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[SOLVED] Can't write form fields...


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I'm a php newbie. I've looked everywhere for a solution. This is killing me.

The idea is to write form data to a file without using a database (flat

file database model)


I'm using 3 files:  File 1 (html form) writes to file 2 (php), and file 2 writes

to a 3rd file -an html file (not a .txt file).


Problem: While the form works -the raw info from the fields shows up ....

but the field names won't.  I'm using fwrite to do it.

Doubtless the code is bad. But I don't know the code that will do it.

Looked into arrays and stuff, but that's beyond where I am right now. 


Any help would be appreciated.


File 1: jobform.html



<form action="postjob.php" method="post">


Job title: <input type="text" name="jobtitle">


Job Type: <input type="text" name="jobdescription">


<input type="submit" value="Send">





File 2: postjob.php




$fn = "jobs/body.html";

$file = fopen($fn, "a+");

$size = filesize($fn);

$space = "<br />\r\n";


if($_POST['jobtitle']) fwrite($file, $_POST['jobtitle']);

if($_POST['jobdescription']) fwrite($file, $_POST['jobdescription']);


$text = fread($file, $size);

fwrite ($file, $space);

fwrite ($file, "");




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instead of


$text = fread($file, $size);

fwrite ($file, $space);

fwrite ($file, "");


do this:


fseek($file, 0, SEEK_END);

fwrite($file, $space);

fwrite($file, "");


but you probably don't even need the seek.. since you're opening in append mode

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Thanks for that, Russell. Unfortunately it hasn't worked. If I can be clear. The problem is the names of the field titles (in spite of how I expressed it in the subject line). I can get them to echo to file2.  The problem is that they don't make it over to file 3. That's the bummer. Thanks for trying, though. I appreciate it.

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oh.. lmao use a foreach on post


Hi,  lmao. Thanks. As I said, I'm a beginner, but I did manage to resolve this, as I had already working along certain lines. I wasn't familiar with the implementation of the 'foreach' solution you mentioned and you didn't explain. I will check that out though, for a more elegant solution.


What I have is doubtless not exactly pretty or elegant, but nevertheless did the trick, until I get to the next level.

This writes directly to the 3rd and last file in the series. I also had a problem with apostrophes appearing in the text as "\"  then I discovered the 'striplashes' solution implemented below. buntus00.




$filename = "jobs/body.html";


$field1="<h3>Job Number:";

$field2="<h3>Job title:";


$fp = fopen ($filename, "a+");

$size = filesize($fn);


if ($fp) {


fwrite ($fp, $field1);

if($_POST['jobnumber']) fwrite($fp, stripslashes($_POST['jobnumber']));


fwrite ($fp, $field2);

if($_POST['jobtitle']) fwrite($fp, stripslashes($_POST['jobtitle']));


fclose ($fp);





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