div p{ /* father pictures */ padding:10px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#000; color:#FFF; margin-bottom:0px; } #dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer ul{ /* Small box in right column ,i.e <ul> */ width:100px; border:0px; height: 100px; } #dragContent{ /* Drag container */ position:absolute; width:150px; height:15px; display:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; z-index:2000; } #dragDropIndicator{ /* DIV for the small arrow */ position:absolute; width:7px; height:10px; display:none; z-index:1000; margin:0px; padding:0px; } </style> <style type="text/css" media="print"> div#dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems{ display:none; } body{ background-color:#FFF; } img{ display:none; } #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer{ border:0px; width:100%; } .pinkBox span{ width:100px; border:0px; margin-bottom:0px; background-color:#FFCCFF; height: 120px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /************************************************************************************************************ ©, December 2005 This is a script from You will find this and a lot of other scripts at our website. Terms of use: You are free to use this script as long as the copyright message is kept intact. However, you may not redistribute, sell or repost it without our permission. Thank you! Alf Magne Kalleland ************************************************************************************************************/ /* VARIABLES YOU COULD MODIFY */ var boxSizeArray = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; // Array indicating how many items there is rooom for in the right column ULs var arrow_offsetX = -5; // Offset X - position of small arrow var arrow_offsetY = 0; // Offset Y - position of small arrow var arrow_offsetX_firefox = -6; // Firefox - offset X small arrow var arrow_offsetY_firefox = -13; // Firefox - offset Y small arrow var verticalSpaceBetweenListItems = 3; // Pixels space between one <li> and next // Same value or higher as margin bottom in CSS for #dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer ul li,#dragContent li var initShuffleItems = false; // Shuffle items before staring var indicateDestionationByUseOfArrow = true; // Display arrow to indicate where object will be dropped(false = use rectangle) var lockedAfterDrag = false; /* Lock items after they have been dragged, i.e. the user get's only one shot for the correct answer */ /* END VARIABLES YOU COULD MODIFY */ var dragDropTopContainer = false; var dragTimer = -1; var dragContentObj = false; var contentToBeDragged = false; // Reference to dragged <li> var contentToBeDragged_src = false; // Reference to parent of <li> before drag started var contentToBeDragged_next = false; // Reference to next sibling of <li> to be dragged var destinationObj = false; // Reference to <UL> or <LI> where element is dropped. var dragDropIndicator = false; // Reference to small arrow indicating where items will be dropped var ulPositionArray = new Array(); var mouseoverObj = false; // Reference to highlighted DIV var MSIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0?true:false; var navigatorVersion = navigator.appVersion.replace(/.*?MSIE (\d\.\d).*/g,'$1')/1; var destinationBoxes = new Array(); var indicateDestinationBox = false; function getTopPos(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop; 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contentToBeDragged_next.nextSibling; } timerDrag(); return false; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function timerDrag() { if(dragTimer>=0 && dragTimer<10){ dragTimer++; setTimeout('timerDrag()',10); return; } if(dragTimer==10){'block'; dragContentObj.appendChild(contentToBeDragged); } } function moveDragContent(e) { if(dragTimer<10){ if(contentToBeDragged){ if(contentToBeDragged_next){ contentToBeDragged_src.insertBefore(contentToBeDragged,contentToBeDragged_next); }else{ contentToBeDragged_src.appendChild(contentToBeDragged); } } return; } if(document.all)e = event; var st = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop,document.documentElement.scrollTop); var sl = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft,document.documentElement.scrollLeft); = e.clientX + sl + 'px'; = e.clientY + st + 'px'; if(mouseoverObj)mouseoverObj.className=''; destinationObj = false;'none'; if(indicateDestinationBox)'none'; var x = e.clientX + sl; var y = e.clientY + st; var width = dragContentObj.offsetWidth; var height = dragContentObj.offsetHeight; var tmpOffsetX = arrow_offsetX; var tmpOffsetY = arrow_offsetY; if(!document.all){ tmpOffsetX = arrow_offsetX_firefox; tmpOffsetY = arrow_offsetY_firefox; } for(var no=0;no<ulPositionArray.length;no++){ var ul_leftPos = ulPositionArray[no]['left']; var ul_topPos = ulPositionArray[no]['top']; var ul_height = ulPositionArray[no]['height']; var ul_width = ulPositionArray[no]['width']; if((x+width) > ul_leftPos && x<(ul_leftPos + ul_width) && (y+height)> ul_topPos && y<(ul_topPos + ul_height)){ var noExisting = ulPositionArray[no]['obj'].getElementsByTagName('LI').length; if(indicateDestinationBox && indicateDestinationBox.parentNode==ulPositionArray[no]['obj'])noExisting--; if(noExisting<boxSizeArray[no-1] || no==0){ = ul_leftPos + tmpOffsetX + 'px'; var subLi = ulPositionArray[no]['obj'].getElementsByTagName('LI'); for(var liIndex=0;liIndex<subLi.length;liIndex++){ var tmpTop = getTopPos(subLi[liIndex]); if(!indicateDestionationByUseOfArrow){ if(y<tmpTop){ destinationObj = subLi[liIndex];'block'; subLi[liIndex].parentNode.insertBefore(indicateDestinationBox,subLi[liIndex]); break; } }else{ if(y<tmpTop){ destinationObj = subLi[liIndex]; = tmpTop + tmpOffsetY - Math.round(dragDropIndicator.clientHeight/2) + 'px';'block'; break; } } } if(!indicateDestionationByUseOfArrow){ if('none'){'block'; ulPositionArray[no]['obj'].appendChild(indicateDestinationBox); } }else{ if(subLi.length>0 &&'none'){ = getTopPos(subLi[subLi.length-1]) + subLi[subLi.length-1].offsetHeight + tmpOffsetY + 'px';'block'; } if(subLi.length==0){ = ul_topPos + arrow_offsetY + 'px''block'; } } if(!destinationObj)destinationObj = ulPositionArray[no]['obj']; mouseoverObj = ulPositionArray[no]['obj'].parentNode; mouseoverObj.className='mouseover'; return; } } } } function checkAnswers() { for(var no=0;no<destinationBoxes.length;no++){ var subLis = destinationBoxes[no].getElementsByTagName('LI'); if(subLis.length<boxSizeArray[no])return; for(var no2=0;no2<subLis.length;no2++){ if(subLis[no2].className=='wrongAnswer'){ everythingIsIncorrect() return; } } } everythingIsCorrect(); } /* End dragging Put <LI> into a destination or back to where it came from. */ function dragDropEnd(e) { if(dragTimer==-1)return; if(dragTimer<10){ dragTimer = -1; return; } dragTimer = -1; if(document.all)e = event; if(destinationObj){ var groupId = contentToBeDragged.getAttribute('groupId'); if(!groupId)groupId = contentToBeDragged.groupId; var destinationToCheckOn = destinationObj; if(destinationObj.tagName!='UL'){ destinationToCheckOn = destinationObj.parentNode; } var answerCheck = false; if(groupId =={ contentToBeDragged.className = 'correctAnswer'; answerCheck=true; }else{ contentToBeDragged.className = 'wrongAnswer'; } if('allItems' ||'allItems')contentToBeDragged.className=''; if(destinationObj.tagName=='UL'){ destinationObj.appendChild(contentToBeDragged); }else{ destinationObj.parentNode.insertBefore(contentToBeDragged,destinationObj); } 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document.getElementById('answers').value = saveString.replace(/;/g,';<br>'); document.getElementById('saveContent').innerHTML = saveString.replace(/;/g,';<br>'); answers = document.getElementById('answers').value; } function initDragDropScript() { dragContentObj = document.getElementById('dragContent'); dragDropIndicator = document.getElementById('dragDropIndicator'); dragDropTopContainer = document.getElementById('dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer'); document.documentElement.onselectstart = cancelEvent;; var listItems = dragDropTopContainer.getElementsByTagName('LI'); // Get array containing all <LI> var itemHeight = true; for(var no=0;no<listItems.length;no++){ listItems[no].onmousedown = initDrag; listItems[no].onselectstart = cancelEvent; if(!itemHeight)itemHeight = listItems[no].offsetHeight; } var mainContainer = document.getElementById('dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer'); var uls = mainContainer.getElementsByTagName('UL'); itemHeight = itemHeight + verticalSpaceBetweenListItems; for(var no=0;no<uls.length;no++){ uls[no].style.height = itemHeight * boxSizeArray[no] + 'px'; destinationBoxes[destinationBoxes.length] = uls[no]; } var leftContainer = document.getElementById('dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems'); var itemBox = leftContainer.getElementsByTagName('UL')[0]; document.documentElement.onmousemove = moveDragContent; // Mouse move event - moving draggable div document.documentElement.onmouseup = dragDropEnd; // Mouse move event - moving draggable div var ulArray = dragDropTopContainer.getElementsByTagName('UL'); for(var no=0;no<ulArray.length;no++){ ulPositionArray[no] = new Array(); ulPositionArray[no]['left'] = getLeftPos(ulArray[no]); ulPositionArray[no]['top'] = getTopPos(ulArray[no]); ulPositionArray[no]['width'] = ulArray[no].offsetWidth; ulPositionArray[no]['height'] = ulArray[no].clientHeight; ulPositionArray[no]['obj'] = ulArray[no]; } if(initShuffleItems){ var allItemsObj = document.getElementById('allItems'); var initItems = allItemsObj.getElementsByTagName('LI'); for(var no=0;no<(initItems.length*10);no++){ var itemIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*initItems.length); allItemsObj.appendChild(initItems[itemIndex]); } } if(!indicateDestionationByUseOfArrow){ indicateDestinationBox = document.createElement('LI'); = 'indicateDestination';'none'; document.body.appendChild(indicateDestinationBox); } } window.onload = initDragDropScript; </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function everythingIsCorrect() { var correctEntry=true; if(correctEntry==true){ saveDragDropNodes() var answers2=document.getElementById('answers').value; window.location ="correct.php?username=MORGAND3&answers="+ answers2; } } </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function everythingIsIncorrect() { var correctEntry=true; if(correctEntry==true){; saveDragDropNodes() var answers2=document.getElementById('answers').value; window.location ="wrong.php?username=MORGAND3&answers="+ answers2; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="mainContainer"> <div id="dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer"><form action="" method="POST" name="form1" style="margin:0px;"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="40%" valign="top"> <script> if (!document.layers) document.write('<div id="divStayTopLeft" style="position:absolute">') </script> <div id="divStayTopLeft" > <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="71" colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><img src="images/fruit.jpg" width="458" height="50"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="200"> </td> <td><div id="dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems"> <div> <ul id="allItems"> <li id="node2" groupId="box2"><img src="fruit/u.