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Notice: Undefined index: loginMode in C:\wamp\www\inc_login_script.php on line 2


I'm not sure what is wrong here.

In the index.php file I have an include:



In the inc_login_script.php on line 2 is this:

$loginMode = $_POST['loginMode'];


I just installed wamp server 5.2.9-2

Is there another setting I need to turn on? 


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Nope. You need to check if the index 'loginMode' exists in $_POST array, before you try to assign its value to anything.


if(isset($_POST['loginMode'])) {
  $loginMode = $_POST['loginMode'];



Or you can just disable reporting of E_NOTICE level error messages.

Is this a new error?

I don't remember getting all these errors, several months ago when I had wamp server installed?

Your previous installation most probably had a setting called display_errors disabled or the error_reporting level was set to ignore notices. Notices are not errors, these do not prevent your script from running however they are simple to correct.

Its actually giving me another :

Notice: Undefined variable: s in C:\wamp\www\inc_login_script.php on line 5


on line 5 I have this:

$salt = "®$s:<š1ašskj67^&&*&*";


It thinks I'm declaring s because there is a $ sign in front of it. 

Can you not have a dollar sign as part of a value in a variable?




That's because default error levels have changed in WampServer's recent version.


Notices are not serious errors . They're rather indicating parts of your code, that might lead to unexpected behaviour.


As I said, you can just disable these messages (look in php.ini for error_reporting). This will make your script work, but is not a recommended thing to do. The proper line of action is to correct your code, so that no notices are thrown.




See? The actual value of $salt was not ®$s:<š1ašskj67^&&*&* but ®:<š1ašskj67^&&*&*

Change the double quoes to single quotes.


That actually got rid of that one....thanks...


"As I said, you can just disable these messages (look in php.ini for error_reporting). This will make your script work, but is not a recommended thing to do. The proper line of action is to correct your code, so that no notices are thrown."


Thats what I'd like to do, but I have so many dang notices, its going to take me a while to fix them all....


Notice: Undefined index: loginMode in C:\wamp\www\inc_login_script.php on line 2


Notice: Undefined index: logout in C:\wamp\www\inc_login_script.php on line 3


Notice: Undefined index: time in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 10


Notice: Undefined index: genre in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 33


Notice: Undefined index: genres in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 44


Notice: Undefined variable: genres in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 54


Notice: Undefined index: currentpage in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 172


Notice: Undefined variable: audioplayer_soundfiles in C:\wamp\www\inc_vote_view.php on line 31


Notice: Undefined variable: audioplayer_artists in C:\wamp\www\inc_vote_view.php on line 32


Notice: Undefined variable: audioplayer_titles in C:\wamp\www\inc_vote_view.php on line 33


Notice: Undefined variable: loginFailureMessage in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 410


Are you supposed to declare variables before you use them?




$integer = 0;
$float = 0.0;
$string = '';
$array = array();


You can of course use other initial values if needed



What about this example:


//**********************************	HANDLE TIME	******************
if($_GET['time'])	//*****Get Existing time Value
$time = $_GET['time']; 
  $time = $_SESSION['time'];   
$time = ceil($time);
if(empty($time) || !is_numeric($time) || $time < 1 || $time>365)
  $time = 60;  
//Set Session variable for next time
$_SESSION['time'] = $time;


If time doesn't exist, I want to do something....

I'm thinking, I don't understand another basic principle of coding....



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