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PHP configuration on Vista - please help

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Hello there,


I'm new to PHP and this forum, so I apologize in advance if my question is a bit silly.


I installed IIS and PHP on my computer that runs on Vista. When I tried to configure it in the IIS manager I got an error message and I don't know how to solve that problem.

What I've done is:


In Handler Mapping I added a new script map, request path: *.php,

executable: c:\php\php5isapi.dll

name: php


click ok, i allow the isapi extension (yes) and then an error message comes up, saying: "The specified module required by this handler is not in the modules list. If you are adding a script map handler mapping, the IsapiModule or the CgiModule must be in the modules list."


Could you please help me with this how I could edit the modules list, where it is, etc?


Many thanks!

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Is there any reason you want to use IIS instead of Apache?


The only reason is that I have SkyPlayer on this pc that uses port 80 and Apache would use the same port. That's why I thought I would give IIS a go. And also the tutorial that I was watching on PHP installed IIS. Do you think Apache is a better option? I guess I could disable SkyPlayer when I want to use Apache...

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You could tell Apache to use different port as well. It's not difficult.

And Apache seems to be a better choice for PHP. Try downloading and installing WampServer. It has Apache, PHP and MySQL bundled together.

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You could tell Apache to use different port as well. It's not difficult.

And Apache seems to be a better choice for PHP. Try downloading and installing WampServer. It has Apache, PHP and MySQL bundled together.


Thanks a lot, I'll give wampserver a go.

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You could tell Apache to use different port as well. It's not difficult.

And Apache seems to be a better choice for PHP. Try downloading and installing WampServer. It has Apache, PHP and MySQL bundled together.


I have downloaded and installed WampServer, but could you please help me disable IIS now? It's running on port 80 - according to the WampServer.

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