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Hi, thanks for looking at my problem, can you please help??


Basically when launch some PHP code that has not been bcomplied I see all of the $_SERVER variables (I am interested in REMOTE_ADDR), which is fine, however...


When I use bcomplier I dont see an $_SERVER variables at all. The application otherwise runs fine complied, and I do see $_POST and $_GET


Any ideas please?

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yes I mean the bcomplier function, thanks for clarifing.


I use it to help speed the code up a little and also provide "some" protection of my code on the customer site. As I say everything works fine (and I do lots with it already), its just that the $_SERVER vars dont arrive.


Do I have to declare it someother way?

Well to start it says EXPERIMENTAL in caps and red so somehow using that for a customer product doesn't sound like that good of an idea. Something else I read is the following

To enable the production of php-gtk applications that could be used on client desktops, without the need for a php.exe.

That makes me think that it simply doesn't support the $_SERVER var since it prob wasn't intended for writting scripts on a webserver.


I think you're better using something else for protecting your source

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