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My question may seem odd to some people who don't know what templating is..


My site before templating was a real mess a bunch of php tags and html code in each php file.. so I looked for a solution and found templating is what i need..


Now i can do nearly everything with templating that is call variables in it.. but I cannot seem to find a way to do functions..


basically here is what I do


	$t = file_get_contents($templateName);
	return "return <<<TMP\r\n\r\n{$t}\r\n\r\nTMP;\r\n";


now index is like

echo eval(loadTemplate('header'));
echo eval(loadTemplate('footer'));



a template file is basically simple HTML coded website with support for variable with the use of {$varName}


its a combination of heredoc and eval..


well anyways I want to know how to call functions in it.


how would i call like

my old way of doing this

          <?php showMemberOptions(); ?>


in a template?


I tried



It just echos {showMemberOptions()}




I know somehow I could cuztomize the showMemberOptions function into a template with a shitload of new variables but that will be pretty crazy for me.. since showMemberOptions can show login form.. or welcome username and a bunch of other stuff..

haha this cost me enough trouble converting it all to template system.. but now i can support many different styles on the website and not like my previous idea where I just had to modify a CSS file to change my site looks completely now I can actually move things around in all different designs with a set of different html templates.. and plus now my other site designers who are like 11-15 years old only understand html/css they can pick this up easily.


I can see a big downside to templating.. you have to make many variables for everything.. can't just echo things out like I used to do.

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