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[SOLVED] PHP --> XML - Extra content at the end of the document error


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I'm fairly new to XML in general, and especially to creating it dynamically with PHP, but here goes my problem.


I made a PHP script that generates a new XML document for a swf file I'm using when it is executed.  On my own hosting it works fine.  I have now moved it onto the hosting in which it is going to actually be used on, and I am getting the following error:  "error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document".  Can anyone take a look at this very lengthy code and see if something pops out that would be causing this?  I thought perhaps their hosting was not running PHP 5, but it is, so i have no idea now.  How can it work fine on one server and not work on another?


$amounttoshow = 25; 
$amounttoshow = $amounttoshow + 1;   //Add 1 so our for loop will stop at the right place

//Define paths
$pathoptions = array("/", "/new");
//$randompath = "/";

//Create array of old job numbers
$oldnumbers = file_get_contents('old.txt');
$oldnumbers = array_map('trim', explode(',', $oldnumbers));

//Create array of new job numbers
$newnumbers = file_get_contents('new.txt'); 
$newnumbers = array_map('trim', explode(',', $newnumbers));

// create xml doctype
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");

// display document in browser as plain text (for testing purposes!)
//header("Content-Type: text/plain");

// display document in browser as xml (for actual use)
header("Content-Type: text/xml");

// create root element
$root = $dom->createElement("photos");

// create photos path attribute
$path = $dom->createAttribute("path");

		// create photos path value
		$pathValue = $dom->createTextNode("");

for($i=1; $i<$amounttoshow; $i++) {   //Start the loop.

// create photo child element
$item = $dom->createElement("photo");

$randompath = $pathoptions[array_rand($pathoptions)];

if ($randompath == "/") {  	//If path is the old path, use array of old jobs, otherwise use the array of new jobs.

	$key = array_rand($oldnumbers);   //Choose a random job
	$jobpath = $oldnumbers[$key];
	$linkpath = $jobpath;
	//print "<b>link: </b>" . $linkpath . "<br />";

	// create link attribute node
	$link = $dom->createAttribute("link");

		// create link value node
		$linkValue = $dom->createTextNode($linkpath);

	$thumbpath = "$linkpath/big.jpg";
	//print "<b>thumbnail: </b>" . $thumbpath . "<br />";
	// create attribute node
	$url = $dom->createAttribute("url");

		// create photo url value node
		$urlValue = $dom->createTextNode($thumbpath);

	$titlepath = $linkpath . "/title.txt";
	//$title = file_get_contents($titlepath);
	$title = "test title";
	//print "title is " . $title . "<br /><br />";

	//  create name attribute node
	$name = $dom->createAttribute("name");

		// create mame value node
		$nameValue = $dom->createTextNode($title);
elseif ($randompath == "/new") {
	$key = array_rand($newnumbers);   //Choose a random job
	$linkpath = $newnumbers[$key];
	$linkpath = "new/$linkpath";
	//print "<b>link: </b>" . $linkpath . "<br />";

	// create link attribute node
	$link = $dom->createAttribute("link");

		// create link value node
		$linkValue = $dom->createTextNode($linkpath);

	$thumbpath = "$linkpath/big.jpg";
	//print "<b>thumbnail: </b>" . $thumbpath . "<br />";
	$titlepath = $linkpath . "/title.txt";

	// create attribute node
	$url = $dom->createAttribute("url");

		// create photo url value node
		$urlValue = $dom->createTextNode($thumbpath);

	//$title = file_get_contents($titlepath);
	$title = "test title";
	//print "<b>title: </b>" . $titlepath . "<br /><br />";
	//print "title is " . $title . "<br /><br />";

	//  create name attribute node
	$name = $dom->createAttribute("name");

		// create mame value node
		$nameValue = $dom->createTextNode($title);

// save and display tree on screen for testing
//echo $dom->saveXML();

// save the xml file for use with PhotoFlow


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