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[SOLVED] Alert notification that user's got new message.


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I wanted to build-up a module where if any user gets any shout/comment then send alert message to that user who has got this shout/comment.so when that users loggs in, he/she ll get this alert message.so he/she can see that message.


I have done this through mail. but i just want to build up something like this.


Can anyone tell me how can i do this?


Thanks in advance.

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Add a field to your table called status and set it to 1 when someone gets a new message.


When each user loggs in check to see how many messages they have with a status level of 1.  If they have none then do nothing if they have multiples then do a pop up box for them.


After doing the pop up box and/or the user looks at the messages then set the status value of all of their messages to 0 so it won't come up again.  Make sense?

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Thanks for your cunoodle2 ,


I am talking about here JS alert. if so then,


After doing the pop up box and/or the user looks at the messages then set the status value of all of their messages to 0 so it won't come up again.  Make sense?


how can i check that? i mean if someone checked there message so i have to changed the status right? then how can i know that this message is seen now,just change the status now.


please tell me.

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This is easily done with an IF statement in conjunction with a database.


Make a hidden text field in your landing page that hold a value that is an echo from a database. This echo will be whether of not a new shout or comment was added to the DB.


$comment = false;
$container = $_POST['hiddenTextFieldToHoldData'];
if (strtlen($container)>0){
$comment = true;

if ($container = true){
// echo markup for model dialog


Edit: To answer your question about knowing whether a message was seen or not, you need to make a seperate sql statement that changes the status to 0 using the UPDATE command. It is up to you how this is done and when, after they open the message, or after they check a checkbox or whatever. You just need to write the correct logic to make that happen.

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see this is i am done with mail notification.


 $messagesql              = $op->insert("INSERT INTO ".tbl_message." (toid,fromid,message,date) VALUES ('".$to."','".$from."','".$message."','".date('Y-m-d:h:i')."')");

		       if($messagesql > 0){
echo "SELECT a.username, a.fname as  authorname, a.email, a.auth FROM ".tbl_author." a WHERE  a.id='$to'";

		        $sql = $op->runsql("SELECT a.username, a.fname as  authorname, a.email, a.auth FROM ".tbl_author." a WHERE  a.id='$to'");
			     	    if(!$sql){ return false; }

			         $row = $op->select($sql);

			     	    $email             =   $row['email'];
			     	    $fromemail         =  'abc@xyx.in';
                        $mailbody         .= "<p>Regards.</p>";
			  	  	    $mailbody         .= "<b>Author's email:</b> ".$email."<br>";
                        $subject           = "NEw message";
			  	  		$fromemail         = $fromemail;
			  	  	    $to                = $email;
			  	  	    $msg               = $mailbody;
                        $headers           = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
			  	  	    $headers          .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
			  	  	    $headers      .= "From:".$fromemail. "\r\n";
                        if(mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers)){
                          echo "Mail has been sent Successfully.";

							                         } else {
                                                    echo "Mail has not been sent Successfully.";}

		             $err_msg_shout="Error, Try Again";

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>
<form name="messageFrm" action="<?$PHP_SELF;?>" method="post">

<script type="text/javascript">
var $check1 = <?=$check?>;
if($check1 == 'Y')
alert ("You have an unread message");
document.write ("");
<body id="free">
//this record is exist in database
echo "SELECT * FROM comments where userid='$userid' and blogid='11072'";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT *  FROM comments where userid='88' and blogid='11072'");
         if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$check= $row['chkstatus'];


I have tried this. just to check whether i am getting alert message or not. no luck.


any one can tell me how can i get alert message here?

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YourNameHere, you are barking him up the wrong tree.. my post gives him the correct answer, all he needs to do is fill $numOfPrivateMessages with THE NUMBER OF TOTAL PRIVATE MESSAGES WHICH R NEW.. and the if statement should work.. and echo the html and the alert fine-

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On index.php


PHP Code:







echo "SELECT c.comment, c.blogid, c.chkstatus


FROM comments AS c, bloginfo AS b


WHERE c.blogid = b.id


AND b.author = '$userid'


AND c.chkstatus = 'N'";


$result = mysql_query("SELECT c.comment, c.blogid, c.chkstatus


FROM comments AS c, bloginfo AS b


WHERE c.blogid = b.id


AND b.author = '$userid'


AND c.chkstatus = 'N'");


        if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){




while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))




$check= $row['chkstatus'];


if ($row['chkstatus']=='N')






<script type="text/javascript">


alert('You have unread comments.');











and then on blogprofile.php

PHP Code:




echo "Update ".tbl_comments." Set chkstatus = 'Y' where blogid='$blogid'";

$sSqlSec =  $op->runsql("Update ".tbl_comments." Set chkstatus = 'Y' where blogid='$blogdata->blogid'");


With these query i am able to show alerts and then once user checks his/her blog's comment then status changes from 'N' to 'Y'.


No the issue is redirection. when i logged in if i have comment on my blog then firstly my index page goes blank with only alert message. and when i click on ok then it goes to its index page.


how can i get index page as well as this alert message at time?


please help me.

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