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[SOLVED] MySQL seems to have hung most of the server.


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Hi everyone! I'm new to this board, so don't bully me :P


I have a problem. My website, iMuzic.co.uk (You can view it, it doesn't even load that script), was running fine until about 3 hours ago. One of my scripts caused table corruption in the first table. An auto_increment duplicate if i'm not mistaken. This is usually all well and good (happens every now and again), and seeing as I was doing other things I was unaware of it. When I went to my phpmyadmin (Which somehow is still viewable) I tried to login, and voila! Oh. No. It just reloads the page whenever I try and login. Literally. No error messages. Just a new token ID on the url ($_GET variable).


I was like 'Oookkk', so I thought well i'll just repair it through PHP. So I wrote a short script to connect, repair the table and close the connection. Uploaded the script. Ran the script. Oh. Just keeps loading for about 10 minutes. Right. I'll set a timeout! Set timeout to 120 seconds. Keeps running for 10 minutes. Set timeout to 10 seconds. Keeps running for 10 minutes. Right.


So, I checked my other scripts which looked ok, but to my horror I see that now my second table has corrupted. Not sure what time, but seemed to be because of the corruption of the first table. Damn, now i'm stuck. I tried phpminiadmin to fix it. Logged in ok. Listed tables ok. Click Repair > Script hangs for 10 minutes.


Now I seem to get the problem that any of my scripts which connect to the MySQL database and carry out a query hang forever. This is a real bummer, and no, I don't have access to the server.


I sent an email to the host (My mate) asking him to restart it ASAP. I think MySQL has hung or something. Any advice on the matter?




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