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Hi Guys,


I have the below code that returns a checkbox as checked if it matches a certain condition. i have embaded the php into the html opening and closing tags like below, but whenever somthing is checked instead of making a checkbox just check it is aslo echoing this "checked> " next to the checkbox. does anyone please know what i am doing wrong?

echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\""; 
$query2 ='SELECT
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if (!$result){
echo mysql_error();
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { 
if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id]){
//global $checked; 
$checked = 'checked'; 
echo " $checked> </input>"; 


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Your while loop is returning two positive results (2 rows)  Check your query. Alternatively (which is not ideal) you could get rid of your while loop to give:


$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id]){
//global $checked; 
$checked = "checked='checked'"; 
echo " $checked> </input>"; 
}// end if


That's really not a good way of doing it though.  What is good is the way I replaced $checked='checked'; with $checked="checked='checked'";  That makes it valid xhtml 1.0



You included that at the bottom of your script. If you do not want it then remove it, else if it should do something else then modify your echo statement appropriately.

$checked = 'checked'; 
echo " $checked> </input>";


yes i need my while loop there, but what do you mean with modifying my echo statement appropriatley?

WolfRage made a mistake.  The echo statement is not the problem.  The problem is that the while loop is causing your echo statement to execute twice. The code you end up with in your html is then...

<input name="c_options[$i]" style="border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF" type="checkbox" border="0" value="tag_desc_id" checked></input> checked></input>


check it out in your source.

WolfRage made a mistake.  The echo statement is not the problem.  The problem is that the while loop is causing your echo statement to execute twice. The code you end up with in your html is then...

<input name="c_options[$i]" style="border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF" type="checkbox" border="0" value="tag_desc_id" checked></input> checked></input>


check it out in your source.


this sounds possible, but how do i fix this?  i need while loop to only loop through what is checked and if checked mark each checkbox as checked?



Hopefully I can redeem my self in Defeated's Eyes.

$query2 ='SELECT
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if (!$result){
echo mysql_error();
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { 
if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id]){
//global $checked; 
echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\""; 
$checked = "checked='checked'";  
echo " $checked> </input>"; 

Hopefully I can redeem my self in Defeated's Eyes.

$query2 ='SELECT
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if (!$result){
echo mysql_error();
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { 
if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id]){
//global $checked; 
echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\""; 
$checked = "checked='checked'";  
echo " $checked> </input>"; 


thanks WolfRage, this works, but the type type=\"checkbox\" is no longer wokring?


Nice... but I suspect that you will end up with two inputs for each checked checkbox.


I think that what you are trying to do would be better achieved with a WHERE statement in your mysql.  The trouble will still be that you have two pieces of data that satisfy your if clause.


$tag_desc_id = $row['tag_desc_id'];
$user_info = $user_info[user_id];

$query2 ="SELECT tag_id FROM tags_options
WHERE tag_id='$tag_desc_id' AND user_id='$user_info'";

$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) 
          echo "<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$tag_desc_id."\" checked='checked' />";  
     }//end if
        echo "<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$tag_desc_id."\" />"; 
     }//end else 
}//end while


Ah, Sorry WolfRage.  I stand corrected.  This should work in that case.


Scratch that.  It won't work.  Like WolfRage said... need more code.


or just try adding


//global $checked; 
echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\"";  
echo "> </input>"; 
}// end else

after your if statement

Nice... but I suspect that you will end up with two inputs for each checked checkbox.


I think that what you are trying to do would be better achieved with a WHERE statement in your mysql.  The trouble will still be that you have two pieces of data that satisfy your if clause.


$tag_desc_id = $row['tag_desc_id'];
$user_info = $user_info[user_id];

$query2 ="SELECT tag_id FROM tags_options
WHERE tag_id='$tag_desc_id' AND user_id='$user_info'";

$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) 
          echo "<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$tag_desc_id."\" checked='checked' />";  
     }//end if
        echo "<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$tag_desc_id."\" />"; 
     }//end else 
}//end while


Ah, Sorry WolfRage.  I stand corrected.  This should work in that case.


