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[SOLVED] Changing and Deleting Entries in a MySQL Database


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Hi Guys


I am having a slight problem with getting the code right for an admin person to be able to activate / Freeze and account or deleting the user from the database completely. I have found some script which is meant to do the job, but unfortunately it does work. The script seems to use javascript to perform the action of changing and deleting. I am rather new at this, but is it possible to use PHP instead of java?


I have attached the code for the management page.


Your help will be much appreciated.






		if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '1'))



			<table border='0%' width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>


					<td valign='top'>




						$query = ("SELECT * FROM users where admin = '0' ORDER BY id desc");

						$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

						$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);

						$row_count = 0;

						for($i=0;$i<$num_results; $i++)


							$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

							if($row['status'] == '1')

								$style='color: green';


								$style='color: red';

							print "<table border='0%' width='70%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>

									<tr valign='top'>

										<td width='60%' align='Justify'>

											<a href='javascript://' onclick=\"detail(" . $row["id"] . ")\"'  style='". $style ."'>

												<b>" . ucfirst($row['firstname']) . "</b>



										<td width='*%' align='left'>

											<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='blackText' style='". $style ."'

											onclick=\"permission(" . $row["id"] . "," . $row["status"] . ")\">


												if($row['status'] == '1')

													print "<b>Freeze Account</b>";


													print "<b>Activate Account</b>";

											echo "



										<td width='*%' align='right'>";

												if($row['status'] == '1')


													print "

													<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='greyText'

													onclick='alert(\"You must freeze this account first.\")'>

														<b>Delete Account</b>





													print "

													<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='blackText' onclick=\"del(" . $row["id"] . ")\">

														<b>Delete Account</b>



											echo "




								<hr width='70%'>";



					echo "








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but unfortunately it does work


Damn, a script that works. I can only think of how you now would feel ;)


The script seems to use javascript... possible to use PHP instead of java


Javascript and Java are 2 different things. JavaScript is a scripting-language which means it's statements are being interpreted by the browser (which means that the browser keeps an association table for each statement and just swaps it with micro-code) while Java code is being translated (using a compiler) into executable code (1's and 0's). This may be not entirely correct and I'm sure someone with a more proper knowledge can tell you the ins and outs.


Now to answer your question: Yes you can use just plain php to perform these actions. I do recommend using something else then numbers to indicate status. You may want to start looking at design patterns, active record more precise which would allow you to do somthing like:


class User
    const STATE_PENDING = 'pending';
    const STATE_ACTIVATED = 'activated';
    const STATE_FROZEN = 'frozen';
    //depending if the account remains in the system or not STATE_DELETED may be added
    protected $_data = array();
    public function isPending() {
          return $_data['state'] === self::STATE_PENDING;
    ...you get the idea


You can then use this as:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $users[] = new User($row);

foreach ($users as $user) {
    if ($user->isPending()) {


The same applies for login:

// login query
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $user = new User($row);
    if ($user->isPending()) {
        //sorry, wait for your account to be activated or activate your account (if using e-mail activation)
    if ($user->isFrozen()) {
        //sorry, your account has been frozen



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Thanks for the help man, but unfortunately the whole website is based around using "0" and "1". Perhaps the best way forward is to to determine why the current script is not working in this website. I took the code from an example website which I was given and it works perfectly there. I have probably not included something into the new webpage which is needed of something.


I have attached the script for both website pages, if you could help me that would be great.





Example Website:




if (empty($_SESSION['username']))


header('location: index.php');




	if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') && ($_SESSION['status'] == '1'))


	header('location: userInbox.php');




	if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') && ($_SESSION['status'] == '0'))


		header('location: index.php');




		if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '1'))




			<table border='0%' width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>

				<tr height='5%'>

					<td valign='top'>

						<table border='0%' width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>


								<td align='center' class='blackText'>

									<b><h2>Hello " . $_SESSION['firstname'] . "</h2></b>




						echo "</table>




					<td valign='top'>

					<hr width='80%'>




						$query = ("SELECT * FROM tblusers where admin = '0' ORDER BY id desc");

						$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

						$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);

