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This might not belong here, but I didn't know where to put it...


I am setting up an application that, when the user tells our operator their email address, it sends them a customized image in an email that they can print and redeem the next time they come in.


At first, I had the email show a customized image, but the SPAM filter kept blocking it (gmail - i figure if I get it by this I get it by all). Now I'm using a static image, that when clicked, links to the dynamic image to print.


here is the E-mail source

<html><head><title>Vintage Cafe</title></head><body>
<center><a href="http://vintagetruth.com/postcard/?i=YX3ZKY">
<br>Click here if the images below do not load</a><Br>
<a href="http://vintagetruth.com/postcard/?i=YX3ZKY">
<img src="http://vintagetruth.com/postcard/vintage_epostcard_static.jpg" border="0">


anyone know what could be causing it to get marked as spam?

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For an email to be successfully received and not voted as spam, everything about it and the sending mail server must be correct.


Are your DNS records complete and error free. A missing SPF record will usually get an email voted as spam. MX and A records that don't exist or don't correctly resolve to your mail server will also get emails a higher spam ranking. You can check your DNS records at a site like http://www.dnsstuff.com/


Does your mail server appear on any of the major spam databases or has it previously been banned by the ISP you are sending to? If you are on a shared web host any of the other accounts can get the common mail server on the spam lists. You may need to contact the ISP's to find out why your email is being voted as spam and request that your mail server/domain be 'white' listed. Most of the major ISP's have a 'postmaster' page that lists the requirements you need to meet in order for an email to get successfully accepted by their mail servers.


Are the 'mechanics' of the email correct? Is there a valid From: address that is hosted at the sending mail server? What headers are you using? What is your actual php code that is setting up and sending the email?


Is the subject and body of the email spam like? Short emails that mainly consist of links receive a higher spam rating. Spam like words in the subject and body also receive higher spam ratings.

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