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this is the code


if(!defined('GEN2_PROCESS')) { exit(); }
$ref_title = "Recharge";

function filter_data($val)
  return htmlentities($val,ENT_QUOTES);



$url = $post['url'];
$clicks = $post['clicks'];
$name = $post['name'];
$bold = $post['bold'];
$highlight = $post['highlight'];
$email = $post['email'];
$cat = $post['cat'];
$desc = $post['desc'];
if($post['url'] == "" || $post['name'] == "") {
	$contents .= "You need to fill in all fields. Please press back.";
} else {
$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM ad_packages WHERE clicks='{$clicks}' LIMIT 1;");
$price = mysql_fetch_array($price);
$price = $price['price'];

if($bold) {
	$price = $price + $set['bold_link_price'];
if($highlight) {
	$price = $price + $set['highlight_link_price'];
if($desc) {
	$price = $price + $set['desc_link_price'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO outsideads (`id`,`url`,`name`,`email`,`category`,`bold`,`highlight`,`desc`,`clicks`,`type`) 
VALUES (NULL,'{$url}','{$name}','{$email}','{$cat}','{$bold}','{$highlight}','{$desc}','{$clicks}','Alertpay')")or die(mysql_error());

$contents .= "Your ad has been submitted. Please click the Alertpay icon below to proceed with your payment.<br /><br />
			<form method='post' name='ap' action='https://www.alertpay.com/PayProcess.aspx'>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_amount' value='{$price}'>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_purchasetype' value='service'/>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_merchant' value='{$set['ap_paymentemail']}'/>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_itemname' value='{$set['outsideads']}'/>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_currency' value='USD'/>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_returnurl' value=''/>
				<input type='hidden' name='ap_quantity' value='1'/>
				<center><input type='image' name='ap_image' src='https://www.alertpay.com/PayNow/5B9DE53E8E9A4D8CB89C7EA37D4F04C5f.gif'/>
} elseif($_POST['pp'])


$url = $post['url'];
$clicks = $post['clicks'];
$name = $post['name'];
$bold = $post['bold'];
$highlight = $post['highlight'];
$email = $post['email'];
$cat = $post['cat'];
$desc = $post['desc'];
if($post['url'] == "" || $post['name'] == "") {
	$contents .= "You need to fill in all fields. Please press back.";
} else {
$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM ad_packages WHERE clicks='{$clicks}' LIMIT 1;");
$price = mysql_fetch_array($price);
$price = $price['price'];

if($bold) {
	$price = $price + $set['bold_link_price'];
if($highlight) {
	$price = $price + $set['highlight_link_price'];
if($desc) {
	$price = $price + $set['desc_link_price'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO outsideads (`id`,`url`,`name`,`email`,`category`,`bold`,`highlight`,`desc`,`clicks`,`type`) 
VALUES (NULL,'{$url}','{$name}','{$email}','{$cat}','{$bold}','{$highlight}','{$desc}','{$clicks}','Paypal')")or die(mysql_error());

$contents .= "Your ad has been submitted. Please click the Paypal icon below to proceed with your payment.<br /><br />
<FORM ACTION='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' METHOD='POST'>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cmd' VALUE='_xclick'>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='business' VALUE='{$set['pp_paymentemail']}'>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='quantity' VALUE='1'>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='item_name' VALUE='{$set['outsideads']}'>
<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='{$price}' >
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='no_shipping' VALUE='1'>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='notify_url' VALUE=''>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='currency_code' VALUE='USD'>
<INPUT TYPE='image' SRC='http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but01.gif' BORDER='0' NAME='submit' ALT='Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!'>
} else {
if($set['ap_enabled']) {

$contents .= "
	<td><img src='themes/GeN3/images/chart.png' align='center'></td>
<br />
<br />
<table width='600' border='1'>
<td>Once payment is completed, we will have your advertisement up within 24 hours and then you can start clicking ads.<br /><br />
    <p align='left'><strong>ADS PACKAGE VALIDATION </strong></p>
<p align='left'>100 click = 10 days | 200 click = 20 days | 300 click = 30 days | 400 click = 40 days</p>
<p align='left'>500 click = 50 days | 1000 click = 100 days | 10,000 click = 1000 days</p>
<p align='left'><b>Note:</b> Use your current set Alertpay payment E-mail.</p><br /><br /></td>
		<form method='post' name='ap'>
		<input type='hidden' name='ap' value='1'>
			<table width='675'>
					<td align='center' colspan='2'>
						<b><font size='2'>Pay with Alertpay</b></font>
					<td width='213'>
						Your Payment E-mail:						</td>
					<td width='457'>
						<input type='text' name='email' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website Name:
						<input type='text' name='name' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website URL:
						<input type='text' name='url' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website Description (<b>\${$set['desc_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='text' name='desc' value='' size='35' />
						Click Package:
						<select name='clicks' value=''>";
						$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ad_packages");
							$contents .= "<option value='{$b['clicks']}'>".number_format($b['clicks'])." clicks - \$".number_format($b['price'],2)."</option>";
						$contents .= "
						<select name='cat' value=''>";
						$c = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ad_catagories");
							$contents .= "<option value='{$d['ac_name']}'>{$d['ac_name']}</option>";
						$contents .= "
						Bold (<b>\${$set['bold_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='checkbox' name='bold' value='1' {$ppauto}>
						Highlight (<b>\${$set['highlight_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='checkbox' name='highlight' value='1' {$ppauto}>
			<center><input type='submit' value='Submit Alertpay Order'></center>
if($set['pp_enabled']) {
$contents .= "
<br /><br />
		<form method='post'>
		<input type='hidden' name='pp' value='1'>
					<td align='center' colspan='2'>
						<b><font size='2'>Pay with Paypal</b></font>
						Your Payment Email:
						<input type='text' name='email' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website Name:
						<input type='text' name='name' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website URL:
						<input type='text' name='url' value='' size='35' />
						Your Website Description (<b>\${$set['desc_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='text' name='desc' value='' size='35' />
						Click Package:
						<select name='clicks' value=''>";
						$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ad_packages");
							$contents .= "<option value='{$b['clicks']}'>".number_format($b['clicks'])." clicks - \$".number_format($b['price'],2)."</option>";
						$contents .= "
						<select name='cat' value=''>";
						$c = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ad_catagories");
							$contents .= "<option value='{$d['ac_name']}'>{$d['ac_name']}</option>";
						$contents .= "
						Bold (<b>\${$set['bold_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='checkbox' name='bold' value='1' {$ppauto}>
						Highlight (<b>\${$set['highlight_link_price']}</b>):
						<input type='checkbox' name='highlight' value='1' {$ppauto}>
			<center><input type='submit' value='Submit Paypal Order'></center>
$contents .= "";
} else {
$contents .= "Sorry, outside advertising is currently unavailable.";
} else {
$contents .= "You must be logged OUT to advertise this way. If you wish to advertise, please go to the advertise panel in your account.";



when ever any LOGGED IN user visit this page namely recharge.php , this page show that


"You must be logged OUT to advertise this way. If you wish to advertise, please go to the advertise panel in your account."



Now i don't want this error,


i want that when any LOGGED IN user visit this page , it would appear as it appeared for LOGGED OUT user.


Please help me in it





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It appears that you have a broken if {} else {} ....

$contents .= ""; //<----- Here -----------<<
} else {
   $contents .= "Sorry, outside advertising is currently unavailable.";
} else {
$contents .= "You must be logged OUT to advertise this way. If you wish to advertise, please go to the advertise panel in your account.";

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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