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IF functions and radio buttons!


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Hi all,  I am new to JS - please be patient!


I am having trouble creating a script..

I have 3 radio buttons each of which, when selected, I want them to include a separate JS file.


Also I have php variables that I wish to include within the included JS files.

The link between the form and the javascript file also does not seem to work.

This is what I have made so far...



$x = 4;
$y = 5;
$variable = $x+$y; // If I left this variable here, how would I include it in the 3 javascript files below?

<script language="javascript">

function selection ()
var radio;

		radiochoice = document.selectio.radio[i].value;

if (radio=="initial")
	include ("initial.js");
if (radio=="sr")
if (radio=="snr")

<form name="selection">
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio" value="initial" onClick="selection()" checked>
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio2" value="sr" onClick="selection()">
stake returned
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio3" value="snr" onClick="selection()">
stake not returned<br>

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Why do you need to include the javascript pages? Unless the javascript pages you want to include has 1000s of lines of code (ie big script size that could make page load time slow), either replace the include lines with function calls or include all 3 scripts in the <head> of the html page.


Hope this helps.



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Hi jug,

thanks for the suggestion.


each included file has about 100 lines of code and I think it would be easier to read and manage as a newbie to JS.


Is there a way to include files like that in JS as I am used to PHP?




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As far as im aware you cant include other files like in PHP in the actual script. Personally i would include all 3 .js scripts like the following




<script type="text/javascript" src="/initial.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/sr.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/snr.js"></script>







then in the javascript just call the relevant initial function for each depending on radio value so...


<script language="javascript">


function selection ()


var radio;





radiochoice = document.selectio.radio.value;



if (radio=="initial")




if (radio=="sr")




if (radio=="snr")







the initialInit(); function would be in intial.js script

the srInit(); function would be in sr.js script

the snrInit(); function would be in snr.js script


Again hope this hopes.


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Thanks for that i will use your method,


could someone show me how to link the radio buttons in the form to the javascript to execute the IF functions, as the above code does not work, and I dont know where I have gone wrong.



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This should help.


selection = document.getElementsByName("insertradiobuttonnamehere");


for(i=0; i<selection.length; i++){

  if(selection.checked == true){

    var selected = selection.value;




if(selected == "initial"){



  if(selected == "sr"){



    if(selected == "snr"){







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Hi Jug,

thanks for the post, however it still seems to not work. The code I now have at present is....


<script type="text/javascript">
function calc ()
var radiochoice;

selection = document.getElementsByName("typeofbet");
for(i=0; i<selection.length; i++){ 
  if(selection.checked == true){
    var selected = selection.value;

if(selected == "initial"){
  if(selected == "sr"){
    if(selected == "snr"){

function qualifier ()
	document.write("this is function qualifier!");
function sr()
	document.write("this is function SR!");
function snr()
	document.write("this is function SNR!");
<form name="calcform">
    <input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="qualifier" checked>
  <input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="freesr">
  <input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="freesnr">
  <input type="submit" value="Click To Calculate" onClick="calc();">



Any more ideas?!






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<script type="text/javascript">


function calc (){


  selection = document.getElementsByName("typeofbet");


  for(i=0; i<selection.length; i++){

    if(selection.checked == true){

      var selected = selection.value;




  if(selected == "qualifier"){



    if(selected == "freesr"){



      if(selected == "freesnr"){







function qualifier (){




function sr(){




function snr(){







<form name="calcform">



<input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="qualifier" checked="checked"> qual

<input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="freesr"> sn

<input type="radio" name="typeofbet" value="freesnr"> snr



<p><input type="button" value="Click To Calculate" onClick="return calc();"></p>





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