						$row_count = 0;

						for($i=0;$i<$num_results; $i++)


							$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

							if($row['status'] == '1')

								$style='color: green';


								$style='color: red';

							print "<table border='0%' width='70%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>

									<tr valign='top'>

										<td width='60%' align='Justify'>

											<a href='javascript://' onclick=\"detail(" . $row["id"] . ")\"' class='tab' style='". $style ."'>

												<b>" . ucfirst($row['organization']) . "</b>



										<td width='*%' align='left'>

											<a href='manageClientele.php' class='blackText' style='". $style ."'

											onclick=\"permission(" . $row["id"] . "," . $row["status"] . ")\">


												if($row['status'] == '1')

													print "<b>Freeze Account</b>";


													print "<b>Activate Account</b>";

											echo "



										<td width='*%' align='right'>";

												if($row['status'] == '1')


													print "

													<a href='manageClientele.php' class='greyText'

													onclick='alert(\"You must freeze this account first.\")'>

														<b>Delete Account</b>





													print "

													<a href='manageClientele.php' class='blackText' onclick=\"del(" . $row["id"] . ")\">

														<b>Delete Account</b>



											echo "




								<hr width='70%'>";



					echo "













My Website:




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		if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '1'))



			<table border='0%' width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>


					<td valign='top'>




						$query = ("SELECT * FROM users where admin = '0' ORDER BY id desc");

						$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

						$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);

						$row_count = 0;

						for($i=0;$i<$num_results; $i++)


							$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

							if($row['status'] == '1')

								$style='color: green';


								$style='color: red';

							print "<table border='0%' width='70%' cellspacing='0%' cellpadding='0%' align='center'>

									<tr valign='top'>

										<td width='60%' align='Justify'>

											<a href='javascript://' onclick=\"detail(" . $row["id"] . ")\"'  style='". $style ."'>

												<b>" . ucfirst($row['firstname']) . "</b>



										<td width='*%' align='left'>

											<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='blackText' style='". $style ."'

											onclick=\"permission(" . $row["id"] . "," . $row["status"] . ")\">


												if($row['status'] == '1')

													print "<b>Freeze Account</b>";


													print "<b>Activate Account</b>";

											echo "



										<td width='*%' align='right'>";

												if($row['status'] == '1')


													print "

													<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='greyText'

													onclick='alert(\"You must freeze this account first.\")'>

														<b>Delete Account</b>





													print "

													<a href='Manage_Profile.php' class='blackText' onclick=\"del(" . $row["id"] . ")\">

														<b>Delete Account</b>



											echo "




								<hr width='70%'>";



					echo "





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if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
   header('location: index.php');
} else { // directly implies $_SESSION['username'] is not empty (if it was this wouldn't execute)
    if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') && ($_SESSION['status'] == '1'))


if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') && ($_SESSION['status'] == '1'))
if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') && ($_SESSION['status'] == '0'))
if ((!empty ($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['admin'] == '1'))


Can be simplified to:

if (!empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
    if (!$_SESSION['admin']) {// !0 = true
        if (!$_SESSION['status']) {// status=0
            header('Location: index.php');
        } else {// status=1
            header('Location: userInbox.php');
    } else {// admin=1
        echo '';
} else {// $_SESSION['username']=empty
    header('Location: index.php');


Which can be directly transformed to:

if (empty($_SESSION['username']) || ($_SESSION['admin'] == FALSE && $_SESSION['status'] == FALSE)) {
    header('Location: index.php');

if ($_SESSION['admin'] == FALSE && $_SESSION['status'] == TRUE) {
    header('Location: userInbox.php');

if ($_SESSION['admin'] == TRUE) {
    echo '';


This should help you simplify your script and will make it easier to spot errors more easily.


To simplify it further, you'd get:

if (empty($_SESSION['username']) || (empty($_SESSION['admin']) && empty($_SESSION['status']))) {
    header('Location: index.php');

if (empty($_SESSION['admin']) && $_SESSION['status'] == TRUE) {
    header('Location: userInbox.php');

if ($_SESSION['admin'] == TRUE) {
    echo '';

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