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Hey everyone,


I've been searching endlessly for a pagination script that will work exactly how I want it to. I dont understand PHP well enough to write my own from scratch so I've been working with a few others. The current script I'm using allows me to sort my database by different columns / fields, but I can't get it to paginate


and then I came across a script to paginate--here on these forms at http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,245920.0.html--but I can't get it to sort my data.


my current, paginated code looks like this:


$Page = (int)(!empty($_GET['page']))?$_GET['page']:1;
$Entries = 5;
$logfile = "inventory.txt";
if (file_exists($logfile))
   $handle = fopen($logfile, "r");
   $log = fread($handle, filesize($logfile));
   $fulllog = file($logfile);
       } else {
               die ("The log file doesn't exist!");
$log = explode("\n", trim($log));
$NumRecords = count($fulllog);
$totalPages = ceil($NumRecords/$Entries);
$end = $Entries*$Page;
$start = $end-$Entries;
$end = ($end > $NumRecords)?$NumRecords:$end;
$log = array();
for ($i = $start; $i < ($end); $i++)
   $log[$i] = trim($fulllog[$i]);
   $log[$i] = explode('|', $fulllog[$i]);


<div id="content">

<ul class="sort">

echo '<li>'. count($fulllog) .' vehicles found</li>';

// create first page link

if($Page>2) {
   echo '<li><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page='.($Page==1).'"><< First</a></li>';
} else {
   echo '<li><< First</li>';

// create previous link

if($Page>1) {
   echo '<li><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page='.($Page-1).'">< Prev</a></li>';
} else {
   echo '<li>< Prev</li>';

// create intermediate links

for ($n = 1; $n <= $totalPages; $n++) {
   echo "<li><a href='?page=".$n."' >$n</a></li>";

// create next link

if($Page<$totalPages) {
   echo '<li><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page='.($Page+1).'">Next ></a></li>';
} else {
   echo '<li>Next ></li>';

// create last page link

if($Page<$totalPages && $Page!=($totalPages-1)) {
   echo '<li><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page='.($totalPages).'">Last >></li></a>';
} else {
   echo '<li>Last >></li>';

foreach ($log as $logline) {
   if ($logline['1'] == '') {
      echo '
        <div id="container">
        <a href=' . $logline['1'] . '><img src="inventory/thumbs/' . $logline['0'] . ' alt="' . $logline['2'] . '" title="' . $logline['2'] . '" /></a>
        <h2><a href=' . $logline['1'] . '>' . $logline['2'] . '</a></h2>
        <li><b>Year:</b> ' . $logline['3'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Make:</b> ' . $logline['4'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Model:</b> ' . $logline['5'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Color:</b> ' . $logline['7'] . '</li>
        <ul class="right">
        <li><b>MPG <small>[City/Hwy]</small>:</b> ' . $logline['6'] . '</li>
        <li><b>VIN:</b> ' . $logline['8'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Price:</b> $' . $logline['9'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Comment:</b> ' . $logline['11'] . '</li>
   } else {
      echo '
        <div id="container">
        <a href=' . $logline['1'] . '><img src="inventory/thumbs/' . $logline['0'] . ' alt="' . $logline['2'] . '" title="' . $logline['2'] . '" /></a>
        <h2><a href=' . $logline['1'] . '>' . $logline['2'] . '</a></h2>
        <li><b>Year:</b> ' . $logline['3'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Make:</b> ' . $logline['4'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Model:</b> ' . $logline['5'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Color:</b> ' . $logline['7'] . '</li>
        <ul class="right">
        <li><b>MPG <small>[City/Hwy]</small>:</b> ' . $logline['6'] . '</li>
        <li><b>VIN:</b> ' . $logline['8'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Price:</b> $' . $logline['9'] . '</li>
        <li><b>Comment:</b> ' . $logline['11'] . '</li>




the script works perfectly, I just can't figure out how to sort it by fields.


I've tried several different things and basically exhausted my own abilities, just wondering, really, if anyone has any suggestions to a guide that would walk me through it, or something along those lines.


Thanks :-D

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