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strange query

Vivid Lust

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Hi, the following doesn't seem to be working for some strange reason  ???


$sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='$ad1' WHERE id='1'"; 
		mysql_query($sql5) //execute query
		or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it 


I printed out $sql5 I ran it directly in the PHPmyAdmin SQL area and it works fine. However the problem, is that the code doesn't display any error however when looking at the database, the field which it should update is blank.


I hope someone can help,



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This what you needed?


Campo  Tipo  Cotejamiento  Atributos  Nulo  Predeterminado  Extra  Acción

id int(50) No auto_increment Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

ad1 text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

ad2 text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

artist text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

logo text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

status text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos Cambiar Eliminar Primaria Único Índice Texto completo

winnerText text latin1_swedish_ci No Navegar los valores distintivos

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full code:


<?php session_start();  $session = $_SESSION['member']; ?>





if (!isset($_SESSION['member'])){





$sql2 = "select * from user WHERE email = '$session' ";

$result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $connect)

or die(mysql_error());


$admin         = $row['admin'];



if($admin !== "yes"){








$ad1 = $_POST['ad1'];

$ad2 = $_POST['ad2'];

$artist = $_POST['artist'];

$logo = $_POST['topLogo'];


$sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='$ad1' WHERE id=1";

mysql_query($sql5) //execute query

or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it

echo mysql_info();

echo $sql5;


//$sql6="UPDATE settings SET  ad2='$ad2' WHERE id='1'";

// mysql_query($sql6, $connect) //execute query

// or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it


// $sql7="UPDATE settings SET artist='$artist' WHERE id='1'";

// mysql_query($sql7, $connect) //execute query

// or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it


// $sql8="UPDATE settings SET logo='$logo' WHERE id='1'";

/// mysql_query($sql8, $connect) //execute query

// or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it


<div id="signup">

<strong>Images Updated!</strong>

<br /><br />


<center>[ <strong><a href="logout.php">logout</a> </strong>] [ <a href="changeimages.php"><strong>back to change images</strong></a> ] [ <a href="user.php"><strong>back to admin home</strong></a> ]</center>






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That really looks like it should be working.


Some other things to check:


* Are you sure you are looking at the right table? You should be looking at the table called 'settings'.

* Are you sure you are looking at the right database? Maybe you have two inside your phpmyadmin, and you are looking at the wrong one?

* Are you sure you are looking at the right server? Maybe you are making the changes on a local server, and looking through phpmyadmin at a remote server?


All of these seem like stupid mistakes, but they are all mistakes I have made in the past myself  :D I've wondered for hours why something that should be working wasn't, and it was one of the above.

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Instead of using the previous query, I used this instead:


UPDATE `settings` SET `ad1`='http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/images/ad.jpg' WHERE `id`=1


And it works like this! However not like this:


"UPDATE settings SET ad1='$ad1' WHERE id='1'"


When echoing out the above query, it displays correctly as the query at the top here. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks.


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How weird. We got there in the end. FYI this code

$sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='$ad1' WHERE id=1";
         mysql_query($sql5) //execute query
         or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it
         echo mysql_info();
echo $sql5;       
      //$sql6="UPDATE settings SET  ad2='$ad2' WHERE id='1'";
      //   mysql_query($sql6, $connect) //execute query
      //   or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it
      //   $sql7="UPDATE settings SET artist='$artist' WHERE id='1'";
      //   mysql_query($sql7, $connect) //execute query
      //   or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it
      //   $sql8="UPDATE settings SET logo='$logo' WHERE id='1'";
      ///   mysql_query($sql8, $connect) //execute query
      //   or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it


Can combined into just one query

$sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ad1'])."', ad2='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ad2'])."', artist='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['artist'])."', logo='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['logo'])."' WHERE id=1";

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