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I have looked every where for a two column table, Im not sure if what I am saying is what I want, I think it would be better if I said what it looks like..

I want something like this:



I have tried and tried again to basically take and copy the source code and fix it up for my needs but I cant seem to get it to work.

Any tutorials out there that anyone knows of or can someone please just write a basic example!?


Thanks in advanced!

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lol, I know it seems easy but my mind tries to think to hard.

I have this:

$r="SELECT * FROM game_cat ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,10";
$r2=mysql_query($r) or die("Could not get cats");
     <tr><td width="50%"><center><b>'.$row['cat_name'].'</b></center><hr>';


$game="Select * FROM game WHERE game_cat='$variable1' LIMIT 0,5";

$game2=mysql_query($game) or die("Could not get games");


echo'<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" width="71"><span>
<a href="index.php?action=game&id='.$game3[game_id].'">';

if($game3[game_type] == h){
        <img src="games/thumbs/'.$game3[game_thumb].'" height="71" width="71" />';
        <img src="'.$game3[game_thumb].'" height="71" width="71" />';

<br />
<a href="index.php?action=game&id='.$game3[game_id].'">'.$game3[game_name].'</a>
<br />
<small>Played '.$game3[game_views].' Times</small>

$r="SELECT * FROM game_cat ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,10";
$r2=mysql_query($r) or die("Could not get cats");
echo'<td width="50%"><center><b>'.$row['cat_name'].'</b></center><hr>';


$game="Select * FROM game WHERE game_cat='$variable1' LIMIT 0,5";

$game2=mysql_query($game) or die("Could not get games");


echo'<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" width="71"><span>
<a href="index.php?action=game&id='.$game3[game_id].'">';

if($game3[game_type] == h){
        <img src="games/thumbs/'.$game3[game_thumb].'" height="71" width="71" />';
        <img src="'.$game3[game_thumb].'" height="71" width="71" />';

<br />
<a href="index.php?action=game&id='.$game3[game_id].'">'.$game3[game_name].'</a>
<br />
<small>Played '.$game3[game_views].' Times</small>


And it is not working. Im fine with the PHP but im lost with HTML at this point.  :D

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k here is a theoretical go :D usually i'd test and upload etc, but i obv dont have ur DB availible :D


here goes, i'll check the link if u up it.



echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 width=50% align=center>Games</td></tr>\n";


$row=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM game_cat ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,10") or die ("Could not get cats");

if ($a=='0'){echo "<tr>";}

echo "<td width=50%>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td align=center colspan=2><b>$cat</b></center><hr></hr></td></tr>";

$res2=mysql_query("Select * FROM game WHERE game_cat='$cat' LIMIT 0,5") or die("Could not get games");

		$image="<img src='games/thumbs/$thumb' height='71' width='71' />";
			$image="<img src='$thumb' height='71' width='71' />";

	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td width=50%><a href=index.php?action=game&id=$id>$image</a></td>";
	echo "<td width=50%><a href=index.php?action=game&id=$id>$name</a><br />Played $views Times</td>";
	echo "</tr>";

	}//end while

echo "</table>";
echo "</td>";


if ($a=='2'){echo "</tr>";$a=0;}

}//end while

echo "</table>";


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Ok I uploaded it and fixed one mistake with a query so I got this now:


echo "<table align='center'>";
echo "<tr><td colspan='2' width='50%' align='center'>Games</td></tr>\n";


$res=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM game_cat LIMIT 0,10") or die ("Could not get cats");
   if ($a=='0'){echo "<tr>";}
   echo "<td width='50%'>";
   echo "<table>";
   echo "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'><b>$cat</b></center><hr></hr></td></tr>";
   $res2=mysql_query("Select * FROM game WHERE game_cat='$cat' LIMIT 0,5") or die("Could not get games");
         $image="<img src='games/thumbs/$thumb' height='71' width='71' />";
            $image="<img src='$thumb' height='71' width='71' />";
      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td width='50%'><a href=index.php?action=game&id=$id>$image</a></td>";
      echo "<td width='50%'><a href=index.php?action=game&id=$id>$name</a><br />Played $views Times</td>";
      echo "</tr>";
      }//end while
   echo "</table>";
   echo "</td>";
   if ($a=='2'){echo "</tr>";$a=0;}
   }//end while

echo "</table>";



It works perfect! Thanks!

But one problem.. When there isnt as much games in one category then I think it messes it up a little..

Is there something that would fix that in the HTML or PHP?


Thanks again, I would have never been able to do that  :D

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awesome :D


as far as the formatting, that'd prolly be a CSS issue, and I am def. not the person to ask about that kind of stuff. If u wanna try figuring it out yourself, I'd throw some mock entries into your DB to overload one category of game, then put the "border=1" or style="border:1px solid;" on your master table and try to see what is changing things up.


Again though, I just gave you basic formatting, I'd try to google around on css alignment stuff, or just ask your new question in the CSS board here.


Good Luck!



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Thats ok, I kinda fixed it, I just removed category's that there are no games and limited it to one game until I add more.

Thank you again for the help.

I am going to try and add what you gave me to the browsing pages.

If it becomes a problem because of the paging (page: 1,2,3)  issue, you mind helping?

Kinda just learning all this new stuff, im 15 and been working with PHP for a while but never this intense.  :D

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