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy" /></li> <li id="node6" groupId="box6"><img src="fruit/f.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node10" groupId="box10"><img src="fruit/k.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy" /></li> <li id="node23" groupId="box23"><img src="fruit/v.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node14" groupId="box14"><img src="fruit/n.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node24" groupId="box24"><img src="fruit/x.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node27" groupId="box27"><img src="fruit/z.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy" /></li> <li id="node4" groupId="box4"><img src="fruit/g.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node1" groupId="box1"><img src="fruit/c.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node15" groupId="box15"><img src="fruit/o.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node17" groupId="box17"><img src="fruit/q.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node19" groupId="box19"><img src="fruit/s.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node5" groupId="box5"><img src="fruit/h.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node12" groupId="box12"><img src="fruit/l.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node28" groupId="box28"><img src="fruit/bb.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node25" groupId="box25"><img src="fruit/y.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node16" groupId="box16"><img src="fruit/p.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node7" groupId="box7"><img src="fruit/d.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node18" groupId="box18"><img src="fruit/r.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node13" groupId="box13"><img src="fruit/m.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node21" groupId="box21"><img src="fruit/b.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node22" groupId="box22"><img src="fruit/i.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node3" groupId="box3"><img src="fruit/a.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node9" groupId="box9"><img src="fruit/w.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node11" groupId="box11"><img src="fruit/j.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node8" groupId="box8"><img src="fruit/e.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> <li id="node20" groupId="box20"><img src="fruit/t.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy" /></li> <li id="node26" groupId="box26"><img src="fruit/aa.jpg" alt="Drag Me To My Daddy"/></li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td height="50" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFCE19"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td width="8%" valign="top"> </td> <td width="52%" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="335" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" height="50" background="images/fathers3.jpg" bgcolor="#FFCE19"> </td> <td width="50%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFCE19"><div align="right"><img src="images/submit.jpg" alt="Submit form" width="129" height="26" border="0" onClick="checkAnswers();" style="cursor:pointer;" /> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div id="dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer"> <!-- ONE <UL> for each "father" --> <div > <p ><img src="fathers/1.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box1"></ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/2.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box2"></ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/3.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box3"></ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/4.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box4"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/5.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box5"></ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/6.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box6"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/7.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box7"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/8.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box8"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/9.jpg" alt="" /></p> <ul id="box9"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/10.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box10"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/11.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box11"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/12.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box12"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/13.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box13"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/14.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box14"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/15.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box15"> </ul> </div> <div> <p><img src="fathers/16.jpg" /></p> <ul id="box16"> 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haku Posted June 19, 2009 Share Posted June 19, 2009 So are you going to like, ask a question or anytyhing? Also, please use code tags in the future. It's the # button above the textbox you type your post into. Surround your code with the tags, it makes it much easier to read for us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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