Scratch that.  It won't work.  Like WolfRage said... need more code.


or just try adding


//global $checked; 
echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\"";  
echo "> </input>"; 
}// end else

after your if statement


same problem as above.


here is my entire code, its little long, but really would appriciate if anyone cared to look at it.


function do_checkboxes($userid){
global $profile_info,  $setting, $smarty_object, $user_info;;

  foreach($_POST['c_options'] as $key=>$value) {
	$delete = "DELETE FROM tags_options where user_id = '".$user_info[user_id]."' and tag_id <> '".$id."'";
        $deleteSQL = mysql_query($delete) or die(mysql_error());
	//echo  $deleteSQL.'<br />';

foreach($_POST['c_options'] as $key=>$value) {

	$oaction = "INSERT INTO tags_options (tag_id, tag_name, user_id) 
            		VALUES('$id', '".$tag_name."', '".$user_info[user_id]."')";
//	echo $oaction.'<br />';

        $optionsSQL = mysql_query($oaction) or die(mysql_error());

		echo '<font color=red>Your options have been saved</font>';

$query ="SELECT 
	ORDER BY tag_name ASC";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (!$result){
	echo mysql_error();
	//echo "No entries";

echo "<table  border=\"0\"  cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">";
echo "<form method=\"post\">";


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$incr = ($incr == 3) ? 1 : $incr + 1; 

if($incr == 1) echo "<tr>";

echo "<td class=\"formcheckbox2\">";
$query2 ='SELECT 
		$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
		if (!$result2){
				echo mysql_error();

echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\"";
$checked = '';  
										while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
										if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id]){
											//global $checked;
											$checked = 'checked="checked"';

					echo " $checked> </input>";


			echo"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag_name[$i]\" value=\"".$row['tag_name']."\"></input>";

				echo $row['tag_name'];	
		echo "</td>";
if($incr == 3) echo "</tr>";			


echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>

		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"set_options\" value=\"set_options\">
		<input name=\"GO\" type=\"submit\" id=\"GO\" value=\"Save Changes\" class=\"button\">";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";



aha! Try this.  There seems to be an extra curly bracket at the end.... but perhaps it's not extra.

All I have done is put the echo statement outside the if statement and structured the code a bit so that I could see what was going on.  If it doesn't work I'll get to it later.


function do_checkboxes($userid){
global $profile_info,  $setting, $smarty_object, $user_info;;

  			foreach($_POST['c_options'] as $key=>$value) 
			$delete = "DELETE FROM tags_options where user_id = '".$user_info[user_id]."' and tag_id <> '".$id."'";
        		$deleteSQL = mysql_query($delete) or die(mysql_error());	
			//echo  $deleteSQL.'<br />';
		}//end foreach

			foreach($_POST['c_options'] as $key=>$value) 
			$oaction = "INSERT INTO tags_options (tag_id, tag_name, user_id) 
            	VALUES('$id', '".$tag_name."', '".$user_info[user_id]."')";
			echo $oaction.'<br />';
			$optionsSQL = mysql_query($oaction) or die(mysql_error());
		}//end foreach

			echo '<font color=red>Your options have been saved</font>';
		}//end if

	}//end if no c_options

}//end if set_options

$query ="SELECT tag_desc_id, tag_name,parent_id	
FROM  tags_description 
ORDER BY tag_name ASC";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (!$result)
echo mysql_error();
}//end if

//echo "No entries";
}//end elseif
echo "<table  border=\"0\"  cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">";
echo "<form method=\"post\">";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
	$incr = ($incr == 3) ? 1 : $incr + 1; 
	if($incr == 1) echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td class=\"formcheckbox2\">";

	$query2 ='SELECT tag_options_id, tag_id,tag_name,user_id
	FROM tags_options';
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

	if (!$result2)
		echo mysql_error();
	}//end if

	echo"<input name=\"c_options[$i]\" style=\"border-style: solid; border:0px solid; border-color: #FFFFFF\" type=\"checkbox\" border=\"0\" value=\"".$row['tag_desc_id']."\"";

	$checked = '';  

	while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) 
		if($row2['tag_id'] == $row['tag_desc_id'] && $row2['user_id'] == $user_info[user_id])
			//global $checked;
			$checked = 'checked="checked"';
		}//end if

		echo " $checked> </input>";

	}//end while

	echo"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag_name[$i]\" value=\"".$row['tag_name']."\"></input>";
	echo $row['tag_name'];
	echo "</td>";

	if($incr == 3) echo "</tr>";

}//end while

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"set_options\" value=\"set_options\">
<input name=\"GO\" type=\"submit\" id=\"GO\" value=\"Save Changes\" class=\"button\">";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";

}//end else

// What's this curly bracket for?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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