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Hacking PHPBB


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I just installed a PHPBB forum on my website but I already have a members page so it would be pretty fuckin annoying having to register for the forum separately and I wanna merge the forum into the site. I was thinking I can probably just make my register.php page add an entry to the PHPBB database table then people only have to register once.


Would it be real complicated trying to integrate the PHPBB forum into my members page so I can display all their post information along with all the other shit in the members page? I'd have to hack the PHPBB PHP files a fair bit I'd say. Has anyone done this?


Heres my members DB


Heres the member registration page



Heres my website


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I have done something similar with a website I am developing. (Merged both databases users table)


What I am doing is when users login, I have phpbb3 login set cookies at same time


NoXwizard posted some great code for this when I was searching for this



Hopefully that helps, if you could please help me with my situation that would be great



Otherwise will wait till someone else can

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